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Development Environment Help

In order to see what scripts we have available, you can either go through the scripts object in the package.json directly, or run npm run and it will print a nice list of all named scripts and what they actually do.


low profile dog

npm Scripts Introduction

When we define a "script" in our package.json, we are telling npm run-script to run the command whenever we use the name of the script as an argument to npm run. These scripts don't have to be JavaScript, only executable somehow. This could be anything that's runnable from the console.

For example, if we had a JavaScript file called helloworld.js, that contained:

console.log('Hello World');

An npm script defined in our package.json file:

"scripts": {
  "hello": "node helloworld.js"

From our project directory, in the terminal, we could run npm run hello, the output would be:

Hello World

We could do the same with a bash script, or any executable script out there. For example:

A file called "":

print "Hello!"

And then in our package.json file:

"scripts": {
  "snakey": "python"

And then in your command line: npm run snakey.

While npm deals with JavaScript packages, it's an important point to make that these scripts don't have to be JavaScript.

Local Dependencies

When we install an npm package in our project, via npm install package, it adds a directory to your project called node_modules and inside of that is a special directory called .bin. It contains what are known as "binaries" for the packages that you've installed. These are programs that can be called from the command line, and they can be used in your npm scripts.

First we install the package we want. Here we'll take a CLI tool that pretty prints things in the terminal.

npm install chalk-cli

We add this to our package.json.

"scripts" {
  "hello": "./node_modules/.bin/chalk bold 'Hello World!'"

Then when we run npm run hello, we get "Hello World!" in nice bold letters:

> [email protected] hello /Users/lewis/dev/hoodie/hoodie-css
> chalk bold 'Hello World!'

Hello World!

However, using ./node_modules/.bin/ is a bit messy, and handily the folks at npm thought about that too. Any dependency you have installed that puts something into the ./node_modules/.bin/ folder can be called from an npm script via the binary's name.

So we can replace:

"scripts" {
  "hello": "./node_modules/.bin/chalk bold 'Hello World!'"

with the somewhat nicer:

"scripts" {
  "hello": "chalk bold 'Hello World!'"

When we run npm run in this project we get some nice looking output, but it's not that helpful on it's own. This document will try and explain what our development environment is, why it is like that, and how you can use it to work on this repository, but also hopefully give you enough information to be able to consider using npm as a build tool.

Let's step through the output of npm run piece by piece.

This guide assumes that you're using npm version 3 or onward (find out with npm --version, and you can update your npm with npm update -g npm. The version 2 output is mostly the same, but doesn't differentiate between lifecycle scripts and other scripts, so it will look slightly different.

Lifecycle scripts included in hoodie-website:
    npm-run-all --parallel dev serve
    npm-run-all test:*

available via `npm run-script`:
    markdown-chalk --input
    live-server dist/ --port=9090
    npm-run-all dev:css
    watch 'npm-run-all dev:sass dev:autoprefix' src/sass --ignoreDotFiles --ignoreUnreadable
    node-sass --source-map src/css/ --watch --output-style nested src/sass/base.scss src/css/hoodie.css
    postcss --use autoprefixer --autoprefixer.browsers "> 5%" --output src/css/hoodie.css src/css/hoodie.css
    npm-run-all prod:*
    node-sass --output-style compressed src/sass/base.scss src/css/prod/hoodie.min.css
    postcss --use autoprefixer --autoprefixer.browsers "> 5%" --output src/css/prod/hoodie.min.css src/css/prod/hoodie.min.css
    kss-node --source src/sass --homepage ../../
    sass-lint --verbose --config .sass-lint.yml src/sass/*
    node hood_ie-server.js
    casperjs test visual-regression-tests/small-viewports.js --engine=slimerjs
    casperjs test visual-regression-tests/medium-viewports.js --engine=slimerjs
    casperjs test visual-regression-tests/large-viewports.js --engine=slimerjs

Lifecycle scripts

Lifecycle scripts included in hoodie-website:

First of all, we are introduced, (albeit briefly) to the concept of lifecycle scripts.

These scripts are related to a module itself, and to its lifecycle. For example, in this project we have start and test defined already.

When you create a module and want others to be able to npm install it, you need to make it available somehow. While npm can handle github urls, this becomes difficult to maintain if people install from a branch that you later delete, or other such problems with specific links. However, npm operates a package registry, which is live at

You can get your module up there by running npm publish, where it should then be available for anyone to npm install (assuming your module's name is unique).

Often you might only want to publish the compiled version of your code, so you can add a prepublish script that compiles your JavaScript/CSS/whatever, and then whenever you publish a version, your code gets compiled and people don't get the development version.

prepublish also introduces a new concept of the pre prefix. There is also a partner post prefix, and any script with a corresponding version with pre ahead of it will be run before the original script. In this package, we have the dev:sass task, and a corresponding predev:sass. This means whenever the dev:sass task is run, before the actual task runs, the command predev:sass is automatically run for us. The pre and post prefixes are a handy way of naming these to help understand them.

The "start" script

npm-run-all --parallel dev serve

The first time you see the full npm run output, it might be intimidating, but we've tried to do our best to make these scripts as approachable as possible.

The first line is the name that we use to call the script. In this case that's start, and we can use npm run start, or, because it's a lifecycle script, we can shorten it to npm start.

The second line is the commands that are executed when this command runs. Here we see that npm-run-all --parallel dev serve is run, whenever we run npm run start, or npm start. Fully understanding this needs a bit of knowledge about the npm-run-all module, so let's explore what it is, why we use it, and what the alternatives might look like.

This module is one of our devDependencies. This means it's not a dependency for our module to operate, and is not added to our module when we publish, however it is something that we need in order for our development environment to work. You can install more of these with npm install [packagename] --save-dev, which will install the package for you and insert it into the devDependencies section of your package.json without you having to add it manually!.

Without this dependency, when we wanted to call a script from inside another script, we'd have to use npm run [script] every time. The package.json would look something like this:

"scripts": {
  "hello": "echo 'hello'",
  "world": "echo 'world'",
  "hello-world": "npm run hello && npm run world"

Because we make use of calling scripts inside other scripts a lot, it makes sense to have something that can make that easier.

With npm-run-all, we can rewrite our package.json like this:

"scripts": {
  "hello": "echo 'hello'",
  "world": "echo 'world'",
  "hello-world": "npm-run-all hello world"

We achieve the same output with this as before, but we don't need to worry about typing npm run twice. With only two scripts it could seem like a waste of time, but imagine adding 40 scripts that you wanted to run one after the other. Suddenly being able to refer to the script by name instead of by npm run script-name becomes a lot nicer to read.


npm-run-all also allows us to run multiple scripts at once, with the --parallel flag. By default, scripts listed in order will be run sequentially.

There are a few problems regarding the more usual way of running tasks in parallel with the && command. You may be used to seeing this in other scripts, but it can run into problems when running in a Windows environment, as the && command doesn't work.

The (non-Windows) alternative for our script would look like:

npm run dev & npm run serve

However, this won't work on a Windows environment, and also will create background processes that need to be manually exited, which can get really annoying if you run a lot of scripts in parallel.

There is also parallelshell which accomplishes the parallelisation concerns, and works across platforms, but makes the scripts less readable.

"Glob matching"

npm-run-all also has the bonus feature of what is known as "glob matching", however the phrase may be new to you. It is also known as wildcard matching. This allows us to call tasks with a * character, and it will "match" all the scripts that match the pattern, and run each of them.

What npm start does

When we want to set up our development environment, with some content in a browser that will update when we change files on our machine, we run npm start. This runs the dev script, and the serve script in parallel.

The dev script runs all the tasks whose name starts with dev: with the glob matching, and this sets up any compilation steps that we need. It takes our Sass files and compiles them to CSS so that we can view our changes in the browser, and if we change a Sass file, it re-compiles the appropriate files, and this allows us to view our changes as soon as possible after we make them.

The serve script uses a really great tool called live-server that solves 3 problems for us.

  • It serves the index.html file for us, this can help when we bring in things that need to request content that's not on our page, like webfonts, or external CSS/JS, because the file:// protocol doesn't allow that. This is why we need a server.

  • It adds "live reload" capability to that server, so any changes it detects in the dist directory will be served, and any CSS changes will also be applied as soon as the file is saved, without restarting anything, or reloading the page. This helps speed up development work a lot.

  • It opens the browser for us at the location we need the browser to be to see the index.html as it's being served, which is another speed boost when you run npm start to get to seeing the site as you work on it.

Previously, these were handled with three separate dependencies.

However combining these makes sense, and means we can keep the number of devDependencies as small as possible, (and by extension how much we need anyone who wants to work on the project to install), and we don't need to worry about explaining 3 separate dependencies that are all very much linked to how we serve content and view changes to that content.

The "test" script

npm-run-all test:*

With the test script we take advantage of npm-run-all's glob-matching to run all the scripts that begin with test:. We run these scripts one after the other, also known as in "sequence", or in "series". This makes running a full npm test or npm run test take a bit more time, but also means that we can pause test execution on a test fail, which can be helpful to stop an automated build from continuing running if it has a breaking change.

We call the script test because a lot of automated build/test tools, also known as Continuous Integration, like Travis CI, Circle CI, or Codeship will see that our project has a package.json, and is therefore using npm for (at the very least), tracking versions or dependencies, and it will try out npm test as a default test script.

By naming our script test instead of lint or similar, we can take advantage of that and not have to set up anything unique in our testing environments.

If we were working on tests themselves, and wanted to keep running them instead of the full test suite, we can run specific tests by, (for example) running something like npm run test:lint which will run the linter only. This will make the test run faster by only running a subset of the tests.

One would expect npm test to only be run in full by an automated build/test environment, and people working on the code itself to run the necessary tests when they change, and maybe run a full npm test before committing changes.

Additional scripts

available via npm run-script:

These scripts are scripts that we have defined ourselves, and each can be run individually with npm run script-name. They don't rely on anything npm does (that could change later), so this makes them ideal to hold our development scripts.

These scripts will be run when we run npm test, and should always run our whole testing/linting suite.

Scripts that match test:*


sass-lint --verbose --config .sass-lint.yml src/sass/*

The test:lint script looks for all the sass files in the src/sass and runs sass-lint against them. The rules for this are all defined in .sass-lint.yml, and contain things like the number of spaces you should use for indenting, what selectors you should and shouldn't use, and so on. This script helps us to spot style errors in our code, and when we do break them, this script is the one that will tell us that we have.



Content goes here

node hood_ie-server.js

Content goes here


Content goes here

casperjs test visual-regression-tests/small-viewports.js --engine=slimerjs

Content goes here

casperjs test visual-regression-tests/medium-viewports.js --engine=slimerjs

Content goes here

casperjs test visual-regression-tests/large-viewports.js --engine=slimerjs

Content goes here

The "help" script

markdown-chalk --input

The help script takes our development environment help file (the one you're reading right now), and outputs it in the terminal. It strips the markdown that we use to make the file easier to read when on GitHub in the browser, and changes it to formatting the output with terminal colour changes and font styles. To accomplish this it uses markdown-chalk

The goal is to enable our documentation to be more accessible when offline, for anyone who wants to read it without having to open it in a text editor and get rid of all the markdown formatting.

The "docs" script


kss-node --source src/sass --homepage ../../

The docs script uses kss-node to extract comments inside the src/sass directory and create a styleguide from internal comments, with the main page defined in the file.

This is still in progress, as our Sass files don't have comments, and we should also have a way to serve the content locally.

The "serve" script

live-server dist/ --port=9090

The serve script uses the live-server: npm package link dependency to start a local development server, with live reloading, and an auto opening browser tab in the user's default browser.

It serves up everything inside the dist directory, and will reload the page automatically if anything inside that directory changes.

serve is one of the integral parts of our main development environment, and is one of the scripts executed with the lifecycle script npm start (as well as the dev script).

The "dev" script

npm-run-all dev:css

The dev script is a script that runs our dev:css task, although in the future it will be a better entry point for every test we might need to run to get our dev environment set up.

Scripts that match dev:*

watch 'npm-run-all dev:sass dev:autoprefix' src/sass --ignoreDotFiles --ignoreUnreadable

Content goes here

node-sass --source-map src/css/ --output-style nested src/sass/base.scss src/css/hoodie.css

The dev:sass script compiles our Sass with a nested output style, which is easier for humans to read than our production version. We also add source maps so that we can more easily debug our Sass from within the browser.

postcss --use autoprefixer --autoprefixer.browsers "> 5%" --output src/css/hoodie.css src/css/hoodie.css

The dev:autoprefix script uses autoprefixer to add prefixes for CSS declarations that may be needed for full cross browser support. This helps take the effort out of the hands of the developer so they can focus on making things work on their browser of choice, and then this tool can take care of the rest.

The option --autoprefixer.browsers "> 5%" tells autoprefixer to add support for any browser with more than 5% market share, which means it won't worry about adding prefixes for browsers that the majority of people aren't using.

The two file paths at the end are the output and input files, and they are the same because we don't want to create two versions of the css file, just apply autoprefixer to the same file.

The "prod" script

npm-run-all prod:*

The prod script is a catch all script to run all the scripts that start with "prod:" using the glob-matching capability of npm-run-all: npm package link.

Scripts that match prod:*

node-sass --output-style compressed src/sass/base.scss src/css/prod/hoodie.min.css

The prod:sass script compiles our Sass with a compressed output style, which is more difficult for humans to read, but saves some space so when we send the compiled version to the site, it doesn't have to transfer as much, which makes it quicker.

postcss --use autoprefixer --autoprefixer.browsers "> 5%" --output src/css/prod/hoodie.min.css src/css/prod/hoodie.min.css

The prod:autoprefix script uses autoprefixer to add prefixes for CSS declarations that may be needed for full cross browser support. This helps take the effort out of the hands of the developer so they can focus on making things work on their browser of choice, and then this tool can take care of the rest.

The option --autoprefixer.browsers "> 5%" tells autoprefixer to add support for any browser with more than 5% market share, which means it won't worry about adding prefixes for browsers that the majority of people aren't using.

The two file paths at the end are the output and input files, and they are the same because we don't want to create two versions of the css file, just apply autoprefixer to the same file.

uglifyjs src/js/jquery.min.js src/js/main.js --output src/js/prod/hoodie.min.js

The prod:javascript script takes the two javascript files we need in the page as an input, (here that's src/js/jquery.min.js and src/js/main.js), and combines them so that we can point pages to a single outputted file, (src/js/prod/hoodie.min.js).

This allows us to only have one <script> tag on pages, that always points to the same script, instead of having each page import all the scripts it uses. We use uglify-js (in the scripts it's called uglify-js) so that jQuery is available across all our sites, as well as our own custom JavaScript.

Visual Regression Tests

To ensure that won't be negatively affected by any of our changes during the refactoring process we're using visual regression tests. The following are the available scripts:

  • test:visuals

    The test:visuals script runs the file which starts a local server including a proxy for and runs the script. This gives us the ability to test our local CSS with the remote Markup from


    spins up a local server including a proxy for


    triggers all available test suites.


    triggers the test suite for the small viewport(320 x 480).


    triggers the test suite for the medium viewport(1024 x 786).


    triggers the test suite for the small viewport(1440 x 900).

The Refactoring Workflow

For the refactoring process we've established a certain workflow, including the following scripts.

  1. Make sure you've made no local changes so far.
  2. Run test:visuals. This creates baseline images in ./visual-regression-tests/screenshots/. Each test suite gets its own folder.
  3. Run dev.
  4. Start refactoring.
  5. Run prod.
  6. Run test-visuals again. This will now create new screenshots and test them against your previously made baseline images. This task may take a while depending on the power of your machine.
  7. If every test passes you're good to commit and push your changes.


  1. If all/one of your tests have/has failed, go into the respective folder (./visual-regression-tests/screenshots/small / medium / large) and check the image/s in the failures/ folder.
  2. Go back to your Sass files and find the mistakenly made changes.
  3. Revert those changes.
  4. Run test:visuals again.

Please help us!

If you find a script defined in the package.json that is not documented, please open an issue, or file a pull request with documentation.