Boolean Network Explorer
BoNE is a free, open source software that can be used analyze biomedical datasets. BoNE transforms Boolean implication relationships into simplified directed graph. In the context of biological gene regulatory networks, the directed graph posesses a new set of challenges. BoNE implements a set of toolkit to explore and analyze the directed graph representation of biological dataset and integrates with machine learning for computing predictive models. BoNE simplify the Boolean implication netwok by clustering them first using Boolean Equivalent relationships. The edges between clusters are defined using overwhelming relationships observed between them. BoNE traverse the graph to discover different directed paths and chose them using machine learning framework to build predictive models.
Project is created with:
- java: 1.8.0 25
- perl: v5.26.1
- python: 3.6.9
- lifelines: 0.22.8
- matplotlib: 3.2.1
- numpy: 1.19.4
- StepMiner: 1.1
- Hegemon: 1.1
bash script to run the softwares: scr
Prerequisite CPAN perl module: Statistics::R
Software for Boolean analysis is available in github:
A compiled version is provided in this directory: stepminer-1.1.jar
Software for Hegemon analysis is available in github:
Environment variables:
export JAVA_HOME="/booleanfs/sahoo/softwares/java/jdk1.8.0_45"
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
export CLASSPATH="./stepminer-1.1.jar"
export HEGEMONPATH="/booleanfs2/sahoo/Hegemon"
stepminer="java -cp $CLASSPATH -Xms64m -Xmx10G tools.CustomAnalysis"
stepminer1="java -cp $CLASSPATH -Xms64m -Xmx10G tools.Analyze"
Typical installation time on a normal computer varies from 5 mins to one hour.
Building Boolean Implication Network:
rm -f $FILE.rl
${stepminer} boolean bitMatrix $FILE.rl \
peters-2017-ibd-bv.txt \
$ All 0.1 2.5 0.05
cp $FILE.rl $FILE-1.rl
${stepminer} boolean bitMatrixFill $FILE-1.rl
${stepminer} boolean bitMatrixFillStats $FILE-1.rl
${stepminer} boolean bitMatrixPrint $FILE-1.rl > $FILE-res.txt
rm -f $FILE.rl
${stepminer} boolean bitMatrix $FILE.rl \
arijs-2018-uc-bv.txt \
$ All 0.1 2.5 0.05
cp $FILE.rl $FILE-1.rl
${stepminer} boolean bitMatrixFill $FILE-1.rl
${stepminer} boolean bitMatrixFillStats $FILE-1.rl
${stepminer} boolean bitMatrixPrint $FILE-1.rl > $FILE-res.txt
Building Clustered Boolean Implication Network:
PERL_HASH_SEED=0 perl ibd eq > ibd-network-g-eq-4.txt
PERL_HASH_SEED=0 perl ibd eq-corr > ibd-network-g-eq-4-corr.txt
PERL_HASH_SEED=0 perl ibd cls > ibd-network-g-eq-cls-4.txt
PERL_HASH_SEED=0 perl ibd g-cls > ibd-network-g-eq-g-4.txt
Identifying Paths:
perl ibd genes > path-1.json
perl ibd genes C21orf33 NCF2 > path-2.json
Analysis of Paths:
python code with and
Expected runtimes for this job is 1 hour.
Instructions for use in Neuroblastoma, Barrett's Esophagus, COVID-19 are provided in NB, BE and covid directories respectively.
Jupyter Notebook is provided to reproduce the manuscript figures.