GRMustache has options: they are properties of a GRMustacheConfiguration instance.
- Three levels of tuning
- Factory configuration
- Configuration properties
- Compatibility with other Mustache implementations
You can tune GRMustache at three different levels:
- Globally
- For all templates of a template repository,
- For a single template.
The global default configuration is [GRMustacheConfiguration defaultConfiguration]
// Have GRMustache templates render text by default,
// and do not HTML-escape their input.
[GRMustacheConfiguration defaultConfiguration].contentType = GRMustacheContentTypeText;
// Load the text template `profile.mustache` from the main bundle:
GRMustacheTemplate *template = [GRMustacheTemplate templateFromResource:@"profile" bundle:nil error:NULL];
Each template repository has its custom configuration, initialized with the default one:
GRMustacheTemplateRepository *repo = [GRMustacheTemplateRepository templateRepositoryWithDirectory:@"/path/to/templates"];
// Have all templates in /path/to/templates render HTML
repo.configuration.contentType = GRMustacheContentTypeHTML;
// Load the HTML template `profile.mustache`:
GRMustacheTemplate *template = [repo templateNamed:@"profile" error:NULL];
Options can be configured at the template level also: this is described below.
The global default configuration is there to suit your needs: tweak it.
Whenever you need a raw pristine configuration, use the [GRMustacheConfiguration configuration]
class method. It returns a configuration initialized with factory defaults.
GRMustacheTemplateRepository *repo = [GRMustacheTemplateRepository templateRepositoryWithDirectory:@"/path/to/templates"];
// Have all templates in /path/to/templates render with factory configuration:
repo.configuration = [GRMustacheConfiguration configuration];
Mustache rendering is all about looking for values in a context stack. That context stack is initialized with the base context, gets extended with the objects you provide to templates, and grows as Mustache sections get rendered each on its turn. See the Runtime Guide for more information.
The default configuration contains the default base context, pre-filled with the GRMustache standard library.
The standard library pre-defines a few keys, such as localize
and uppercase
. For instance, the following template:
{{# localize }}Hello {{ uppercase(name) }}!{{/ localize }}
Would render:
Bonjour ARTHUR !
Provided with a name and a localization for "Hello %@!" string in the Localizable.strings file of the main bundle.
You can extend the base context:
// Globally for all templates:
[[GRMustache defaultConfiguration] extendBaseContextWithObject:myCustomLibrary]
// For templates of a template repository:
GRMustacheTemplateRepository *repo = [GRMustacheTemplateRepository templateRepositoryWith...];
[repo.configuration extendBaseContextWithObject:myCustomLibrary]
You can also reset it to a blank slate, getting rid of the whole standard library:
[GRMustache defaultConfiguration].baseContext = [GRMustacheContext context];
repo.configuration.baseContext = [GRMustacheContext context];
You may also be interested in priority keys. They guarantee that a particular identifier will always evaluate to the same value.
// Guarantee that {{my_important_value}} will always render the same and cannot
// be overriden by custom data:
id library = @{ @"my_important_value": ... };
[repo.configuration extendBaseContextWithProtectedObject:library];
See the GRMustacheContext Class Reference for a full documentation of the GRMustacheContext class.
The base context can also be defined right at the template level:
GRMustacheTemplate *template = [GRMustacheTemplate templateFrom...];
[template extendBaseContextWith...]; // base context extension
template.baseContext = ...; // base context replacement
The default configuration has the GRMustacheContentTypeHTML
contentType, meaning that all templates render HTML by default, and escape their input.
GRMustache also supports text templates, that render text and do not escape anything.
This subject is fully covered in the HTML vs. Text Templates Guide.
Mustache takes its name from its tag delimiters: {{
and }}
You can configure them through GRMustacheConfiguration:
// Have all templates use <% and %> as tag delimiters:
[GRMustacheConfiguration defaultConfiguration].tagStartDelimiter = @"<%";
[GRMustacheConfiguration defaultConfiguration].tagEndDelimiter = @"%>";
// Only for templates of a template repository:
GRMustacheTemplateRepository *repo = [GRMustacheTemplateRepository templateRepositoryWith...];
repo.configuration.tagStartDelimiter = @"[[";
repo.configuration.tagEndDelimiter = @"]]";
The tag delimiters can be overriden at the template level using a "Set Delimiters Tag" such as {{=<% %>=}}
: now tag would look like <% name %>
The Mustache specification does not talk about any of the options above.
If your goal is to design templates that are compatible with other Mustache implementations, check their documentation.