diff --git a/pbj-core/pbj-compiler/src/main/java/com/hedera/pbj/compiler/impl/Common.java b/pbj-core/pbj-compiler/src/main/java/com/hedera/pbj/compiler/impl/Common.java
index b8b6be1f..66ecaeae 100644
--- a/pbj-core/pbj-compiler/src/main/java/com/hedera/pbj/compiler/impl/Common.java
+++ b/pbj-core/pbj-compiler/src/main/java/com/hedera/pbj/compiler/impl/Common.java
@@ -1,203 +1,704 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2023 Hedera Hashgraph, LLC
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
package com.hedera.pbj.compiler.impl;
import com.hedera.pbj.compiler.impl.grammar.Protobuf3Parser;
import java.io.File;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Objects;
+import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
* Common functions and constants for code generation
@SuppressWarnings({"DuplicatedCode", "EscapedSpace"})
public final class Common {
- /** The indent for fields, default 4 spaces */
- public static final String FIELD_INDENT = " ".repeat(4);
- /** Number of bits used to represent the tag type */
- static final int TAG_TYPE_BITS = 3;
- /** Wire format code for var int */
- public static final int TYPE_VARINT = 0;
- /** Wire format code for fixed 64bit number */
- public static final int TYPE_FIXED64 = 1;
- /** Wire format code for length delimited, all the complex types */
- public static final int TYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED = 2;
- /** Wire format code for fixed 32bit number */
- public static final int TYPE_FIXED32 = 5;
- /**
- * Makes a tag value given a field number and wire type.
- *
- * @param wireType the wire type part of tag
- * @param fieldNumber the field number part of tag
- * @return packed encoded tag
- */
- public static int getTag(final int wireType, final int fieldNumber) {
- return (fieldNumber << TAG_TYPE_BITS) | wireType;
- }
- /**
- * Make sure first character of a string is upper case
- *
- * @param name string input who's first character can be upper or lower case
- * @return name with first character converted to upper case
- */
- public static String capitalizeFirstLetter(String name) {
- if (name.length() > 0) {
- if (name.chars().allMatch(Character::isUpperCase)) {
- return Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(0)) + name.substring(1).toLowerCase();
- } else {
- return Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(0)) + name.substring(1);
- }
- }
- return name;
- }
- /**
- * Convert names like "hello_world" to "HelloWorld" or "helloWorld" depending on firstUpper. Also handles special case
- * like "HELLO_WORLD" to same output as "hello_world", while "HelloWorld_Two" still becomes "helloWorldTwo".
- *
- * @param name input name in snake case
- * @param firstUpper if true then first char is upper case otherwise it is lower
- * @return out name in camel case
- */
- public static String snakeToCamel(String name, boolean firstUpper) {
- final String out = Arrays.stream(name.split("_")).map(Common::capitalizeFirstLetter).collect(
- Collectors.joining(""));
- return (firstUpper ? Character.toUpperCase(out.charAt(0)) : Character.toLowerCase(out.charAt(0)) )
- + out.substring(1);
- }
- /**
- * Convert a camel case name to upper case snake case
- *
- * @param name the input name in camel case
- * @return output name in upper snake case
- */
- public static String camelToUpperSnake(String name) {
- // check if already camel upper
- if (name.chars().allMatch(c -> Character.isUpperCase(c) || Character.isDigit(c) || c == '_')) return name;
- // check if already has underscores, then just capitalize
- if (name.chars().anyMatch(c -> c == '_')) return name.toUpperCase();
- // else convert
- final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
- for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) {
- final char c = name.charAt(i);
- if (Character.isUpperCase(c) && i > 0) {
- buf.append("_");
- buf.append(c);
- } else {
- buf.append(Character.toUpperCase(c));
- }
- }
- // fix special case for capital ID
- return buf.toString().replaceAll("_I_D", "_ID");
- }
- /**
- * Build a clean java doc comment for a field
- *
- * @param fieldNumber The field proto number
- * @param docContext The parsed field comment contact
- * @return clean comment
- */
- public static String buildCleanFieldJavaDoc(int fieldNumber, Protobuf3Parser.DocCommentContext docContext) {
- final String cleanedComment = docContext == null ? "" : cleanJavaDocComment(docContext.getText());
- final String fieldNumComment = "("+fieldNumber+") ";
- return fieldNumComment + cleanedComment;
- }
- /**
- * Build a clean java doc comment for an oneof field
- *
- * @param fieldNumbers The field proto numbers for all fields in oneof
- * @param docContext The parsed field comment contact
- * @return clean comment
- */
- public static String buildCleanFieldJavaDoc(List fieldNumbers, Protobuf3Parser.DocCommentContext docContext) {
- final String cleanedComment = docContext == null ? "" : cleanJavaDocComment(docContext.getText());
- final String fieldNumComment =
- "("+fieldNumbers.stream().map(Objects::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(", "))+") ";
- return fieldNumComment + cleanedComment;
- }
- /**
- * Clean up a java doc style comment removing all the "*" etc.
- *
- * @param fieldComment raw Java doc style comment
- * @return clean multi-line content of the comment
- */
- public static String cleanJavaDocComment(String fieldComment) {
- return cleanDocStr(fieldComment
- .replaceAll("/\\*\\*[\n\r\s\t]*\\*[\t\s]*|[\n\r\s\t]*\\*/","") // remove java doc
- .replaceAll("\n\s+\\*\s+","\n") // remove indenting and *
- .replaceAll("/\\*\\*","") // remove indenting and /** at beginning of comment.
- .trim() // Remove leading and trailing spaces.
- );
- }
- /**
- * Clean a string so that it can be included in JavaDoc. Does things like replace unsupported HTML tags.
- *
- * @param docStr The string to clean
- * @return cleaned output
- */
- public static String cleanDocStr(String docStr) {
- return docStr
- .replaceAll("<(/?)tt>", "<$1code>") // tt tags are not supported in javadoc
- .replaceAll(" < ", " < ") // escape loose less than
- .replaceAll(" > ", " > ") // escape loose less than
- .replaceAll(" & ", " & ") // escape loose less than
- ;
- }
- /**
- * Convert a field type like "long" to the Java object wrapper type "Long", or pass though if not java primitive
- *
- * @param primitiveFieldType java field type like "int" etc
- * @return java object wrapper type like "Integer" or pass though
- */
- public static String javaPrimitiveToObjectType(String primitiveFieldType) {
- return switch(primitiveFieldType){
- case "boolean" -> "Boolean";
- case "int" -> "Integer";
- case "long" -> "Long";
- case "float" -> "Float";
- case "double" -> "Double";
- default -> primitiveFieldType;
- };
- }
- /**
- * Remove leading dot from a string so ".a.b.c" becomes "a.b.c"
- *
- * @param text text to remove leading dot from
- * @return text without a leading dot
- */
- public static String removingLeadingDot(String text) {
- if (text.length() > 0 & text.charAt(0) == '.') {
- return text.substring(1);
- }
- return text;
- }
- /**
- * Get the java file for a src directory, package and classname with optional suffix. All parent directories will
- * also be created.
- *
- * @param srcDir The src dir root of all java src
- * @param javaPackage the java package with '.' deliminators
- * @param className the camel case class name
- * @return File object for java file
- */
- public static File getJavaFile(File srcDir, String javaPackage, String className) {
- File packagePath = new File(srcDir.getPath() + File.separatorChar + javaPackage.replaceAll("\\.","\\" + File.separator));
- //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
- packagePath.mkdirs();
- return new File(packagePath,className+".java");
- }
+ /**
+ * The indent for fields, default 4 spaces
+ */
+ public static final String FIELD_INDENT = " ".repeat(4);
+ /**
+ * Number of bits used to represent the tag type
+ */
+ static final int TAG_TYPE_BITS = 3;
+ /**
+ * Wire format code for var int
+ */
+ public static final int TYPE_VARINT = 0;
+ /**
+ * Wire format code for fixed 64bit number
+ */
+ public static final int TYPE_FIXED64 = 1;
+ /**
+ * Wire format code for length delimited, all the complex types
+ */
+ public static final int TYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED = 2;
+ /**
+ * Wire format code for fixed 32bit number
+ */
+ public static final int TYPE_FIXED32 = 5;
+ /**
+ * Makes a tag value given a field number and wire type.
+ *
+ * @param wireType the wire type part of tag
+ * @param fieldNumber the field number part of tag
+ * @return packed encoded tag
+ */
+ public static int getTag(final int wireType, final int fieldNumber) {
+ return (fieldNumber << TAG_TYPE_BITS) | wireType;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Make sure first character of a string is upper case
+ *
+ * @param name string input who's first character can be upper or lower case
+ * @return name with first character converted to upper case
+ */
+ public static String capitalizeFirstLetter(String name) {
+ if (name.length() > 0) {
+ if (name.chars().allMatch(Character::isUpperCase)) {
+ return Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(0)) + name.substring(1).toLowerCase();
+ } else {
+ return Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(0)) + name.substring(1);
+ }
+ }
+ return name;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Convert names like "hello_world" to "HelloWorld" or "helloWorld" depending on firstUpper.
+ * Also handles special case like "HELLO_WORLD" to same output as "hello_world", while
+ * "HelloWorld_Two" still becomes "helloWorldTwo".
+ *
+ * @param name input name in snake case
+ * @param firstUpper if true then first char is upper case otherwise it is lower
+ * @return out name in camel case
+ */
+ public static String snakeToCamel(String name, boolean firstUpper) {
+ final String out =
+ Arrays.stream(name.split("_"))
+ .map(Common::capitalizeFirstLetter)
+ .collect(Collectors.joining(""));
+ return (firstUpper
+ ? Character.toUpperCase(out.charAt(0))
+ : Character.toLowerCase(out.charAt(0)))
+ + out.substring(1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Convert a camel case name to upper case snake case
+ *
+ * @param name the input name in camel case
+ * @return output name in upper snake case
+ */
+ public static String camelToUpperSnake(String name) {
+ // check if already camel upper
+ if (name.chars()
+ .allMatch(c -> Character.isUpperCase(c) || Character.isDigit(c) || c == '_'))
+ return name;
+ // check if already has underscores, then just capitalize
+ if (name.contains("_")) return name.toUpperCase();
+ // else convert
+ final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
+ for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) {
+ final char c = name.charAt(i);
+ if (Character.isUpperCase(c) && i > 0) {
+ buf.append("_");
+ buf.append(c);
+ } else {
+ buf.append(Character.toUpperCase(c));
+ }
+ }
+ // fix special case for capital ID
+ return buf.toString().replaceAll("_I_D", "_ID");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build a clean java doc comment for a field
+ *
+ * @param fieldNumber The field proto number
+ * @param docContext The parsed field comment contact
+ * @return clean comment
+ */
+ public static String buildCleanFieldJavaDoc(
+ int fieldNumber, Protobuf3Parser.DocCommentContext docContext) {
+ final String cleanedComment =
+ docContext == null ? "" : cleanJavaDocComment(docContext.getText());
+ final String fieldNumComment = "(" + fieldNumber + ") ";
+ return fieldNumComment + cleanedComment;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build a clean java doc comment for an oneof field
+ *
+ * @param fieldNumbers The field proto numbers for all fields in oneof
+ * @param docContext The parsed field comment contact
+ * @return clean comment
+ */
+ public static String buildCleanFieldJavaDoc(
+ List fieldNumbers, Protobuf3Parser.DocCommentContext docContext) {
+ final String cleanedComment =
+ docContext == null ? "" : cleanJavaDocComment(docContext.getText());
+ final String fieldNumComment =
+ "("
+ + fieldNumbers.stream()
+ .map(Objects::toString)
+ .collect(Collectors.joining(", "))
+ + ") ";
+ return fieldNumComment + cleanedComment;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clean up a java doc style comment removing all the "*" etc.
+ *
+ * @param fieldComment raw Java doc style comment
+ * @return clean multi-line content of the comment
+ */
+ public static String cleanJavaDocComment(String fieldComment) {
+ return cleanDocStr(
+ fieldComment
+ .replaceAll(
+ "/\\*\\*[\n\r\s\t]*\\*[\t\s]*|[\n\r\s\t]*\\*/",
+ "") // remove java doc
+ .replaceAll("\n\s+\\*\s+", "\n") // remove indenting and *
+ .replaceAll(
+ "/\\*\\*", "") // remove indenting and /** at beginning of comment.
+ .trim() // Remove leading and trailing spaces.
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clean a string so that it can be included in JavaDoc. Does things like replace unsupported
+ * HTML tags.
+ *
+ * @param docStr The string to clean
+ * @return cleaned output
+ */
+ public static String cleanDocStr(String docStr) {
+ return docStr.replaceAll("<(/?)tt>", "<$1code>") // tt tags are not supported in javadoc
+ .replaceAll(" < ", " < ") // escape loose less than
+ .replaceAll(" > ", " > ") // escape loose less than
+ .replaceAll(" & ", " & ") // escape loose less than
+ ;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Convert a field type like "long" to the Java object wrapper type "Long", or pass though if
+ * not java primitive
+ *
+ * @param primitiveFieldType java field type like "int" etc
+ * @return java object wrapper type like "Integer" or pass though
+ */
+ public static String javaPrimitiveToObjectType(String primitiveFieldType) {
+ return switch (primitiveFieldType) {
+ case "boolean" -> "Boolean";
+ case "int" -> "Integer";
+ case "long" -> "Long";
+ case "float" -> "Float";
+ case "double" -> "Double";
+ default -> primitiveFieldType;
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Recursively calculates the hashcode for a message fields.
+ *
+ * @param fields The fields of this object.
+ * @param generatedCodeSoFar The accumulated hash code so far.
+ * @return The generated code for getting the hashCode value.
+ */
+ public static String getFieldsHashCode(final List fields, String generatedCodeSoFar)
+ throws RuntimeException {
+ for (Field f : fields) {
+ if (f.parent() != null) {
+ final OneOfField oneOfField = f.parent();
+ generatedCodeSoFar += getFieldsHashCode(oneOfField.fields(), generatedCodeSoFar);
+ }
+ if (f.optionalValueType()) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar = getOptionalHashCodeGeneration(generatedCodeSoFar, f);
+ } else if (f.repeated()) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar = getRepeatedHashCodeGeneration(generatedCodeSoFar, f);
+ } else if (f.nameCamelFirstLower() != null) {
+ if (f.type() == Field.FieldType.FIXED32
+ || f.type() == Field.FieldType.INT32
+ || f.type() == Field.FieldType.SFIXED32
+ || f.type() == Field.FieldType.SINT32
+ || f.type() == Field.FieldType.UINT32) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != DEFAULT.$fieldName) {
+ result = 31 * result + Integer.hashCode($fieldName);
+ }
+ """)
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ } else if (f.type() == Field.FieldType.FIXED64
+ || f.type() == Field.FieldType.INT64
+ || f.type() == Field.FieldType.SFIXED64
+ || f.type() == Field.FieldType.SINT64
+ || f.type() == Field.FieldType.UINT64) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != DEFAULT.$fieldName) {
+ result = 31 * result + Long.hashCode($fieldName);
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ } else if (f.type() == Field.FieldType.ENUM) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != DEFAULT.$fieldName) {
+ result = 31 * result + $fieldName.hashCode();
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ } else if (f.type() == Field.FieldType.BOOL) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != DEFAULT.$fieldName) {
+ result = 31 * result + Boolean.hashCode($fieldName);
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ } else if (f.type() == Field.FieldType.FLOAT) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != DEFAULT.$fieldName) {
+ result = 31 * result + Float.hashCode($fieldName);
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ } else if (f.type() == Field.FieldType.DOUBLE) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != DEFAULT.$fieldName) {
+ result = 31 * result + Double.hashCode($fieldName);
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ } else if (f.type() == Field.FieldType.STRING) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != DEFAULT.$fieldName) {
+ result = 31 * result + $fieldName.hashCode();
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ } else if (f.type() == Field.FieldType.BYTES) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != DEFAULT.$fieldName) {
+ result = 31 * result + ($fieldName == null ? 0 : $fieldName.hashCode());
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ } else if (f.parent() == null) { // process sub message
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != null && $fieldName != DEFAULT.$fieldName) {
+ result = 31 * result + $fieldName.hashCode();
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ } else {
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ "Unexpected field type for getting HashCode - " + f.type().toString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return generatedCodeSoFar;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the hashcode codegen for a optional field.
+ *
+ * @param generatedCodeSoFar The string that the codegen is generated into.
+ * @param f The field for which to generate the hash code.
+ * @return Updated codegen string.
+ */
+ @NotNull
+ private static String getOptionalHashCodeGeneration(String generatedCodeSoFar, Field f) {
+ switch (f.messageType()) {
+ case "StringValue" -> generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != DEFAULT.$fieldName) {
+ result = 31 * result + $fieldName.hashCode();
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ case "BoolValue" -> generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != DEFAULT.$fieldName) {
+ result = 31 * result + Boolean.hashCode($fieldName);
+ }
+ """)
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ case "Int32Value", "UInt32Value" -> generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != DEFAULT.$fieldName) {
+ result = 31 * result + Integer.hashCode($fieldName);
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ case "Int64Value", "UInt64Value" -> generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != DEFAULT.$fieldName) {
+ result = 31 * result + Long.hashCode($fieldName);
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ case "FloatValue" -> generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != DEFAULT.$fieldName) {
+ result = 31 * result + Float.hashCode($fieldName);
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ case "DoubleValue" -> generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != DEFAULT.$fieldName) {
+ result = 31 * result + Double.hashCode($fieldName);
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ case "BytesValue" -> generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != DEFAULT.$fieldName) {
+ result = 31 * result + ($fieldName == null ? 0 : $fieldName.hashCode());
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ default -> throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
+ "Unhandled optional message type:" + f.messageType());
+ }
+ return generatedCodeSoFar;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the hashcode codegen for a repeated field.
+ *
+ * @param generatedCodeSoFar The string that the codegen is generated into.
+ * @param f The field for which to generate the hash code.
+ * @return Updated codegen string.
+ */
+ @NotNull
+ private static String getRepeatedHashCodeGeneration(String generatedCodeSoFar, Field f) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ java.util.List list$$fieldName = $fieldName;
+ for (Object o : list$$fieldName) {
+ if ($fieldName != DEFAULT.$fieldName) {
+ if (o != null) {
+ result = 31 * result;
+ }
+ else {
+ result = 31 * result + o.hashCode();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ return generatedCodeSoFar;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Recursively calculates the hashcode for a message fields.
+ *
+ * @param fields The fields of this object.
+ * @param generatedCodeSoFar The accumulated hash code so far.
+ * @return The generated code for getting the hashCode value.
+ */
+ public static String getFieldsEqualsStatements(
+ final List fields, String generatedCodeSoFar) {
+ for (Field f : fields) {
+ if (f.parent() != null) {
+ final OneOfField oneOfField = f.parent();
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ getFieldsEqualsStatements(oneOfField.fields(), generatedCodeSoFar);
+ }
+ if (f.optionalValueType()) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar = getOptionalEqualsGeneration(generatedCodeSoFar, f);
+ } else if (f.repeated()) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar = getRepeatedEqualsGeneration(generatedCodeSoFar, f);
+ } else if (f.nameCamelFirstLower() != null) {
+ if (f.type() == Field.FieldType.FIXED32
+ || f.type() == Field.FieldType.INT32
+ || f.type() == Field.FieldType.SFIXED32
+ || f.type() == Field.FieldType.SINT32
+ || f.type() == Field.FieldType.UINT32) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != thatObj.$fieldName) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ } else if (f.type() == Field.FieldType.FIXED64
+ || f.type() == Field.FieldType.INT64
+ || f.type() == Field.FieldType.SFIXED64
+ || f.type() == Field.FieldType.SINT64
+ || f.type() == Field.FieldType.UINT64) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != thatObj.$fieldName) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ } else if (f.type() == Field.FieldType.BOOL) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != thatObj.$fieldName) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ } else if (f.type() == Field.FieldType.DOUBLE) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != thatObj.$fieldName) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ } else if (f.type() == Field.FieldType.FLOAT) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != thatObj.$fieldName) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ } else if (f.type() == Field.FieldType.DOUBLE) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName != thatObj.$fieldName) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ } else if (f.type() == Field.FieldType.STRING
+ || f.type() == Field.FieldType.BYTES
+ || f.type() == Field.FieldType.ENUM
+ || f.parent() == null /* Process a sub-message */) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName == null && thatObj.$fieldName != null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ($fieldName != null && !$fieldName.equals(thatObj.$fieldName)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ } else {
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ "Unexpected field type for getting HashCode - " + f.type().toString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return generatedCodeSoFar;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the equals codegen for a optional field.
+ *
+ * @param generatedCodeSoFar The string that the codegen is generated into.
+ * @param f The field for which to generate the equals code.
+ * @return Updated codegen string.
+ */
+ @NotNull
+ private static String getOptionalEqualsGeneration(String generatedCodeSoFar, Field f) {
+ switch (f.messageType()) {
+ case "StringValue" -> generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if (this.$fieldName == null && thatObj.$fieldName != null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this.$fieldName != null && !$fieldName.equals(thatObj.$fieldName)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ case "BoolValue" -> generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName instanceof Object) {
+ if (this.$fieldName == null && thatObj.$fieldName != null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!$fieldName.equals(thatObj.$fieldName)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($fieldName != thatObj.$fieldName) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ case "Int32Value", "UInt32Value", "Int64Value", "UInt64Value" -> generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName instanceof Object) {
+ if (this.$fieldName == null && thatObj.$fieldName != null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this.$fieldName != null && !$fieldName.equals(thatObj.$fieldName)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($fieldName != thatObj.$fieldName) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ case "FloatValue" -> generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName instanceof Object) {
+ if (this.$fieldName == null && thatObj.$fieldName != null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this.$fieldName != null && !$fieldName.equals(thatObj.$fieldName)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($fieldName != thatObj.$fieldName) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ case "DoubleValue" -> generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName instanceof Object) {
+ if (this.$fieldName == null && thatObj.$fieldName != null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this.$fieldName != null && !$fieldName.equals(thatObj.$fieldName)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($fieldName != thatObj.$fieldName) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ case "BytesValue" -> generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ + """
+ if (this.$fieldName == null && thatObj.$fieldName != null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this.$fieldName != null && !$fieldName.equals(thatObj.$fieldName)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ default -> throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
+ "Unhandled optional message type:" + f.messageType());
+ }
+ return generatedCodeSoFar;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the equals codegen for a repeated field.
+ *
+ * @param generatedCodeSoFar The string that the codegen is generated into.
+ * @param f The field for which to generate the equals code.
+ * @return Updated codegen string.
+ */
+ @NotNull
+ private static String getRepeatedEqualsGeneration(String generatedCodeSoFar, Field f) {
+ generatedCodeSoFar +=
+ """
+ if (this.$fieldName == null && this.$fieldName != null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this.$fieldName != null && !$fieldName.equals(thatObj.$fieldName)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower());
+ return generatedCodeSoFar;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove leading dot from a string so ".a.b.c" becomes "a.b.c"
+ *
+ * @param text text to remove leading dot from
+ * @return text without a leading dot
+ */
+ public static String removingLeadingDot(String text) {
+ if (text.length() > 0 & text.charAt(0) == '.') {
+ return text.substring(1);
+ }
+ return text;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the java file for a src directory, package and classname with optional suffix. All parent
+ * directories will also be created.
+ *
+ * @param srcDir The src dir root of all java src
+ * @param javaPackage the java package with '.' deliminators
+ * @param className the camel case class name
+ * @return File object for java file
+ */
+ public static File getJavaFile(File srcDir, String javaPackage, String className) {
+ File packagePath =
+ new File(
+ srcDir.getPath()
+ + File.separatorChar
+ + javaPackage.replaceAll("\\.", "\\" + File.separator));
+ //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
+ packagePath.mkdirs();
+ return new File(packagePath, className + ".java");
+ }
diff --git a/pbj-core/pbj-compiler/src/main/java/com/hedera/pbj/compiler/impl/generators/ModelGenerator.java b/pbj-core/pbj-compiler/src/main/java/com/hedera/pbj/compiler/impl/generators/ModelGenerator.java
index a1a27f00..e831e59e 100644
--- a/pbj-core/pbj-compiler/src/main/java/com/hedera/pbj/compiler/impl/generators/ModelGenerator.java
+++ b/pbj-core/pbj-compiler/src/main/java/com/hedera/pbj/compiler/impl/generators/ModelGenerator.java
@@ -1,5 +1,25 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2023 Hedera Hashgraph, LLC
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
package com.hedera.pbj.compiler.impl.generators;
+import static com.hedera.pbj.compiler.impl.Common.*;
+import static com.hedera.pbj.compiler.impl.generators.EnumGenerator.EnumValue;
+import static com.hedera.pbj.compiler.impl.generators.EnumGenerator.createEnum;
import com.hedera.pbj.compiler.impl.*;
import com.hedera.pbj.compiler.impl.Field.FieldType;
import com.hedera.pbj.compiler.impl.grammar.Protobuf3Parser;
@@ -10,537 +30,818 @@
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
-import static com.hedera.pbj.compiler.impl.Common.*;
-import static com.hedera.pbj.compiler.impl.generators.EnumGenerator.EnumValue;
-import static com.hedera.pbj.compiler.impl.generators.EnumGenerator.createEnum;
- * Code generator that parses protobuf files and generates nice Java source for record files for each message type and
- * enum.
+ * Code generator that parses protobuf files and generates nice Java source for record files for
+ * each message type and enum.
-@SuppressWarnings({"StringConcatenationInLoop", "EscapedSpace", "RedundantLabeledSwitchRuleCodeBlock"})
+ "StringConcatenationInLoop",
+ "EscapedSpace",
+ "RedundantLabeledSwitchRuleCodeBlock"
public final class ModelGenerator implements Generator {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- *
- *
Generates a new model object, as a Java Record type.
- */
- public void generate(final Protobuf3Parser.MessageDefContext msgDef,
- final File destinationSrcDir,
- File destinationTestSrcDir, final ContextualLookupHelper lookupHelper) throws IOException {
- // The javaRecordName will be something like "AccountID".
- final var javaRecordName = lookupHelper.getUnqualifiedClassForMessage(FileType.MODEL, msgDef);
- // The modelPackage is the Java package to put the model class into.
- final String modelPackage = lookupHelper.getPackageForMessage(FileType.MODEL, msgDef);
- // The File to write the sources that we generate into
- final File javaFile = getJavaFile(destinationSrcDir, modelPackage, javaRecordName);
- // The javadoc comment to use for the model class, which comes **directly** from the protobuf schema,
- // but is cleaned up and formatted for use in JavaDoc.
- String javaDocComment = (msgDef.docComment()== null) ? "" :
- cleanDocStr(msgDef.docComment().getText().replaceAll("\n \\*\s*\n","\n *
- // The Javadoc "@Deprecated" tag, which is set if the protobuf schema says the field is deprecated
- String deprecated = "";
- // The list of fields, as defined in the protobuf schema
- final List fields = new ArrayList<>();
- // The generated Java code for an enum field if OneOf is used
- final List oneofEnums = new ArrayList<>();
- // The generated Java code for getters if OneOf is used
- final List oneofGetters = new ArrayList<>();
- // The generated Java code for has methods for normal fields
- final List hasMethods = new ArrayList<>();
- // The generated Java import statements. We'll build this up as we go.
- final Set imports = new TreeSet<>();
- imports.add("com.hedera.pbj.runtime");
- imports.add("com.hedera.pbj.runtime.io");
- imports.add("com.hedera.pbj.runtime.io.buffer");
- imports.add("com.hedera.pbj.runtime.io.stream");
- imports.add("edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations");
- // Iterate over all the items in the protobuf schema
- for(var item: msgDef.messageBody().messageElement()) {
- if (item.messageDef() != null) { // process sub messages
- generate(item.messageDef(), destinationSrcDir, destinationTestSrcDir, lookupHelper);
- } else if (item.oneof() != null) { // process one ofs
- final var oneOfField = new OneOfField(item.oneof(), javaRecordName, lookupHelper);
- final var enumName = oneOfField.nameCamelFirstUpper() + "OneOfType";
- final int maxIndex = oneOfField.fields().get(oneOfField.fields().size() - 1).fieldNumber();
- final Map enumValues = new HashMap<>();
- for (final var field : oneOfField.fields()) {
- final String javaFieldType = javaPrimitiveToObjectType(field.javaFieldType());
- final String enumComment = cleanDocStr(field.comment())
- .replaceAll("[\t\s]*/\\*\\*","") // remove doc start indenting
- .replaceAll("\n[\t\s]+\\*","\n") // remove doc indenting
- .replaceAll("/\\*\\*","") // remove doc start
- .replaceAll("\\*\\*/",""); // remove doc end
- enumValues.put(field.fieldNumber(), new EnumValue(field.name(), field.deprecated(), enumComment));
- // generate getters for one ofs
- oneofGetters.add("""
- /**
- * Direct typed getter for one of field $fieldName.
- *
- * @return one of value or null if one of is not set or a different one of value
- */
- public @Nullable $javaFieldType $fieldName() {
- return $oneOfField.kind() == $enumName.$enumValue ? ($javaFieldType)$oneOfField.value() : null;
- }
- /**
- * Convenience method to check if the $oneOfField has a one-of with type $enumValue
- *
- * @return true of the one of kind is $enumValue
- */
- public boolean has$fieldNameUpperFirst() {
- return $oneOfField.kind() == $enumName.$enumValue;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the value for $fieldName if it has a value, or else returns the default
- * value for the type.
- *
- * @param defaultValue the default value to return if $fieldName is null
- * @return the value for $fieldName if it has a value, or else returns the default value
- */
- public $javaFieldType $fieldNameOrElse(@NonNull final $javaFieldType defaultValue) {
- return has$fieldNameUpperFirst() ? $fieldName() : defaultValue;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the value for $fieldName if it was set, or throws a NullPointerException if it was not set.
- *
- * @return the value for $fieldName if it has a value
- * @throws NullPointerException if $fieldName is null
- */
- public @NonNull $javaFieldType $fieldNameOrThrow() {
- return requireNonNull($fieldName(), "Field $fieldName is null");
- }
- """
- .replace("$fieldNameUpperFirst",field.nameCamelFirstUpper())
- .replace("$fieldName",field.nameCamelFirstLower())
- .replace("$javaFieldType",javaFieldType)
- .replace("$oneOfField",oneOfField.nameCamelFirstLower())
- .replace("$enumName",enumName)
- .replace("$enumValue",camelToUpperSnake(field.name()))
- .replace("$enumValue",camelToUpperSnake(field.name()))
- .replaceAll("\n","\n" + FIELD_INDENT));
- if (field.type() == Field.FieldType.MESSAGE) {
- field.addAllNeededImports(imports, true, false, false);
- }
- }
- final String enumComment = """
- /**
- * Enum for the type of "%s" oneof value
- */""".formatted(oneOfField.name());
- final String enumString = createEnum(FIELD_INDENT,enumComment ,"",enumName,maxIndex,enumValues, true);
- oneofEnums.add(enumString);
- fields.add(oneOfField);
- imports.add("com.hedera.pbj.runtime");
- } else if (item.mapField() != null) { // process map fields
- System.err.println("Encountered a mapField that was not handled in " + javaRecordName);
- } else if (item.field() != null && item.field().fieldName() != null) {
- final SingleField field = new SingleField(item.field(), lookupHelper);
- fields.add(field);
- field.addAllNeededImports(imports, true, false, false);
- if (field.type() == FieldType.MESSAGE) {
- hasMethods.add("""
- /**
- * Convenience method to check if the $fieldName has a value
- *
- * @return true of the $fieldName has a value
- */
- public boolean has$fieldNameUpperFirst() {
- return $fieldName != null;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the value for $fieldName if it has a value, or else returns the default
- * value for the type.
- *
- * @param defaultValue the default value to return if $fieldName is null
- * @return the value for $fieldName if it has a value, or else returns the default value
- */
- public $javaFieldType $fieldNameOrElse(@NonNull final $javaFieldType defaultValue) {
- return has$fieldNameUpperFirst() ? $fieldName : defaultValue;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the value for $fieldName if it has a value, or else throws an NPE.
- * value for the type.
- *
- * @return the value for $fieldName if it has a value
- * @throws NullPointerException if $fieldName is null
- */
- public @NonNull $javaFieldType $fieldNameOrThrow() {
- return requireNonNull($fieldName, "Field $fieldName is null");
- }
- /**
- * Executes the supplied {@link Consumer} if, and only if, the $fieldName has a value
- *
- * @param ifPresent the {@link Consumer} to execute
- */
- public void if$fieldNameUpperFirst(@NonNull final Consumer<$javaFieldType> ifPresent) {
- if (has$fieldNameUpperFirst()) {
- ifPresent.accept($fieldName);
- }
- }
- """
- .replace("$fieldNameUpperFirst", field.nameCamelFirstUpper())
- .replace("$javaFieldType", field.javaFieldType())
- .replace("$fieldName", field.nameCamelFirstLower()));
- }
- } else if (item.optionStatement() != null){
- if ("deprecated".equals(item.optionStatement().optionName().getText())) {
- deprecated = "@Deprecated ";
- } else {
- System.err.println("Unhandled Option: "+item.optionStatement().getText());
- }
- } else if (item.reserved() == null){ // ignore reserved and warn about anything else
- System.err.println("ModelGenerator Warning - Unknown element: "+item+" -- "+item.getText());
- }
- }
- // process field java doc and insert into record java doc
- if (!fields.isEmpty()) {
- String recordJavaDoc = javaDocComment.length() > 0 ?
- javaDocComment.replaceAll("\n\s*\\*/","") :
- "/**\n * "+javaRecordName;
- recordJavaDoc += "\n *";
- for(var field: fields) {
- recordJavaDoc += "\n * @param "+field.nameCamelFirstLower()+" "+
- field.comment()
- .replaceAll("\n", "\n * "+" ".repeat(field.nameCamelFirstLower().length()));
- }
- recordJavaDoc += "\n */";
- javaDocComment = cleanDocStr(recordJavaDoc);
- }
- // === Build Body Content
- String bodyContent = "";
- // static codec and default instance
- bodyContent += """
- /** Protobuf codec for reading and writing in protobuf format */
- public static final Codec<$modelClass> PROTOBUF = new $qualifiedCodecClass();
- /** JSON codec for reading and writing in JSON format */
- public static final JsonCodec<$modelClass> JSON = new $qualifiedJsonCodecClass();
- /** Default instance with all fields set to default values */
- public static final $modelClass DEFAULT = newBuilder().build();
- """
- .replace("$modelClass",javaRecordName)
- .replace("$qualifiedCodecClass",lookupHelper.getFullyQualifiedMessageClassname(FileType.CODEC, msgDef))
- .replace("$qualifiedJsonCodecClass",lookupHelper.getFullyQualifiedMessageClassname(FileType.JSON_CODEC, msgDef))
- .replaceAll("\n","\n"+FIELD_INDENT);
- // constructor
- if (fields.stream().anyMatch(f -> f instanceof OneOfField || f.optionalValueType())) {
- bodyContent += """
- /**
- * Override the default constructor adding input validation
- * %s
- */
- public %s {
- %s
- }
- """.formatted(
- fields.stream().map(field -> "\n * @param "+field.nameCamelFirstLower()+" "+
- field.comment()
- .replaceAll("\n", "\n * "+" ".repeat(field.nameCamelFirstLower().length()))
- ).collect(Collectors.joining()),
- javaRecordName,
- fields.stream()
- .filter(f -> f instanceof OneOfField)
- .map(ModelGenerator::generateConstructorCode)
- .collect(Collectors.joining("\n"))
- ).replaceAll("\n","\n"+FIELD_INDENT);
- }
- // Add here hashCode() for object with a single int field.
- if (fields.size() == 1) {
- FieldType fieldType = fields.get(0).type();
- switch (fieldType) {
- case INT32, UINT32, SINT32, FIXED32, SFIXED32,
- FIXED64, SFIXED64, INT64, UINT64, SINT64 -> {
- bodyContent += FIELD_INDENT + """
- /**
- * Override the default hashCode method for
- * single field int objects.
- */
- @Override
- public int hashCode() {
- // Shifts: 30, 27, 16, 20, 5, 18, 10, 24, 30
- long x = $fieldName;
- x += x << 30;
- x ^= x >>> 27;
- x += x << 16;
- x ^= x >>> 20;
- x += x << 5;
- x ^= x >>> 18;
- x += x << 10;
- x ^= x >>> 24;
- x += x << 30;
- return (int)x;
- }"""
- .replace("$fieldName", fields.get(0).name())
- .replaceAll("\n","\n"+FIELD_INDENT);
- }
- default -> {
- // Do nothing.
- }
- }
- }
- // Has methods
- bodyContent += String.join("\n", hasMethods).replaceAll("\n","\n"+FIELD_INDENT);
- bodyContent += "\n";
- // oneof getters
- bodyContent += String.join("\n ", oneofGetters);
- bodyContent += "\n";
- // builder copy & new builder methods
- bodyContent += FIELD_INDENT + """
- /**
- * Return a builder for building a copy of this model object. It will be pre-populated with all the data from this
- * model object.
- *
- * @return a pre-populated builder
- */
- public Builder copyBuilder() {
- return new Builder(%s);
- }
- /**
- * Return a new builder for building a model object. This is just a shortcut for new Model.Builder().
- *
- * @return a new builder
- */
- public static Builder newBuilder() {
- return new Builder();
- }
- """
- .formatted(fields.stream().map(Field::nameCamelFirstLower).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")))
- .replaceAll("\n","\n"+FIELD_INDENT);
- // generate builder
- bodyContent += generateBuilder(msgDef, fields, lookupHelper);
- bodyContent += "\n"+FIELD_INDENT;
- // oneof enums
- bodyContent += String.join("\n ", oneofEnums);
- // === Build file
- try (FileWriter javaWriter = new FileWriter(javaFile)) {
- javaWriter.write("""
- package $package;
- $imports
- import com.hedera.pbj.runtime.Codec;
- import java.util.function.Consumer;
- import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable;
- import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
- $javaDocComment
- $deprecated
- public record $javaRecordName(
- $fields
- ){
- $bodyContent
- }
- """
- .replace("$package",modelPackage)
- .replace("$imports",imports.isEmpty() ? "" : imports.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(".*;\nimport ","\nimport ",".*;\n")))
- .replace("$javaDocComment",javaDocComment)
- .replace("$deprecated",deprecated)
- .replace("$javaRecordName",javaRecordName)
- .replace("$fields",fields.stream().map(field ->
- FIELD_INDENT + (field.type() == FieldType.MESSAGE ? "@Nullable " : "") + field.javaFieldType() + " " + field.nameCamelFirstLower()
- ).collect(Collectors.joining(",\n ")))
- .replace("$bodyContent",bodyContent)
- );
- }
- }
- private static void generateBuilderMethods(List builderMethods, Field field) {
- final String prefix, postfix, fieldToSet;
- final OneOfField parentOneOfField = field.parent();
- if (parentOneOfField != null) {
- final String oneOfEnumValue = parentOneOfField.getEnumClassRef()+"."+camelToUpperSnake(field.name());
- prefix = "new OneOf<>("+oneOfEnumValue+",";
- postfix = ")";
- fieldToSet = parentOneOfField.nameCamelFirstLower();
- } else {
- prefix = "";
- postfix = "";
- fieldToSet = field.nameCamelFirstLower();
- }
- builderMethods.add("""
- /**
- * $fieldDoc
- *
- * @param $fieldName value to set
- * @return builder to continue building with
- */
- public Builder $fieldName($fieldType $fieldName) {
- this.$fieldToSet = $prefix $fieldName $postfix;
- return this;
- }"""
- .replace("$fieldDoc",field.comment()
- .replaceAll("\n", "\n * "))
- .replace("$fieldName",field.nameCamelFirstLower())
- .replace("$fieldToSet",fieldToSet)
- .replace("$prefix",prefix)
- .replace("$postfix",postfix)
- .replace("$fieldType",field.javaFieldType())
- .replaceAll("\n","\n"+FIELD_INDENT));
- // add nice method for simple message fields so can just set using un-built builder
- if (field.type() == Field.FieldType.MESSAGE && !field.optionalValueType() && !field.repeated()) {
- builderMethods.add("""
- /**
- * $fieldDoc
- *
- * @param builder A pre-populated builder
- * @return builder to continue building with
- */
- public Builder $fieldName($messageClass.Builder builder) {
- this.$fieldToSet = $prefix builder.build() $postfix;
- return this;
- }"""
- .replace("$messageClass",field.messageType())
- .replace("$fieldDoc",field.comment()
- .replaceAll("\n", "\n * "))
- .replace("$fieldName",field.nameCamelFirstLower())
- .replace("$fieldToSet",fieldToSet)
- .replace("$prefix",prefix)
- .replace("$postfix",postfix)
- .replace("$fieldType",field.javaFieldType())
- .replaceAll("\n","\n"+FIELD_INDENT));
- }
- // add nice method for message fields with list types for varargs
- if (field.repeated()) {
- builderMethods.add("""
- /**
- * $fieldDoc
- *
- * @param values varargs value to be built into a list
- * @return builder to continue building with
- */
- public Builder $fieldName($baseType ... values) {
- this.$fieldToSet = $prefix List.of(values) $postfix;
- return this;
- }"""
- .replace("$baseType",field.javaFieldType().substring("List<".length(),field.javaFieldType().length()-1))
- .replace("$fieldDoc",field.comment()
- .replaceAll("\n", "\n * "))
- .replace("$fieldName",field.nameCamelFirstLower())
- .replace("$fieldToSet",fieldToSet)
- .replace("$fieldType",field.javaFieldType())
- .replace("$prefix",prefix)
- .replace("$postfix",postfix)
- .replaceAll("\n","\n"+FIELD_INDENT));
- }
- }
- private static String generateBuilder(final Protobuf3Parser.MessageDefContext msgDef, List fields, final ContextualLookupHelper lookupHelper) {
- final String javaRecordName = msgDef.messageName().getText();
- List builderMethods = new ArrayList<>();
- for (Field field: fields) {
- if (field.type() == Field.FieldType.ONE_OF) {
- final OneOfField oneOfField = (OneOfField) field;
- for (Field subField: oneOfField.fields()) {
- generateBuilderMethods(builderMethods, subField);
- }
- } else {
- generateBuilderMethods(builderMethods, field);
- }
- }
- return """
- /**
- * Builder class for easy creation, ideal for clean code where performance is not critical. In critical performance
- * paths use the constructor directly.
- */
- public static final class Builder {
- $fields;
- /**
- * Create an empty builder
- */
- public Builder() {}
- /**
- * Create a pre-populated builder
- * $constructorParamDocs
- */
- public Builder($constructorParams) {
- $constructorCode;
- }
- /**
- * Build a new model record with data set on builder
- *
- * @return new model record with data set
- */
- public $javaRecordName build() {
- return new $javaRecordName($recordParams);
- }
- $builderMethods
- }"""
- .replace("$fields", fields.stream().map(field ->
- "private " + field.javaFieldType() + " " + field.nameCamelFirstLower() +
- " = " + getDefaultValue(field, msgDef, lookupHelper)
- ).collect(Collectors.joining(";\n ")))
- .replace("$constructorParamDocs",fields.stream().map(field ->
- "\n * @param "+field.nameCamelFirstLower()+" "+
- field.comment().replaceAll("\n", "\n * "+" ".repeat(field.nameCamelFirstLower().length()))
- ).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")))
- .replace("$constructorParams",fields.stream().map(field ->
- field.javaFieldType() + " " + field.nameCamelFirstLower()
- ).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")))
- .replace("$constructorCode",fields.stream().map(field ->
- "this." + field.nameCamelFirstLower() + " = " + field.nameCamelFirstLower()
- ).collect(Collectors.joining(";\n"+FIELD_INDENT+FIELD_INDENT)))
- .replace("$javaRecordName",javaRecordName)
- .replace("$recordParams",fields.stream().map(Field::nameCamelFirstLower).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")))
- .replace("$builderMethods",builderMethods.stream().collect(Collectors.joining("\n\n"+FIELD_INDENT)))
- .replaceAll("\n","\n"+FIELD_INDENT);
- }
- private static String getDefaultValue(Field field, final Protobuf3Parser.MessageDefContext msgDef, final ContextualLookupHelper lookupHelper) {
- if (field.type() == Field.FieldType.ONE_OF) {
- return lookupHelper.getFullyQualifiedMessageClassname(FileType.CODEC, msgDef)+"."+field.javaDefault();
- } else {
- return field.javaDefault();
- }
- }
- private static String generateConstructorCode(final Field f) {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(FIELD_INDENT+"""
- if ($fieldName == null) {
- throw new NullPointerException("Parameter '$fieldName' must be supplied and can not be null");
- }""".replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower()));
- if (f instanceof final OneOfField oof) {
- for (Field subField: oof.fields()) {
- if(subField.optionalValueType()) {
- sb.append("""
- // handle special case where protobuf does not have destination between a OneOf with optional
- // value of empty vs an unset OneOf.
- if($fieldName.kind() == $fieldUpperNameOneOfType.$subFieldNameUpper && $fieldName.value() == null) {
- $fieldName = new OneOf<>($fieldUpperNameOneOfType.UNSET, null);
- }"""
- .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower())
- .replace("$fieldUpperName", f.nameCamelFirstUpper())
- .replace("$subFieldNameUpper", camelToUpperSnake(subField.name()))
- );
- }
- }
- }
- return sb.toString().replaceAll("\n","\n"+FIELD_INDENT);
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ *
+ *
Generates a new model object, as a Java Record type.
+ */
+ public void generate(
+ final Protobuf3Parser.MessageDefContext msgDef,
+ final File destinationSrcDir,
+ File destinationTestSrcDir,
+ final ContextualLookupHelper lookupHelper)
+ throws IOException {
+ // The javaRecordName will be something like "AccountID".
+ final var javaRecordName =
+ lookupHelper.getUnqualifiedClassForMessage(FileType.MODEL, msgDef);
+ // The modelPackage is the Java package to put the model class into.
+ final String modelPackage = lookupHelper.getPackageForMessage(FileType.MODEL, msgDef);
+ // The File to write the sources that we generate into
+ final File javaFile = getJavaFile(destinationSrcDir, modelPackage, javaRecordName);
+ // The javadoc comment to use for the model class, which comes **directly** from the
+ // protobuf schema,
+ // but is cleaned up and formatted for use in JavaDoc.
+ String javaDocComment =
+ (msgDef.docComment() == null)
+ ? ""
+ : cleanDocStr(
+ msgDef.docComment()
+ .getText()
+ .replaceAll("\n \\*\s*\n", "\n *
+ // The Javadoc "@Deprecated" tag, which is set if the protobuf schema says the field is
+ // deprecated
+ String deprecated = "";
+ // The list of fields, as defined in the protobuf schema
+ final List fields = new ArrayList<>();
+ // The generated Java code for an enum field if OneOf is used
+ final List oneofEnums = new ArrayList<>();
+ // The generated Java code for getters if OneOf is used
+ final List oneofGetters = new ArrayList<>();
+ // The generated Java code for has methods for normal fields
+ final List hasMethods = new ArrayList<>();
+ // The generated Java import statements. We'll build this up as we go.
+ final Set imports = new TreeSet<>();
+ imports.add("com.hedera.pbj.runtime");
+ imports.add("com.hedera.pbj.runtime.io");
+ imports.add("com.hedera.pbj.runtime.io.buffer");
+ imports.add("com.hedera.pbj.runtime.io.stream");
+ imports.add("edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations");
+ // Iterate over all the items in the protobuf schema
+ for (var item : msgDef.messageBody().messageElement()) {
+ if (item.messageDef() != null) { // process sub messages
+ generate(item.messageDef(), destinationSrcDir, destinationTestSrcDir, lookupHelper);
+ } else if (item.oneof() != null) { // process one ofs
+ final var oneOfField = new OneOfField(item.oneof(), javaRecordName, lookupHelper);
+ final var enumName = oneOfField.nameCamelFirstUpper() + "OneOfType";
+ final int maxIndex =
+ oneOfField.fields().get(oneOfField.fields().size() - 1).fieldNumber();
+ final Map enumValues = new HashMap<>();
+ for (final var field : oneOfField.fields()) {
+ final String javaFieldType = javaPrimitiveToObjectType(field.javaFieldType());
+ final String enumComment =
+ cleanDocStr(field.comment())
+ .replaceAll("[\t\s]*/\\*\\*", "") // remove doc start indenting
+ .replaceAll("\n[\t\s]+\\*", "\n") // remove doc indenting
+ .replaceAll("/\\*\\*", "") // remove doc start
+ .replaceAll("\\*\\*/", ""); // remove doc end
+ enumValues.put(
+ field.fieldNumber(),
+ new EnumValue(field.name(), field.deprecated(), enumComment));
+ // generate getters for one ofs
+ oneofGetters.add(
+ """
+ /**
+ * Direct typed getter for one of field $fieldName.
+ *
+ * @return one of value or null if one of is not set or a different one of value
+ */
+ public @Nullable $javaFieldType $fieldName() {
+ return $oneOfField.kind() == $enumName.$enumValue ? ($javaFieldType)$oneOfField.value() : null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Convenience method to check if the $oneOfField has a one-of with type $enumValue
+ *
+ * @return true of the one of kind is $enumValue
+ */
+ public boolean has$fieldNameUpperFirst() {
+ return $oneOfField.kind() == $enumName.$enumValue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the value for $fieldName if it has a value, or else returns the default
+ * value for the type.
+ *
+ * @param defaultValue the default value to return if $fieldName is null
+ * @return the value for $fieldName if it has a value, or else returns the default value
+ */
+ public $javaFieldType $fieldNameOrElse(@NonNull final $javaFieldType defaultValue) {
+ return has$fieldNameUpperFirst() ? $fieldName() : defaultValue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the value for $fieldName if it was set, or throws a NullPointerException if it was not set.
+ *
+ * @return the value for $fieldName if it has a value
+ * @throws NullPointerException if $fieldName is null
+ */
+ public @NonNull $javaFieldType $fieldNameOrThrow() {
+ return requireNonNull($fieldName(), "Field $fieldName is null");
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldNameUpperFirst", field.nameCamelFirstUpper())
+ .replace("$fieldName", field.nameCamelFirstLower())
+ .replace("$javaFieldType", javaFieldType)
+ .replace("$oneOfField", oneOfField.nameCamelFirstLower())
+ .replace("$enumName", enumName)
+ .replace("$enumValue", camelToUpperSnake(field.name()))
+ .replace("$enumValue", camelToUpperSnake(field.name()))
+ .replaceAll("\n", "\n" + FIELD_INDENT));
+ if (field.type() == Field.FieldType.MESSAGE) {
+ field.addAllNeededImports(imports, true, false, false);
+ }
+ }
+ final String enumComment =
+ """
+ /**
+ * Enum for the type of "%s" oneof value
+ */"""
+ .formatted(oneOfField.name());
+ final String enumString =
+ createEnum(
+ enumComment,
+ "",
+ enumName,
+ maxIndex,
+ enumValues,
+ true);
+ oneofEnums.add(enumString);
+ fields.add(oneOfField);
+ imports.add("com.hedera.pbj.runtime");
+ } else if (item.mapField() != null) { // process map fields
+ System.err.println(
+ "Encountered a mapField that was not handled in " + javaRecordName);
+ } else if (item.field() != null && item.field().fieldName() != null) {
+ final SingleField field = new SingleField(item.field(), lookupHelper);
+ fields.add(field);
+ field.addAllNeededImports(imports, true, false, false);
+ if (field.type() == FieldType.MESSAGE) {
+ hasMethods.add(
+ """
+ /**
+ * Convenience method to check if the $fieldName has a value
+ *
+ * @return true of the $fieldName has a value
+ */
+ public boolean has$fieldNameUpperFirst() {
+ return $fieldName != null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the value for $fieldName if it has a value, or else returns the default
+ * value for the type.
+ *
+ * @param defaultValue the default value to return if $fieldName is null
+ * @return the value for $fieldName if it has a value, or else returns the default value
+ */
+ public $javaFieldType $fieldNameOrElse(@NonNull final $javaFieldType defaultValue) {
+ return has$fieldNameUpperFirst() ? $fieldName : defaultValue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the value for $fieldName if it has a value, or else throws an NPE.
+ * value for the type.
+ *
+ * @return the value for $fieldName if it has a value
+ * @throws NullPointerException if $fieldName is null
+ */
+ public @NonNull $javaFieldType $fieldNameOrThrow() {
+ return requireNonNull($fieldName, "Field $fieldName is null");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Executes the supplied {@link Consumer} if, and only if, the $fieldName has a value
+ *
+ * @param ifPresent the {@link Consumer} to execute
+ */
+ public void if$fieldNameUpperFirst(@NonNull final Consumer<$javaFieldType> ifPresent) {
+ if (has$fieldNameUpperFirst()) {
+ ifPresent.accept($fieldName);
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$fieldNameUpperFirst", field.nameCamelFirstUpper())
+ .replace("$javaFieldType", field.javaFieldType())
+ .replace("$fieldName", field.nameCamelFirstLower()));
+ }
+ } else if (item.optionStatement() != null) {
+ if ("deprecated".equals(item.optionStatement().optionName().getText())) {
+ deprecated = "@Deprecated ";
+ } else {
+ System.err.println("Unhandled Option: " + item.optionStatement().getText());
+ }
+ } else if (item.reserved() == null) { // ignore reserved and warn about anything else
+ System.err.println(
+ "ModelGenerator Warning - Unknown element: "
+ + item
+ + " -- "
+ + item.getText());
+ }
+ }
+ // process field java doc and insert into record java doc
+ if (!fields.isEmpty()) {
+ String recordJavaDoc =
+ javaDocComment.length() > 0
+ ? javaDocComment.replaceAll("\n\s*\\*/", "")
+ : "/**\n * " + javaRecordName;
+ recordJavaDoc += "\n *";
+ for (var field : fields) {
+ recordJavaDoc +=
+ "\n * @param "
+ + field.nameCamelFirstLower()
+ + " "
+ + field.comment()
+ .replaceAll(
+ "\n",
+ "\n * "
+ + " "
+ .repeat(
+ field.nameCamelFirstLower()
+ .length()));
+ }
+ recordJavaDoc += "\n */";
+ javaDocComment = cleanDocStr(recordJavaDoc);
+ }
+ // === Build Body Content
+ String bodyContent = "";
+ // static codec and default instance
+ bodyContent +=
+ """
+ /** Protobuf codec for reading and writing in protobuf format */
+ public static final Codec<$modelClass> PROTOBUF = new $qualifiedCodecClass();
+ /** JSON codec for reading and writing in JSON format */
+ public static final JsonCodec<$modelClass> JSON = new $qualifiedJsonCodecClass();
+ /** Default instance with all fields set to default values */
+ public static final $modelClass DEFAULT = newBuilder().build();
+ """
+ .replace("$modelClass", javaRecordName)
+ .replace(
+ "$qualifiedCodecClass",
+ lookupHelper.getFullyQualifiedMessageClassname(
+ FileType.CODEC, msgDef))
+ .replace(
+ "$qualifiedJsonCodecClass",
+ lookupHelper.getFullyQualifiedMessageClassname(
+ FileType.JSON_CODEC, msgDef))
+ .replaceAll("\n", "\n" + FIELD_INDENT);
+ // constructor
+ if (fields.stream().anyMatch(f -> f instanceof OneOfField || f.optionalValueType())) {
+ bodyContent +=
+ """
+ /**
+ * Override the default constructor adding input validation
+ * %s
+ */
+ public %s {
+ %s
+ }
+ """
+ .formatted(
+ fields.stream()
+ .map(
+ field ->
+ "\n * @param "
+ + field.nameCamelFirstLower()
+ + " "
+ + field.comment()
+ .replaceAll(
+ "\n",
+ "\n * "
+ + " "
+ .repeat(
+ field.nameCamelFirstLower()
+ .length())))
+ .collect(Collectors.joining()),
+ javaRecordName,
+ fields.stream()
+ .filter(f -> f instanceof OneOfField)
+ .map(ModelGenerator::generateConstructorCode)
+ .collect(Collectors.joining("\n")))
+ .replaceAll("\n", "\n" + FIELD_INDENT);
+ }
+ // Add here hashCode() for object with a single int field.
+ boolean hashCodeGenerated = true;
+ if (fields.size() == 1) {
+ FieldType fieldType = fields.get(0).type();
+ switch (fieldType) {
+ case INT32,
+ UINT32,
+ SINT32,
+ FIXED32,
+ FIXED64,
+ INT64,
+ UINT64,
+ SINT64 -> {
+ bodyContent +=
+ + """
+ /**
+ * Override the default hashCode method for
+ * single field int objects.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public int hashCode() {
+ // Shifts: 30, 27, 16, 20, 5, 18, 10, 24, 30
+ long x = $fieldName;
+ x += x << 30;
+ x ^= x >>> 27;
+ x += x << 16;
+ x ^= x >>> 20;
+ x += x << 5;
+ x ^= x >>> 18;
+ x += x << 10;
+ x ^= x >>> 24;
+ x += x << 30;
+ return (int)x;
+ }"""
+ .replace("$fieldName", fields.get(0).name())
+ .replaceAll("\n", "\n" + FIELD_INDENT);
+ }
+ case FLOAT, DOUBLE -> {
+ bodyContent +=
+ + """
+ /**
+ * Override the default hashCode method for
+ * single field float and double objects.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public int hashCode() {
+ // Shifts: 30, 27, 16, 20, 5, 18, 10, 24, 30
+ double x = $fieldName;
+ x += x << 30;
+ x ^= x >>> 27;
+ x += x << 16;
+ x ^= x >>> 20;
+ x += x << 5;
+ x ^= x >>> 18;
+ x += x << 10;
+ x ^= x >>> 24;
+ x += x << 30;
+ return (int)x;
+ }"""
+ .replace("$fieldName", fields.get(0).name())
+ .replaceAll("\n", "\n" + FIELD_INDENT);
+ }
+ case STRING -> {
+ bodyContent +=
+ + """
+ /**
+ * Override the default hashCode method for
+ * single field String objects.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public int hashCode() {
+ // Shifts: 30, 27, 16, 20, 5, 18, 10, 24, 30
+ long x = $fieldName.hashCode();
+ x += x << 30;
+ x ^= x >>> 27;
+ x += x << 16;
+ x ^= x >>> 20;
+ x += x << 5;
+ x ^= x >>> 18;
+ x += x << 10;
+ x ^= x >>> 24;
+ x += x << 30;
+ return (int)x;
+ }"""
+ .replace("$fieldName", fields.get(0).name())
+ .replaceAll("\n", "\n" + FIELD_INDENT);
+ }
+ default -> {
+ hashCodeGenerated = false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ hashCodeGenerated = false;
+ }
+ String statements = "";
+ if (!hashCodeGenerated) {
+ // Generate a call to private method that iterates through fields
+ // and calculates the hashcode.
+ statements = Common.getFieldsHashCode(fields, statements);
+ bodyContent +=
+ """
+ /**
+ * Override the default hashCode method for
+ * all other objects to make hashCode
+ */
+ @Override
+ public int hashCode() {
+ int result = 1;
+ """;
+ bodyContent += statements;
+ bodyContent +=
+ """
+ long hashCode = result;
+ hashCode += hashCode << 30;
+ hashCode ^= hashCode >>> 27;
+ hashCode += hashCode << 16;
+ hashCode ^= hashCode >>> 20;
+ hashCode += hashCode << 5;
+ hashCode ^= hashCode >>> 18;
+ hashCode += hashCode << 10;
+ hashCode ^= hashCode >>> 24;
+ hashCode += hashCode << 30;
+ return (int)hashCode;
+ }
+ """;
+ }
+ String equalsStatements = "";
+ // Generate a call to private method that iterates through fields
+ // and calculates the hashcode.
+ equalsStatements = Common.getFieldsEqualsStatements(fields, equalsStatements);
+ bodyContent +=
+ + """
+ /**
+ * Override the default equals method for
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean equals(Object that) {
+ if (that == null || this.getClass() != that.getClass()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $javaRecordName thatObj = ($javaRecordName)that;
+ """
+ .replace("$javaRecordName", javaRecordName);
+ bodyContent += equalsStatements;
+ bodyContent += """
+ return true;
+ }
+ """;
+ bodyContent = bodyContent.replaceAll("\n", "\n" + FIELD_INDENT);
+ // Has methods
+ bodyContent += String.join("\n", hasMethods).replaceAll("\n", "\n" + FIELD_INDENT);
+ bodyContent += "\n";
+ // oneof getters
+ bodyContent += String.join("\n ", oneofGetters);
+ bodyContent += "\n";
+ // builder copy & new builder methods
+ bodyContent +=
+ + """
+ /**
+ * Return a builder for building a copy of this model object. It will be pre-populated with all the data from this
+ * model object.
+ *
+ * @return a pre-populated builder
+ */
+ public Builder copyBuilder() {
+ return new Builder(%s);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return a new builder for building a model object. This is just a shortcut for new Model.Builder().
+ *
+ * @return a new builder
+ */
+ public static Builder newBuilder() {
+ return new Builder();
+ }
+ """
+ .formatted(
+ fields.stream()
+ .map(Field::nameCamelFirstLower)
+ .collect(Collectors.joining(", ")))
+ .replaceAll("\n", "\n" + FIELD_INDENT);
+ // generate builder
+ bodyContent += generateBuilder(msgDef, fields, lookupHelper);
+ bodyContent += "\n" + FIELD_INDENT;
+ // oneof enums
+ bodyContent += String.join("\n ", oneofEnums);
+ // === Build file
+ try (FileWriter javaWriter = new FileWriter(javaFile)) {
+ javaWriter.write(
+ """
+ package $package;
+ $imports
+ import com.hedera.pbj.runtime.Codec;
+ import java.util.function.Consumer;
+ import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable;
+ import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
+ $javaDocComment
+ $deprecated
+ public record $javaRecordName(
+ $fields
+ ){
+ $bodyContent
+ }
+ """
+ .replace("$package", modelPackage)
+ .replace(
+ "$imports",
+ imports.isEmpty()
+ ? ""
+ : imports.stream()
+ .collect(
+ Collectors.joining(
+ ".*;\nimport ",
+ "\nimport ",
+ ".*;\n")))
+ .replace("$javaDocComment", javaDocComment)
+ .replace("$deprecated", deprecated)
+ .replace("$javaRecordName", javaRecordName)
+ .replace(
+ "$fields",
+ fields.stream()
+ .map(
+ field ->
+ + (field.type()
+ == FieldType
+ ? "@Nullable "
+ : "")
+ + field.javaFieldType()
+ + " "
+ + field.nameCamelFirstLower())
+ .collect(Collectors.joining(",\n ")))
+ .replace("$bodyContent", bodyContent));
+ }
+ }
+ private static void generateBuilderMethods(List builderMethods, Field field) {
+ final String prefix, postfix, fieldToSet;
+ final OneOfField parentOneOfField = field.parent();
+ if (parentOneOfField != null) {
+ final String oneOfEnumValue =
+ parentOneOfField.getEnumClassRef() + "." + camelToUpperSnake(field.name());
+ prefix = "new OneOf<>(" + oneOfEnumValue + ",";
+ postfix = ")";
+ fieldToSet = parentOneOfField.nameCamelFirstLower();
+ } else {
+ prefix = "";
+ postfix = "";
+ fieldToSet = field.nameCamelFirstLower();
+ }
+ builderMethods.add(
+ """
+ /**
+ * $fieldDoc
+ *
+ * @param $fieldName value to set
+ * @return builder to continue building with
+ */
+ public Builder $fieldName($fieldType $fieldName) {
+ this.$fieldToSet = $prefix $fieldName $postfix;
+ return this;
+ }"""
+ .replace("$fieldDoc", field.comment().replaceAll("\n", "\n * "))
+ .replace("$fieldName", field.nameCamelFirstLower())
+ .replace("$fieldToSet", fieldToSet)
+ .replace("$prefix", prefix)
+ .replace("$postfix", postfix)
+ .replace("$fieldType", field.javaFieldType())
+ .replaceAll("\n", "\n" + FIELD_INDENT));
+ // add nice method for simple message fields so can just set using un-built builder
+ if (field.type() == Field.FieldType.MESSAGE
+ && !field.optionalValueType()
+ && !field.repeated()) {
+ builderMethods.add(
+ """
+ /**
+ * $fieldDoc
+ *
+ * @param builder A pre-populated builder
+ * @return builder to continue building with
+ */
+ public Builder $fieldName($messageClass.Builder builder) {
+ this.$fieldToSet = $prefix builder.build() $postfix;
+ return this;
+ }"""
+ .replace("$messageClass", field.messageType())
+ .replace("$fieldDoc", field.comment().replaceAll("\n", "\n * "))
+ .replace("$fieldName", field.nameCamelFirstLower())
+ .replace("$fieldToSet", fieldToSet)
+ .replace("$prefix", prefix)
+ .replace("$postfix", postfix)
+ .replace("$fieldType", field.javaFieldType())
+ .replaceAll("\n", "\n" + FIELD_INDENT));
+ }
+ // add nice method for message fields with list types for varargs
+ if (field.repeated()) {
+ builderMethods.add(
+ """
+ /**
+ * $fieldDoc
+ *
+ * @param values varargs value to be built into a list
+ * @return builder to continue building with
+ */
+ public Builder $fieldName($baseType ... values) {
+ this.$fieldToSet = $prefix List.of(values) $postfix;
+ return this;
+ }"""
+ .replace(
+ "$baseType",
+ field.javaFieldType()
+ .substring(
+ "List<".length(),
+ field.javaFieldType().length() - 1))
+ .replace("$fieldDoc", field.comment().replaceAll("\n", "\n * "))
+ .replace("$fieldName", field.nameCamelFirstLower())
+ .replace("$fieldToSet", fieldToSet)
+ .replace("$fieldType", field.javaFieldType())
+ .replace("$prefix", prefix)
+ .replace("$postfix", postfix)
+ .replaceAll("\n", "\n" + FIELD_INDENT));
+ }
+ }
+ private static String generateBuilder(
+ final Protobuf3Parser.MessageDefContext msgDef,
+ List fields,
+ final ContextualLookupHelper lookupHelper) {
+ final String javaRecordName = msgDef.messageName().getText();
+ List builderMethods = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (Field field : fields) {
+ if (field.type() == Field.FieldType.ONE_OF) {
+ final OneOfField oneOfField = (OneOfField) field;
+ for (Field subField : oneOfField.fields()) {
+ generateBuilderMethods(builderMethods, subField);
+ }
+ } else {
+ generateBuilderMethods(builderMethods, field);
+ }
+ }
+ return """
+ /**
+ * Builder class for easy creation, ideal for clean code where performance is not critical. In critical performance
+ * paths use the constructor directly.
+ */
+ public static final class Builder {
+ $fields;
+ /**
+ * Create an empty builder
+ */
+ public Builder() {}
+ /**
+ * Create a pre-populated builder
+ * $constructorParamDocs
+ */
+ public Builder($constructorParams) {
+ $constructorCode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build a new model record with data set on builder
+ *
+ * @return new model record with data set
+ */
+ public $javaRecordName build() {
+ return new $javaRecordName($recordParams);
+ }
+ $builderMethods
+ }"""
+ .replace(
+ "$fields",
+ fields.stream()
+ .map(
+ field ->
+ "private "
+ + field.javaFieldType()
+ + " "
+ + field.nameCamelFirstLower()
+ + " = "
+ + getDefaultValue(
+ field, msgDef, lookupHelper))
+ .collect(Collectors.joining(";\n ")))
+ .replace(
+ "$constructorParamDocs",
+ fields.stream()
+ .map(
+ field ->
+ "\n * @param "
+ + field.nameCamelFirstLower()
+ + " "
+ + field.comment()
+ .replaceAll(
+ "\n",
+ "\n * "
+ + " "
+ .repeat(
+ field.nameCamelFirstLower()
+ .length())))
+ .collect(Collectors.joining(", ")))
+ .replace(
+ "$constructorParams",
+ fields.stream()
+ .map(
+ field ->
+ field.javaFieldType()
+ + " "
+ + field.nameCamelFirstLower())
+ .collect(Collectors.joining(", ")))
+ .replace(
+ "$constructorCode",
+ fields.stream()
+ .map(
+ field ->
+ "this."
+ + field.nameCamelFirstLower()
+ + " = "
+ + field.nameCamelFirstLower())
+ .collect(Collectors.joining(";\n" + FIELD_INDENT + FIELD_INDENT)))
+ .replace("$javaRecordName", javaRecordName)
+ .replace(
+ "$recordParams",
+ fields.stream()
+ .map(Field::nameCamelFirstLower)
+ .collect(Collectors.joining(", ")))
+ .replace(
+ "$builderMethods",
+ builderMethods.stream().collect(Collectors.joining("\n\n" + FIELD_INDENT)))
+ .replaceAll("\n", "\n" + FIELD_INDENT);
+ }
+ private static String getDefaultValue(
+ Field field,
+ final Protobuf3Parser.MessageDefContext msgDef,
+ final ContextualLookupHelper lookupHelper) {
+ if (field.type() == Field.FieldType.ONE_OF) {
+ return lookupHelper.getFullyQualifiedMessageClassname(FileType.CODEC, msgDef)
+ + "."
+ + field.javaDefault();
+ } else {
+ return field.javaDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ private static String generateConstructorCode(final Field f) {
+ StringBuilder sb =
+ new StringBuilder(
+ + """
+ if ($fieldName == null) {
+ throw new NullPointerException("Parameter '$fieldName' must be supplied and can not be null");
+ }"""
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower()));
+ if (f instanceof final OneOfField oof) {
+ for (Field subField : oof.fields()) {
+ if (subField.optionalValueType()) {
+ sb.append(
+ """
+ // handle special case where protobuf does not have destination between a OneOf with optional
+ // value of empty vs an unset OneOf.
+ if($fieldName.kind() == $fieldUpperNameOneOfType.$subFieldNameUpper && $fieldName.value() == null) {
+ $fieldName = new OneOf<>($fieldUpperNameOneOfType.UNSET, null);
+ }"""
+ .replace("$fieldName", f.nameCamelFirstLower())
+ .replace("$fieldUpperName", f.nameCamelFirstUpper())
+ .replace(
+ "$subFieldNameUpper",
+ camelToUpperSnake(subField.name())));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return sb.toString().replaceAll("\n", "\n" + FIELD_INDENT);
+ }
diff --git a/pbj-core/pbj-compiler/src/main/java/com/hedera/pbj/compiler/impl/generators/TestGenerator.java b/pbj-core/pbj-compiler/src/main/java/com/hedera/pbj/compiler/impl/generators/TestGenerator.java
index 57267120..060f7601 100644
--- a/pbj-core/pbj-compiler/src/main/java/com/hedera/pbj/compiler/impl/generators/TestGenerator.java
+++ b/pbj-core/pbj-compiler/src/main/java/com/hedera/pbj/compiler/impl/generators/TestGenerator.java
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2023 Hedera Hashgraph, LLC
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
package com.hedera.pbj.compiler.impl.generators;
import com.hedera.pbj.compiler.impl.*;
@@ -17,320 +33,425 @@
public final class TestGenerator implements Generator {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void generate(Protobuf3Parser.MessageDefContext msgDef, File destinationSrcDir,
- File destinationTestSrcDir, final ContextualLookupHelper lookupHelper) throws IOException {
- final var modelClassName = lookupHelper.getUnqualifiedClassForMessage(FileType.MODEL, msgDef);
- final var testClassName = lookupHelper.getUnqualifiedClassForMessage(FileType.TEST, msgDef);
- final String testPackage = lookupHelper.getPackageForMessage(FileType.TEST, msgDef);
- final String protoCJavaFullQualifiedClass = lookupHelper.getFullyQualifiedMessageClassname(FileType.PROTOC,msgDef);
- final File javaFile = Common.getJavaFile(destinationTestSrcDir, testPackage, testClassName);
- final List fields = new ArrayList<>();
- final Set imports = new TreeSet<>();
- imports.add("com.hedera.pbj.runtime.io.buffer");
- imports.add(lookupHelper.getPackageForMessage(FileType.MODEL, msgDef));
- for(var item: msgDef.messageBody().messageElement()) {
- if (item.messageDef() != null) { // process sub messages
- generate(item.messageDef(), destinationSrcDir, destinationTestSrcDir, lookupHelper);
- } else if (item.oneof() != null) { // process one ofs
- final var field = new OneOfField(item.oneof(), modelClassName, lookupHelper);
- fields.add(field);
- field.addAllNeededImports(imports, true, false, true);
- for(var subField : field.fields()) {
- subField.addAllNeededImports(imports, true, false, true);
- }
- } else if (item.mapField() != null) { // process map fields
- throw new IllegalStateException("Encountered a mapField that was not handled in "+ modelClassName);
- } else if (item.field() != null && item.field().fieldName() != null) {
- final var field = new SingleField(item.field(), lookupHelper);
- fields.add(field);
- if (field.type() == Field.FieldType.MESSAGE || field.type() == Field.FieldType.ENUM) {
- field.addAllNeededImports(imports, true, false, true);
- }
- } else if (item.reserved() == null && item.optionStatement() == null) {
- System.err.println("TestGenerator Warning - Unknown element: "+item+" -- "+item.getText());
- }
- }
- imports.add("java.util");
- try (FileWriter javaWriter = new FileWriter(javaFile)) {
- javaWriter.write("""
- package %s;
- import com.google.protobuf.util.JsonFormat;
- import com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream;
- import com.hedera.pbj.runtime.io.buffer.BufferedData;
- import com.hedera.pbj.runtime.JsonTools;
- import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
- import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource;
- import com.hedera.pbj.runtime.test.*;
- import java.util.stream.IntStream;
- import java.util.stream.Stream;
- import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
- import java.nio.CharBuffer;
- %s
- import com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream;
- import com.google.protobuf.WireFormat;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
- import static com.hedera.pbj.runtime.ProtoTestTools.*;
- import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
- /**
- * Unit Test for %s model object. Generate based on protobuf schema.
- */
- public final class %s {
- %s
- %s
- }
- """.formatted(
- testPackage,
- imports.isEmpty() ? "" : imports.stream()
- .filter(input -> !input.equals(testPackage))
- .collect(Collectors.joining(".*;\nimport ","\nimport ",".*;\n")),
- modelClassName,
- testClassName,
- generateTestMethod(modelClassName, protoCJavaFullQualifiedClass)
- .replaceAll("\n","\n"+ Common.FIELD_INDENT),
- generateModelTestArgumentsMethod(modelClassName, fields)
- .replaceAll("\n","\n"+ Common.FIELD_INDENT)
- )
- );
- }
- }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ public void generate(
+ Protobuf3Parser.MessageDefContext msgDef,
+ File destinationSrcDir,
+ File destinationTestSrcDir,
+ final ContextualLookupHelper lookupHelper)
+ throws IOException {
+ final var modelClassName =
+ lookupHelper.getUnqualifiedClassForMessage(FileType.MODEL, msgDef);
+ final var testClassName = lookupHelper.getUnqualifiedClassForMessage(FileType.TEST, msgDef);
+ final String testPackage = lookupHelper.getPackageForMessage(FileType.TEST, msgDef);
+ final String protoCJavaFullQualifiedClass =
+ lookupHelper.getFullyQualifiedMessageClassname(FileType.PROTOC, msgDef);
+ final File javaFile = Common.getJavaFile(destinationTestSrcDir, testPackage, testClassName);
+ final List fields = new ArrayList<>();
+ final Set imports = new TreeSet<>();
+ imports.add("com.hedera.pbj.runtime.io.buffer");
+ imports.add(lookupHelper.getPackageForMessage(FileType.MODEL, msgDef));
+ for (var item : msgDef.messageBody().messageElement()) {
+ if (item.messageDef() != null) { // process sub messages
+ generate(item.messageDef(), destinationSrcDir, destinationTestSrcDir, lookupHelper);
+ } else if (item.oneof() != null) { // process one ofs
+ final var field = new OneOfField(item.oneof(), modelClassName, lookupHelper);
+ fields.add(field);
+ field.addAllNeededImports(imports, true, false, true);
+ for (var subField : field.fields()) {
+ subField.addAllNeededImports(imports, true, false, true);
+ }
+ } else if (item.mapField() != null) { // process map fields
+ throw new IllegalStateException(
+ "Encountered a mapField that was not handled in " + modelClassName);
+ } else if (item.field() != null && item.field().fieldName() != null) {
+ final var field = new SingleField(item.field(), lookupHelper);
+ fields.add(field);
+ if (field.type() == Field.FieldType.MESSAGE
+ || field.type() == Field.FieldType.ENUM) {
+ field.addAllNeededImports(imports, true, false, true);
+ }
+ } else if (item.reserved() == null && item.optionStatement() == null) {
+ System.err.println(
+ "TestGenerator Warning - Unknown element: "
+ + item
+ + " -- "
+ + item.getText());
+ }
+ }
+ imports.add("java.util");
+ try (FileWriter javaWriter = new FileWriter(javaFile)) {
+ javaWriter.write(
+ """
+ package %s;
+ import com.google.protobuf.util.JsonFormat;
+ import com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream;
+ import com.hedera.pbj.runtime.io.buffer.BufferedData;
+ import com.hedera.pbj.runtime.JsonTools;
+ import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
+ import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource;
+ import com.hedera.pbj.runtime.test.*;
+ import java.util.stream.IntStream;
+ import java.util.stream.Stream;
+ import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+ import java.nio.CharBuffer;
+ %s
+ import com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream;
+ import com.google.protobuf.WireFormat;
+ import java.io.IOException;
+ import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
+ import static com.hedera.pbj.runtime.ProtoTestTools.*;
+ import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
+ /**
+ * Unit Test for %s model object. Generate based on protobuf schema.
+ */
+ public final class %s {
+ %s
+ %s
+ }
+ """
+ .formatted(
+ testPackage,
+ imports.isEmpty()
+ ? ""
+ : imports.stream()
+ .filter(input -> !input.equals(testPackage))
+ .collect(
+ Collectors.joining(
+ ".*;\nimport ",
+ "\nimport ",
+ ".*;\n")),
+ modelClassName,
+ testClassName,
+ generateTestMethod(modelClassName, protoCJavaFullQualifiedClass)
+ .replaceAll("\n", "\n" + Common.FIELD_INDENT),
+ generateModelTestArgumentsMethod(modelClassName, fields)
+ .replaceAll("\n", "\n" + Common.FIELD_INDENT)));
+ }
+ }
+ private static String generateModelTestArgumentsMethod(
+ final String modelClassName, final List fields) {
+ return """
+ /**
+ * List of all valid arguments for testing, built as a static list, so we can reuse it.
+ */
+ public static final List<%s> ARGUMENTS;
+ static {
+ %s
+ // work out the longest of all the lists of args as that is how many test cases we need
+ final int maxValues = IntStream.of(
+ %s
+ ).max().getAsInt();
+ // create new stream of model objects using lists above as constructor params
+ ARGUMENTS = IntStream.range(0,maxValues)
+ .mapToObj(i -> new %s(
+ %s
+ )).toList();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a stream of all test permutations of the %s class we are testing. This is reused by other tests
+ * as well that have model objects with fields of this type.
+ *
+ * @return stream of model objects for all test cases
+ */
+ public static Stream> createModelTestArguments() {
+ return ARGUMENTS.stream().map(NoToStringWrapper::new);
+ }
+ """
+ .formatted(
+ modelClassName,
+ fields.stream()
+ .map(
+ f ->
+ "final var "
+ + f.nameCamelFirstLower()
+ + "List = "
+ + generateTestData(
+ modelClassName,
+ f,
+ f.optionalValueType(),
+ f.repeated())
+ + ";")
+ .collect(Collectors.joining("\n" + Common.FIELD_INDENT)),
+ fields.stream()
+ .map(f -> f.nameCamelFirstLower() + "List.size()")
+ .collect(
+ Collectors.joining(
+ ",\n" + Common.FIELD_INDENT + Common.FIELD_INDENT)),
+ modelClassName,
+ fields.stream()
+ .map(
+ field ->
+ "%sList.get(Math.min(i, %sList.size()-1))"
+ .formatted(
+ field.nameCamelFirstLower(),
+ field.nameCamelFirstLower()))
+ .collect(
+ Collectors.joining(
+ ",\n"
+ + Common.FIELD_INDENT)),
+ modelClassName,
+ modelClassName);
+ }
+ private static String generateTestData(
+ String modelClassName, Field field, boolean optional, boolean repeated) {
+ if (optional) {
+ Field.FieldType convertedFieldType = getOptionalConvertedFieldType(field);
+ return """
+ addNull(%s)"""
+ .formatted(
+ getOptionsForFieldType(convertedFieldType, convertedFieldType.javaType))
+ .replaceAll("\n", "\n" + Common.FIELD_INDENT + Common.FIELD_INDENT);
+ } else if (repeated) {
+ final String optionsList =
+ generateTestData(modelClassName, field, field.optionalValueType(), false);
+ return """
+ generateListArguments(%s)"""
+ .formatted(optionsList)
+ .replaceAll("\n", "\n" + Common.FIELD_INDENT + Common.FIELD_INDENT);
+ } else if (field instanceof final OneOfField oneOf) {
+ final List options = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (var subField : oneOf.fields()) {
+ if (subField instanceof SingleField) {
+ final String enumValueName = Common.camelToUpperSnake(subField.name());
+ // special cases to break cyclic dependencies
+ if (!("THRESHOLD_KEY".equals(enumValueName)
+ || "KEY_LIST".equals(enumValueName)
+ || "THRESHOLD_SIGNATURE".equals(enumValueName)
+ || "SIGNATURE_LIST".equals(enumValueName))) {
+ final String listStr;
+ if (subField.optionalValueType()) {
+ Field.FieldType convertedSubFieldType =
+ getOptionalConvertedFieldType(subField);
+ listStr =
+ getOptionsForFieldType(
+ convertedSubFieldType, convertedSubFieldType.javaType);
+ } else {
+ listStr =
+ getOptionsForFieldType(
+ subField.type(),
+ ((SingleField) subField).javaFieldTypeForTest());
+ }
+ options.add(
+ listStr
+ + """
+ .stream()
+ .map(value -> new OneOf<>(%sOneOfType.%s, value))
+ .toList()"""
+ .formatted(
+ modelClassName
+ + "."
+ + field.nameCamelFirstUpper(),
+ enumValueName)
+ .replaceAll(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ + Common.FIELD_INDENT));
+ }
+ } else {
+ System.err.println(
+ "Did not expect a OneOfField in a OneOfField. In "
+ + "modelClassName="
+ + modelClassName
+ + " field="
+ + field
+ + " subField="
+ + subField);
+ }
+ }
+ return """
+ Stream.of(
+ List.of(new OneOf<>(%sOneOfType.UNSET, null)),
+ %s
+ ).flatMap(List::stream).toList()"""
+ .formatted(
+ modelClassName + "." + field.nameCamelFirstUpper(),
+ options.stream()
+ .collect(Collectors.joining(",\n" + Common.FIELD_INDENT)))
+ .replaceAll("\n", "\n" + Common.FIELD_INDENT + Common.FIELD_INDENT);
+ } else {
+ return getOptionsForFieldType(
+ field.type(), ((SingleField) field).javaFieldTypeForTest());
+ }
+ }
+ private static Field.FieldType getOptionalConvertedFieldType(final Field field) {
+ return switch (field.messageType()) {
+ case "StringValue" -> Field.FieldType.STRING;
+ case "Int32Value" -> Field.FieldType.INT32;
+ case "UInt32Value" -> Field.FieldType.UINT32;
+ case "Int64Value" -> Field.FieldType.INT64;
+ case "UInt64Value" -> Field.FieldType.UINT64;
+ case "FloatValue" -> Field.FieldType.FLOAT;
+ case "DoubleValue" -> Field.FieldType.DOUBLE;
+ case "BoolValue" -> Field.FieldType.BOOL;
+ case "BytesValue" -> Field.FieldType.BYTES;
+ default -> Field.FieldType.MESSAGE;
+ };
+ }
+ private static String getOptionsForFieldType(Field.FieldType fieldType, String javaFieldType) {
+ return switch (fieldType) {
+ case INT64, SINT64, SFIXED64 -> "LONG_TESTS_LIST";
+ case ENUM -> "Arrays.asList(" + javaFieldType + ".values())";
+ case ONE_OF -> throw new RuntimeException(
+ "Should never happen, should have been caught in generateTestData()");
+ case MESSAGE -> javaFieldType
+ + FileAndPackageNamesConfig.TEST_JAVA_FILE_SUFFIX
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate code for test method. The test method is designed to reuse thread local buffers.
+ * This is very important for performance as without this the tests quickly overwhelm the
+ * garbage collector.
+ *
+ * @param modelClassName The class name of the model object we are creating a test for
+ * @param protoCJavaFullQualifiedClass The qualified class name of the protoc generated object
+ * class
+ * @return Code for test method
+ */
+ private static String generateTestMethod(
+ final String modelClassName, final String protoCJavaFullQualifiedClass) {
+ return """
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @MethodSource("createModelTestArguments")
+ public void test$modelClassNameAgainstProtoC(final NoToStringWrapper<$modelClassName> modelObjWrapper) throws Exception {
+ final $modelClassName modelObj = modelObjWrapper.getValue();
+ // get reusable thread buffers
+ final var dataBuffer = getThreadLocalDataBuffer();
+ final var dataBuffer2 = getThreadLocalDataBuffer2();
+ final var byteBuffer = getThreadLocalByteBuffer();
+ final var charBuffer = getThreadLocalCharBuffer();
+ final var charBuffer2 = getThreadLocalCharBuffer2();
+ // model to bytes with PBJ
+ $modelClassName.PROTOBUF.write(modelObj, dataBuffer);
+ // clamp limit to bytes written
+ dataBuffer.limit(dataBuffer.position());
+ // copy bytes to ByteBuffer
+ dataBuffer.resetPosition();
+ final int protoBufByteCount = (int)dataBuffer.remaining();
+ dataBuffer.readBytes(byteBuffer);
+ byteBuffer.flip();
+ // read proto bytes with ProtoC to make sure it is readable and no parse exceptions are thrown
+ final $protocModelClass protoCModelObj = $protocModelClass.parseFrom(byteBuffer);
+ // read proto bytes with PBJ parser
+ dataBuffer.resetPosition();
+ final $modelClassName modelObj2 = $modelClassName.PROTOBUF.parse(dataBuffer);
- private static String generateModelTestArgumentsMethod(final String modelClassName, final List fields) {
- return """
- /**
- * List of all valid arguments for testing, built as a static list, so we can reuse it.
- */
- public static final List<%s> ARGUMENTS;
- static {
- %s
- // work out the longest of all the lists of args as that is how many test cases we need
- final int maxValues = IntStream.of(
- %s
- ).max().getAsInt();
- // create new stream of model objects using lists above as constructor params
- ARGUMENTS = IntStream.range(0,maxValues)
- .mapToObj(i -> new %s(
- %s
- )).toList();
- }
- /**
- * Create a stream of all test permutations of the %s class we are testing. This is reused by other tests
- * as well that have model objects with fields of this type.
- *
- * @return stream of model objects for all test cases
- */
- public static Stream> createModelTestArguments() {
- return ARGUMENTS.stream().map(NoToStringWrapper::new);
- }
- """.formatted(
- modelClassName,
- fields.stream()
- .map(f -> "final var "+f.nameCamelFirstLower()+"List = "+generateTestData(modelClassName, f, f.optionalValueType(), f.repeated())+";")
- .collect(Collectors.joining("\n"+ Common.FIELD_INDENT)),
- fields.stream()
- .map(f -> f.nameCamelFirstLower()+"List.size()")
- .collect(Collectors.joining(",\n"+ Common.FIELD_INDENT+ Common.FIELD_INDENT)),
- modelClassName,
- fields.stream().map(field -> "%sList.get(Math.min(i, %sList.size()-1))".formatted(
- field.nameCamelFirstLower(),
- field.nameCamelFirstLower()
- ))
- .collect(Collectors.joining(",\n"+ Common.FIELD_INDENT+ Common.FIELD_INDENT+ Common.FIELD_INDENT+ Common.FIELD_INDENT)),
- modelClassName,
- modelClassName
- );
- }
+ // check the read back object is equal to written original one
+ //assertEquals(modelObj.toString(), modelObj2.toString());
+ assertEquals(modelObj, modelObj2);
- private static String generateTestData(String modelClassName, Field field, boolean optional, boolean repeated) {
- if (optional) {
+ // model to bytes with ProtoC writer
+ byteBuffer.clear();
+ final CodedOutputStream codedOutput = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(byteBuffer);
+ protoCModelObj.writeTo(codedOutput);
+ codedOutput.flush();
+ byteBuffer.flip();
+ // copy to a data buffer
+ dataBuffer2.writeBytes(byteBuffer);
+ dataBuffer2.flip();
- Field.FieldType convertedFieldType = getOptionalConvertedFieldType(field);
- return """
- addNull(%s)"""
- .formatted(getOptionsForFieldType(convertedFieldType, convertedFieldType.javaType))
- .replaceAll("\n","\n"+ Common.FIELD_INDENT+ Common.FIELD_INDENT);
- } else if (repeated) {
- final String optionsList = generateTestData(modelClassName, field, field.optionalValueType(), false);
- return """
- generateListArguments(%s)""".formatted(optionsList)
- .replaceAll("\n","\n"+ Common.FIELD_INDENT+ Common.FIELD_INDENT);
- } else if(field instanceof final OneOfField oneOf) {
- final List options = new ArrayList<>();
- for (var subField: oneOf.fields()) {
- if(subField instanceof SingleField) {
- final String enumValueName = Common.camelToUpperSnake(subField.name());
- // special cases to break cyclic dependencies
- if (!("THRESHOLD_KEY".equals(enumValueName) || "KEY_LIST".equals(enumValueName)
- || "THRESHOLD_SIGNATURE".equals(enumValueName)|| "SIGNATURE_LIST".equals(enumValueName))) {
- final String listStr;
- if (subField.optionalValueType()) {
- Field.FieldType convertedSubFieldType = getOptionalConvertedFieldType(subField);
- listStr = getOptionsForFieldType(convertedSubFieldType, convertedSubFieldType.javaType);
- } else {
- listStr = getOptionsForFieldType(subField.type(), ((SingleField) subField).javaFieldTypeForTest());
- }
- options.add(listStr + """
- .stream()
- .map(value -> new OneOf<>(%sOneOfType.%s, value))
- .toList()""".formatted(
- modelClassName + "." + field.nameCamelFirstUpper(),
- enumValueName
- ).replaceAll("\n", "\n" + Common.FIELD_INDENT + Common.FIELD_INDENT)
- );
- }
- } else {
- System.err.println("Did not expect a OneOfField in a OneOfField. In "+
- "modelClassName="+modelClassName+" field="+field+" subField="+subField);
- }
- }
- return """
- Stream.of(
- List.of(new OneOf<>(%sOneOfType.UNSET, null)),
- %s
- ).flatMap(List::stream).toList()""".formatted(
- modelClassName+"."+field.nameCamelFirstUpper(),
- options.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(",\n"+ Common.FIELD_INDENT))
- ).replaceAll("\n","\n"+ Common.FIELD_INDENT+ Common.FIELD_INDENT);
- } else {
- return getOptionsForFieldType(field.type(), ((SingleField)field).javaFieldTypeForTest());
- }
- }
+ // compare written bytes
+ assertEquals(dataBuffer, dataBuffer2);
- private static Field.FieldType getOptionalConvertedFieldType(final Field field) {
- return switch (field.messageType()) {
- case "StringValue" -> Field.FieldType.STRING;
- case "Int32Value" -> Field.FieldType.INT32;
- case "UInt32Value" -> Field.FieldType.UINT32;
- case "Int64Value" -> Field.FieldType.INT64;
- case "UInt64Value" -> Field.FieldType.UINT64;
- case "FloatValue" -> Field.FieldType.FLOAT;
- case "DoubleValue" -> Field.FieldType.DOUBLE;
- case "BoolValue" -> Field.FieldType.BOOL;
- case "BytesValue" -> Field.FieldType.BYTES;
- default -> Field.FieldType.MESSAGE;
- };
- }
+ // parse those bytes again with PBJ
+ dataBuffer2.resetPosition();
+ final $modelClassName modelObj3 = $modelClassName.PROTOBUF.parse(dataBuffer2);
+ assertEquals(modelObj, modelObj3);
- private static String getOptionsForFieldType(Field.FieldType fieldType, String javaFieldType) {
- return switch (fieldType) {
- case INT64, SINT64, SFIXED64 -> "LONG_TESTS_LIST";
- case ENUM -> "Arrays.asList(" + javaFieldType + ".values())";
- case ONE_OF -> throw new RuntimeException("Should never happen, should have been caught in generateTestData()");
- case MESSAGE -> javaFieldType + FileAndPackageNamesConfig.TEST_JAVA_FILE_SUFFIX + ".ARGUMENTS";
- };
- }
+ // check measure methods
+ dataBuffer2.resetPosition();
+ assertEquals(protoBufByteCount, $modelClassName.PROTOBUF.measure(dataBuffer2));
+ assertEquals(protoBufByteCount, $modelClassName.PROTOBUF.measureRecord(modelObj));
- /**
- * Generate code for test method. The test method is designed to reuse thread local buffers. This is
- * very important for performance as without this the tests quickly overwhelm the garbage collector.
- *
- * @param modelClassName The class name of the model object we are creating a test for
- * @param protoCJavaFullQualifiedClass The qualified class name of the protoc generated object class
- * @return Code for test method
- */
- private static String generateTestMethod(final String modelClassName, final String protoCJavaFullQualifiedClass) {
- return """
- @ParameterizedTest
- @MethodSource("createModelTestArguments")
- public void test$modelClassNameAgainstProtoC(final NoToStringWrapper<$modelClassName> modelObjWrapper) throws Exception {
- final $modelClassName modelObj = modelObjWrapper.getValue();
- // get reusable thread buffers
- final var dataBuffer = getThreadLocalDataBuffer();
- final var dataBuffer2 = getThreadLocalDataBuffer2();
- final var byteBuffer = getThreadLocalByteBuffer();
- final var charBuffer = getThreadLocalCharBuffer();
- final var charBuffer2 = getThreadLocalCharBuffer2();
- // model to bytes with PBJ
- $modelClassName.PROTOBUF.write(modelObj, dataBuffer);
- // clamp limit to bytes written
- dataBuffer.limit(dataBuffer.position());
- // copy bytes to ByteBuffer
- dataBuffer.resetPosition();
- final int protoBufByteCount = (int)dataBuffer.remaining();
- dataBuffer.readBytes(byteBuffer);
- byteBuffer.flip();
- // read proto bytes with ProtoC to make sure it is readable and no parse exceptions are thrown
- final $protocModelClass protoCModelObj = $protocModelClass.parseFrom(byteBuffer);
- // read proto bytes with PBJ parser
- dataBuffer.resetPosition();
- final $modelClassName modelObj2 = $modelClassName.PROTOBUF.parse(dataBuffer);
- // check the read back object is equal to written original one
- //assertEquals(modelObj.toString(), modelObj2.toString());
- assertEquals(modelObj, modelObj2);
- // model to bytes with ProtoC writer
- byteBuffer.clear();
- final CodedOutputStream codedOutput = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(byteBuffer);
- protoCModelObj.writeTo(codedOutput);
- codedOutput.flush();
- byteBuffer.flip();
- // copy to a data buffer
- dataBuffer2.writeBytes(byteBuffer);
- dataBuffer2.flip();
- // compare written bytes
- assertEquals(dataBuffer, dataBuffer2);
+ // check fast equals
+ dataBuffer2.resetPosition();
+ assertTrue($modelClassName.PROTOBUF.fastEquals(modelObj, dataBuffer2));
- // parse those bytes again with PBJ
- dataBuffer2.resetPosition();
- final $modelClassName modelObj3 = $modelClassName.PROTOBUF.parse(dataBuffer2);
- assertEquals(modelObj, modelObj3);
+ // Test toBytes()
+ Bytes bytes = $modelClassName.PROTOBUF.toBytes(modelObj);
+ final var dataBuffer3 = getThreadLocalDataBuffer();
+ bytes.toReadableSequentialData().readBytes(dataBuffer3);
+ byte[] readBytes = new byte[(int)dataBuffer3.length()];
+ dataBuffer3.getBytes(0, readBytes);
+ assertArrayEquals(bytes.toByteArray(), readBytes);
- // check measure methods
- dataBuffer2.resetPosition();
- assertEquals(protoBufByteCount, $modelClassName.PROTOBUF.measure(dataBuffer2));
- assertEquals(protoBufByteCount, $modelClassName.PROTOBUF.measureRecord(modelObj));
- // check fast equals
- dataBuffer2.resetPosition();
- assertTrue($modelClassName.PROTOBUF.fastEquals(modelObj, dataBuffer2));
+ // Test JSON Writing
+ final CharBufferToWritableSequentialData charBufferToWritableSequentialData = new CharBufferToWritableSequentialData(charBuffer);
+ $modelClassName.JSON.write(modelObj,charBufferToWritableSequentialData);
+ charBuffer.flip();
+ JsonFormat.printer().appendTo(protoCModelObj, charBuffer2);
+ charBuffer2.flip();
+ assertEquals(charBuffer2, charBuffer);
- // Test toBytes()
- Bytes bytes = $modelClassName.PROTOBUF.toBytes(modelObj);
- final var dataBuffer3 = getThreadLocalDataBuffer();
- bytes.toReadableSequentialData().readBytes(dataBuffer3);
- byte[] readBytes = new byte[(int)dataBuffer3.length()];
- dataBuffer3.getBytes(0, readBytes);
- assertArrayEquals(bytes.toByteArray(), readBytes);
+ // Test JSON Reading
+ final $modelClassName jsonReadPbj = $modelClassName.JSON.parse(JsonTools.parseJson(charBuffer), false);
+ assertEquals(modelObj, jsonReadPbj);
- // Test JSON Writing
- final CharBufferToWritableSequentialData charBufferToWritableSequentialData = new CharBufferToWritableSequentialData(charBuffer);
- $modelClassName.JSON.write(modelObj,charBufferToWritableSequentialData);
- charBuffer.flip();
- JsonFormat.printer().appendTo(protoCModelObj, charBuffer2);
- charBuffer2.flip();
- assertEquals(charBuffer2, charBuffer);
- // Test JSON Reading
- final $modelClassName jsonReadPbj = $modelClassName.JSON.parse(JsonTools.parseJson(charBuffer), false);
- assertEquals(modelObj, jsonReadPbj);
- }
- """
- .replace("$modelClassName",modelClassName)
- .replace("$protocModelClass",protoCJavaFullQualifiedClass)
- .replace("$modelClassName",modelClassName)
- ;
- }
+ // Very slow for now. Too much garbage generated to enable in general case.
+ // // Test hashCode and equals()
+ // Stream> objects = createModelTestArguments();
+ // Object[] objArray = objects.toArray();
+ // for (int i = 0; i < objArray.length; i++) {
+ // for (int j = i; j < objArray.length; j++) {
+ // if (objArray[i].hashCode() != objArray[i].hashCode()) {
+ // fail("Same object, different hash.");
+ // }
+ // if (objArray[j].hashCode() != objArray[j].hashCode()) {
+ // fail("Same object, different hash 1.");
+ // }
+ // if (objArray[i].hashCode() == objArray[j].hashCode()) {
+ // if (!objArray[i].equals(objArray[j])) {
+ // fail("equalsHash, different objects.");
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ // Map