Credentials will be provided to you by your Chainlink Solution Architect.
All routes require the following three headers for user authentication
- Authorization: The user’s id, which is a uuid that we will provide to you after we create your user
- X-Authorization-Timestamp: The current time in up to nanosecond precision. Must be within 5 seconds of the current time (by default).
- X-Authorization-Signature-SHA256: The HMAC, which is a user generated hash that is created by encrypting parts of the request and its metadata with a shared secret for the user that we will provide
Authentication Error Response Codes:
- Error code 400 if the timestamp is invalid.
- Error code 401 if the user is unauthorized. Most often seen when the server produces an HMAC that differs from what the client provide
- Error code 420 (Bad Request) is the most common error type. It occurs when:
- There’s any missing/malformed query arguments
- If the user requested a feed that they don’t have permission to access or that doesn’t exist
- If the user is missing required headers or if those headers have bad values
- Error code 500 on internal server errors (something went wrong on our side).
Endpoint | Type | Description | Sample Request | Sample Response |
/api/v1/reports/bulk | HTTP GET | Return multiple reports for multiple FeedIDs and the same timestamp. | GET /api/v1/reports/bulk?feedIDs=0x..., 0x..., 0x...×tamp=XXXX | {"reports": [{ "feedID": hex encoded feedId, "validFromTimestamp": report's earliest applicable timestamp, "observationsTimestamp": report's latest applicable timestamp "fullReport": a blob containing the report context + body, can be passed unmodified to the contract for verification },...] } |
/api/v1/reports | HTTP GET | Returns a single report for a given timestamp. | GET /api/v1/reports?feedID=0x...×tamp=XXXX | { "report"{ "feedID": hex encoded feedId, "validFromTimestamp": report's earliest applicable timestamp, "observationsTimestamp": report's latest applicable timestamp "fullReport": a blob containing the report context + body, can be passed unmodified to the contract for verification } |
/api/v1/ws | websocket | Establishes a streaming websocket connection that sends reports for the given feedID(s) after they are verified | GET /api/v1/ws?feedIDs=0x..., 0x..., 0x... | { "report": { "feedID": hex encoded feedId, "fullReport": a blob containing the report context + body, can be passed unmodified to the contract for verification } } |
Parameter (w/ correct casing) | Description | Type |
feedID(s) | Report Feed ID(s) in hex format, may optionally be prefixed with 0x | list of bytes32 |
timestamp | Retrieve report(s) whose timerange includes this number | int32 |
Granularity in seconds |