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This document outlines the design decisions made and how this project is implemented.


Fork Testing/Fixtures is an Ethereum Development Environment feature that optimizes test execution for Smart Contracts. It enables snapshotting of blockchain state, saving developement time by avoiding the recreation of the entire blockchain state for each test. Instead, tests can revert to a pre-defined snapshot, streamlining the testing process. Moreover, Fork Testing allows the developer to use a remote state as if was local. Any modification will only affect the local (forked) network, relieving the user to set up private keys to interact with a remote network.

Most populars Ethereum Development Environments provide this feature, such as Foundry and Hardhat. This feature is enabled by their underlaying Development network, for example

Please note that WaffleJS, a Smart Contracts testing library, when used it standalone, i.e., not inside a Hardhat project, uses Ganache internally.

On the other hand, Geth support some sort of snapshotting with, but it is not used for development and testing of Smart Contracts.

Moreover, given that Fork testing runs on a local development network, users can use console.log in tests to ease the debugging process. With console.log, you can print logging messages and contract variables calling console.log from your Solidity code. Both Foundry and Hardhat support console.log (Ganache also supported console.log).

How do Fixtures technically work under the hood?

Fixtures allow developers to define and reuse configurations within their test code. These configurations detail the necessary setup steps to prepare the test environment, such as creating mock contracts or loading test data.

Fixture is a wrapper around Snapshot and Revert state. This is achieved by using two JSON-RPC calls, evm_snapshot and evm_revert, which are provided by the underlying development network such as EDR (Hardhat), Anvil (Foundry) or Ganache (Truffle). Developers can use evm_snapshot to capture a snapshot of the blockchain state at a specific block number, and evm_revert to revert to that snapshot later.

For example, below is fixture.ts from the WaffleJS library to implement Fixtures.

import {providers, Wallet} from 'ethers';
import {MockProvider} from './MockProvider';

export type Fixture<T> = (wallets: Wallet[], provider: MockProvider) => Promise<T>;
interface Snapshot<T> {
  fixture: Fixture<T>;
  data: T;
  id: string;
  provider: providers.Web3Provider;
  wallets: Wallet[];

export const loadFixture = createFixtureLoader();

export function createFixtureLoader(overrideWallets?: Wallet[], overrideProvider?: MockProvider) {
  const snapshots: Snapshot<any>[] = [];

  return async function load<T>(fixture: Fixture<T>): Promise<T> {
    const snapshot = snapshots.find((snapshot) => snapshot.fixture === fixture);
    if (snapshot) {
      await snapshot.provider.send('evm_revert', []); = await snapshot.provider.send('evm_snapshot', []);
    } else {
      const provider = overrideProvider ?? new MockProvider();
      const wallets = overrideWallets ?? provider.getWallets();

      const data = await fixture(wallets, provider);
      const id = await provider.send('evm_snapshot', []);
      snapshots.push({fixture, data, id, provider, wallets});
      return data;

In the createFixtureLoader(), if a snapshot is not found, i.e., the fixture is created for the first time, Waffle creates a snapshot of the current state of the network. However, when a snapshot is found, Waffle reverts the network to the snapshot created earlier.

Both Foundry and Hardhat support fixtures out-of-the-box. Foundry's support is implicit given the state is reset for each test. Moreover, both Foundry and Hardhat support calling evm_snapshot and evm_revert directly.

Note that this feature is integrated at the Development Environment level, not the network level. The ability to snapshot and revert network state through evm_snapshot and evm_revert is exclusive to local test networks provided by the development environments. These endpoints are not found in any official Ethereum network, e.g., Infura or Alchemy. Thus, in terms of Ethereum equivalence, it is not necessarily true to say that Hedera lacks this feature compared to Ethereum.

Can Hedera developers use out-of-the-box Fork Testing?

Yes, out-of-the-box Fork Testing works well when the Smart Contracts are standard EVM Smart Contracts that do not involve Hedera-specific services. This is because fork testing is targeted at the local test network provided by the Ethereum Development Environment. These networks are replicas of the Ethereum network and do not support any Hedera-specific service.

No, out-of-the-box Fork Testing will not work on Hedera for contracts that are specific to Hedera. For example, when a contract includes a call to the createFungibleToken method on the HTS System Contract at address(0x167). The internal local test network provided by the Development Environment does not have any runnable contract deployed at address(0x167). This is because the local network tries to fetch the code at address(0x167), for which the JSON-RPC Relay returns 0xfe

$ cast code --rpc-url 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000167

Not being able to use Fork Testing implies also not being able to use features such as console.log and Fixtures during testing, which cause frustration among Hedera developers. It would save a lot of time for Hedera developers to have the ability to use fork testing and fixtures on Hedera-specific services.


This project is an attempt to fill this gap. It does so by providing an emulation layer for HTS written in Solidity. Given it is written in Solidity, it can executed in a development network environment, such as Foundry or Hardhat.


In the following, Development fork refers to the Ethereum Development Environment used to simulate EVM state locally, e.g., Ganache, Hardhat's EDR or Foundry's Anvil. Remote network refers to the Hedera network to pull EVM bytecode and state from. It can be either mainnet, testnet, previewnet or any local network, like local-node or solo.

We need to enable fork testing when any of the Hedera Services, e.g., Hedera Token Service, are involved.

For any solution to be successful, it needs to comply with the following requirements

  • Must be compatible with any Ethereum Development Environment, e.g., Ganache, Hardhat and foundry. This means that a solution should not make any assumptions on the kind of network is running on. Moreover, ideally, it should not be implemented as a library or hook for the EDE, e.g., a Hardhat plugin. This in turn implies no extra setup or additional services that need to be executed by the user. To satisfy this requirement, at least we would have to modify the JSON-RPC Relay. To avoid overloading the Relay with more responsabilities and making it more complex, we decided to create specific solutions for Foundry and Hardhat.
  • Must be non-intrusive. Meaning developers should use the tools and workflows they are already familiar with when fork testing.


This section focuses on the Hedera Token Service System Contract through address 0x167. Other Hedera Services, e.g. Exchange Rate 0x168, PRNG 0x169 or Hedera Account Service 0x16a, should be solvable using the same mechanisms described here.

When a Development network forks from a remote one, it uses the JSON-RPC interface to fetch code and state at a given point in time (when a block number is specified).

The solution proposes to emulate HTS related calls using Solidity. We can use this mock implementation HtsSystemContractMock.sol in the hedera-smart-contracts as a starting point.

Already created Tokens (existing in the remote network) have a bytecode representation. This bytecode comes from the contract specified in HIP-719. The actual implementation can be found here. See for example the bytecode for USDC Token on mainnet

$ cast code --rpc-url 0x000000000000000000000000000000000006f89a

In a nutshell, this bytecode does not have any state and redirects all incoming calls to IHederaTokenService(0x167).redirectForToken(address,bytes) where address is the token address and bytes is the function selector from the ERC20 or ERC721 interface + the input bytes for the function called.


  • Code returned for HTS Tokens should not be changed. This will allow us to use the same mechanism and state for existing tokens in the remote network, or newly created tokens in the local network.

  • Avoid the need for developers to initiate extra processes, e.g., start local-node to enable forking.

  • Storage slots need to be consistent with existing tooling. For example, Foundry supports the deal cheatcode, which allows users to change the balance of any ERC20 token. Our forking support should be compatible with this use case.

    deal(address(dai), alice, 10000e18);
    assertEq(dai.balanceOf(alice), 10000e18);

    Foundry's deal works by detecting which storage slot is read during the balanceOf(address) call. To work properly with deal, a balanceOf implementation must make only one storage slot read. Afterwards, deal will store the desired amount in the detected slot.

  • Solidity mappings are not allowed. Solidity mappings compute storage slots that are not reversible. That is, given a storage slot that corresponds to a mapping value, it is not possible to know which inputs were given to compute that slot. That is, to access a specific value in a mapping, its storage slot is calculated by computing the keccak-256 hash of the concatenation of the key (the mapped value) and the slot number where the mapping is declared (the baseSlotNumber).

    bytes32 storageSlot = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(key, uint256(baseSlotNumber)));

    This is crucial to retrieve the appropriate value when an eth_getStorageAt call is made.

Project Overview

This project has two main parts

  • Solidity Contracts. These contracts provide the Hedera Token Service emulation written in Solidity. It is specially designed to work in a forked network. Its storage reads and writes are crafted to be reversible in a way the JS Package can fetch the appropriate data from the Mirror Node. Moreover, it provides a Foundry library to enable Foundry users to use HTS emulation in their projects.
  • JS Package. Provides the core functions that can be hooked into a JSON-RPC layer to fetch the appropiate data when HTS System Contract (at address 0x167) or Hedera Tokens are invoked. This package uses the compilation output of the HtsSystemContract contract to return its bytecode and to map storage slots to field names. Moreover, it provides a Hardhat plugin to enable Hardhat users to use HTS emulation in their projects.

The following contract diagram depics the main contracts involved and their relationships.

title: Hedera Token Service Contracts
    note for IHederaTokenService "Represents the methods\nsupported by HTS emulation.\nIt is a subset of the same interface in the hedera-smart-contracts repo."
    class IHederaTokenService{

    note for HtsSystemContract "Main implementation of HTS emulation.\nIt is state agnostic,\nso it can used in both Foundry library and Hardhat plugin."
    IHederaTokenService <|.. HtsSystemContract : implements
    class HtsSystemContract{

    note for HtsSystemContractJson "HTS emulation\nthat fills its state\nfrom a JSON data source.\nThis is used by the Foundry library."
    HtsSystemContract <|-- HtsSystemContractJson : inherits
    class HtsSystemContractJson{

    note for MirrorNode "Represents a Mirror Node data provider,\nuseful to abstract the data source"
    class MirrorNode{

    note for MirrorNodeFFI "Fetches data from\nremote Mirror Node\nThis is used by the Foundry library."
    MirrorNode <|-- MirrorNodeFFI
    class MirrorNodeFFI{

    note for MirrorNodeMock "Loads data from\nfilesystem, used\nonly in tests"
    MirrorNode <|-- MirrorNodeMock
    class MirrorNodeMock{

    MirrorNode --o HtsSystemContractJson : has-a

Both the Foundry library and the Hardhat plugin use the main implementation HtsSystemContract. This contract provides the behavior of HTS, but it is state agnostic, meaning the HTS and token state can, and should, be provided elsewhere.

Given Foundry and Hardhat provide different capabilities, they differ in how the state is provided to HTS. Hardhat does not allow us to hook into internal contract calls. See #56 for more details. That is why we needed to create a JSON-RPC forwarder to intercept eth_getCode and eth_getStorageAt calls to the remote network to remote token state. On the other hand, Foundry does not allow us to create a similar service. However, it does allows us to hook into internal contract calls. The Foundry library essentially prefetches remote token state from the Mirror Node before is it being used.

Foundry library

In addition to the main implementation HtsSystemContract, the Foundry library uses both HtsSystemContractJson and MirrorNodeFFI contracts.

The HtsSystemContractJson overrides slot accesses to prefetch remote token state from the Mirror Node using MirrorNodeFFI. In turn MirrorNodeFFI uses curl through ffi to fetch data from the Mirror Node.

Special care needs to be taken when storing data from the Mirror Node. To support view calls, _i.e., staticcall opcode, prefetch data needs to be written using cheatcode instead of sstore to avoid EvmError: StateChangeDuringStaticCall. This restriction prevents us to write into fields using standard Solidity assignments (which generates sstore opcodes). That is why we need to manually compute field's slots and use to write into fields.

Hardhat plugin

The Hardhat plugin is part of the JS package. This plugin intercepts the calls made by Hardhat to fetch remote state, _i.e., eth_getCode and eth_getStorageAt, to provide emulation for HTS. It assigns the Hedera Token Service code to the 0x167 address. When Hardhat starts, it spins up a Worker, the JSON-RPC Forwarder, that intercepts these calls.

The main challenge to address is how to simulate the state already existing in the HTS remote network. The state is fetched by the Development fork using eth_getStorageAt(address, slotNumber, blockNumber). We need to match the calls made by the Development fork to storage slots at 0x167. See Storage Layout to see how this matching is performed.

Our main HTS implementation HtsSystemContract is returned by the JSON-RPC Forwarder when eth_getCode(0x167) is invoked.

The following sequence diagram showcases the messages sent between components when fork testing is activated within an Ethereum Development Environment, e.g., Foundry or Hardhat.


The JSON-RPC Relay service is not shown here because is not involved when performing a requests for a Token.

    box Local
    actor user as User
    participant client as Local Network<br/>Hardhat's EDR
    participant hedera-forking as Hardhat Forking Plugin
    box Remote
    #participant relay as JSON-RPC Relay
    participant mirror as Mirror Node

    user->>+client: address(Token).totalSupply()
    client->>+hedera-forking: eth_getCode(Token)
    hedera-forking->>+mirror: API tokens/<tokenId>
    mirror-->>-hedera-forking: Token {}
    hedera-forking-->>-client: HIP-719 Token Proxy bytecode<br/>(delegate calls to 0x167)

    client->> + hedera-forking: eth_getCode(0x167)
    hedera-forking-->>-client: HtsSystemContract bytecode

    client->>+hedera-forking: eth_getStorageAt(Token, slot<totalSupply>)
    #relay ->> + hedera-forking: getHtsStorageAt(Token, slot)
    hedera-forking -) + mirror: API tokens/<tokenId>
    mirror --) - hedera-forking: Token{}
    #hedera-forking -->> - relay: Token{}.totalSupply
    hedera-forking-->>-client: Token{}.totalSupply

    client->>-user: Token{}.totalSupply

The relevant interactions are

  • (5). This is the code defined by HIP-719. For reference, you can see the hedera-services implementation.
  • (6)-(7). This calls getHtsCode which in turn returns the bytecode compiled from HtsSystemContract.sol.
  • (8)-(12). This calls getHtsStorageAt which uses the HtsSystemContract's Storage Layout to fetch the appropriate state from the Mirror Node. The (8) JSON-RPC call is triggered as part of the redirectForToken(address,bytes) method call defined in HIP-719. Even if the call from HIP-719 is custom encoded, this method call should support standard ABI encoding as well as defined in hedera-services.

Storage Layout

The Solidity compiler solc provides an option to generate detailed storage layout information as part of the build output. This feature can be enabled by selecting the storageLayout option, which provides insights into how variables are stored in contract storage.

To retrieve the TokenInfo internal _tokenInfo field, we use the Storage Layout of the HtsSystemContract to automatically create a slot map from slot numbers to struct members. This slot map allows us to retrieve the appropriate member value for a given slot number.

Enabling Storage Layout

In a Foundry project, add the following line to your foundry.toml

extra_output = ["storageLayout"]

After building your project, e.g.. forge build, the storageLayout object is included in the output file out/<Contract name>.sol/<Contract name>.json.

Understanding the Storage Layout Format

The storage layout is represented in JSON format with the following fields

  • astId. The identifier in the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
  • contract. The name of the contract.
  • label. The name of the instance variable.
  • offset. The starting location of the variable within a uint256 storage word. Multiple variables may be packed into a single memory slot when their types are smaller than a 32 bytes word. In such cases, the offset value for the second and subsequent variables will differ from 0.
  • slot. A integer representing the slot number in storage.
  • type. The type of the value stored in the slot.

See Layout of State Variables in Storage and Transient Storage, § JSON Output for more information.

Understanding which fields are located in which specific slots is important to create a mapping that allows to retrieve the appropriate field given a slot number.

Handling bytes and strings

Fields of type bytes or string can occupy one or more slots dependending on the size of the string. When the size is less than 31 bytes, it takes only one slot.

However, handling bytes and string longer than 31 bytes requires multiple reads from storage.

  1. Calculate the Slot Hash. Start by calculating the keccak-256 hash of the slot number where the string is declared.

    bytes32 hashSlot = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(uint256(slotNumber)));
  2. Retrieve the Value. Access the value stored at this hash slot. If the string exceeds 32 bytes, retrieve the additional segments from consecutive slots (e.g., hashSlot + 1, hashSlot + 2, etc.), until the entire string is reconstructed.

See Layout of State Variables in Storage and Transient Storage, § bytes and string for more information.

Handling "dynamic" data

However, when a slot represents "dynamic" data, e.g., balanceOf an account or the allowances for owner/spender pair, a different mechanism is used to decode the slot number into the desired data. See Constraints for more details on why Solidity mappings cannot be used. The slot number is decoded using the following general pattern

|31    28|27                                                      0|
|selector|                              <1 or more account numbers>|

where selector is the selector of the method where this data is used, and account numbers represent the accounts being queried.


Account Numbers were used instead of addresses because it is not possible to pack more than one address(20 bytes) into a storage slot (32 bytes). It is assumed that <shardNum> and <realmNum> are both 0. The Account Number is truncated up to 4 bytes to ensure several accounts can be packed into a single slot number. We could increase the Account Number size to 8 bytes (as it is originally defined) in the future to avoid the risk of using the wrong Account Number due to truncation.

For example, the selector of the balanceOf method is

$ cast sig 'balanceOf(address)'

Thus, the following slot number will be used to query balanceOf of accnum.

|31    28|27                                             8|7      0|
|70a08231|00000000000000000 zero padding 00000000000000000|  accnum|

As another example, given the allowance method contains two addresses, the slot to query an allowance will look like the following

|31    28|27                                    16|15     8|7      0|
|dd62ed3e|0000000000000 zero padding 0000000000000| spender|   owner|