- bridges Haskell and Lua;
- allows to include a scripting language in any program;
- has a small footprint;
- is (reasonably) safe; and
- abstracts over multiple Lua versions.
Use-cases include:
- flexible, Turing-complete configuration language;
- making a program scriptable;
- exposure of internals to non-Haskell users.
- From
- Docbook, Docx, EPUB, Haddock, HTML, JSON, LaTeX, Markdown (flavors: CommonMark, GitHub, MultiMarkdown, PHP Markdown Extra, strict), MediaWiki, Muse, native, ODT, OPML, Org, RST, t2t, Textile, TikiWiki, TWiki, and VimWiki.
- To
- Asciidoc, Beamer, CommonMark, Context, Docbook4, Docbook5, DOCX, DokuWiki, DZSlides, EPUB2, EPUB3, FB2, Haddock, HTML4, HTML5, ICML, JATS, JSON, LaTeX, groff (man and ms), Markdown (all flavors mentioned as above), MediaWiki, Muse, native, ODT, OPML, Org, plain, RevealJS, RST, RTF, S5, Slideous, slidy, TEI, Texinfo, Textile, and ZimWiki.
- Via
- Internal document model.
data Inline
= Str String
| Space | SoftBreak | LineBreak
| Emph [Inline]
| Strong [Inline]
| Cite [Citation] [Inline]
| Code Attr String
| Math MathType String
| RawInline Format String
| Span Attr [Inline]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Read, Typeable, Data, Generic)
data Block
= Plain [Inline]
| Para [Inline]
| CodeBlock Attr String
| RawBlock Format String
| BlockQuote [Block]
| OrderedList ListAttributes [[Block]]
| BulletList [[Block]]
| Header Int Attr [Inline]
| Div Attr [Block]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)
- Parse input into internal representation.
- Use Lua to convert elements to strings.
- Write resulting string.
-- Example functions handling inline elements.
-- Take and return a string.
function Strong(s)
return "<strong>" .. s .. "</strong>"
function Str(s)
return html_escape(s)
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} ToLuaStack [Inline] where
ils = push =<< inlineListToCustom ils
-- | Convert list of Pandoc inline elements to Custom.
inlineListToCustom :: [Inline] -> Lua String
inlineListToCustom lst = do
xs <- mapM inlineToCustom lst
return $ mconcat xs
-- | Convert Pandoc inline element to Custom.
inlineToCustom :: Inline -> Lua String
inlineToCustom (Strong lst) = callFunc "Strong" lst
inlineToCustom (Str str) = callFunc "Str" str
function CodeBlock(s, attr)
-- If code block has class 'dot', pipe the contents
-- through dot and base64, and include the
-- base64-encoded png as a data: URL.
if attr.class and
string.match(' ' .. attr.class .. ' ',' dot ') then
local png = pipe("base64", pipe("dot -Tpng", s))
return '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' .. png .. '"/>'
-- otherwise treat as code
return "<pre><code" .. attributes(attr) .. ">"
.. escape(s) .. "</code></pre>"
- Panlunatic is a custom writer which outputs JSON.
- Produced data can be read back into Pandoc.
pandoc -t custom.lua input.md | \
\pandoc -f json output.epub
- Manipulations of the document AST are possible.
- Example: making image paths relative.
panlunatic = require("panlunatic") setmetatable(_G, {__index = panlunatic}) function Image(s, src, tit, attr) local relSrc = src:gsub("^/", "") return panlunatic.Image(s, relSrc, tit, attr) end
- Portable
- Powerful
- Slow
- Awkward
- Requires extra software (dhjson, panlunatic)
-- Parse raw blocks containing markdown into
-- a pandoc block element.
funciton RawBlock(elem)
if elem.format == "markdown" then
local pd = pandoc.read(elem.text, "markdown")
return pd.blocks[1]
-- | Return the value at the given index as block
peekBlock :: StackIndex -> Lua Block
peekBlock idx = do
tag <- getTag idx
case tag of
"BulletList" -> BulletList <$> elementContent
"Para" -> Para <$> elementContent
"OrderedList" -> uncurry OrderedList <$> elementContent
"RawBlock" -> uncurry RawBlock <$> elementContent
-- Get the contents of an AST element.
elementContent :: FromLuaStack a => Lua a
elementContent = getTable idx "c"
-- | Push a block element to the top of the lua stack.
pushBlock :: Block -> Lua ()
pushBlock (Para blcks) = pushViaCall "pandoc.Para" blcks
pushBlock (RawBlock f cs) = pushViaCall "pandoc.RawBlock" f cs
pandoc.Para = function(content)
return {c = content, t = "Para"}
pandoc.RawBlock = function(format, text)
return {c = {format, text}, t = "RawBlock"}
Custom readers and filters make pandoc very versatile.
- Gieben, R. “Writing I-Ds and RFCs Using Pandoc and a Bit of XML.” (RFC 7328, 2014).
- Krewinkel A, Winkler R. (2017) Formatting Open Science: agilely creating multiple document formats for academic manuscripts with Pandoc Scholar. PeerJ Computer Science 3:e112
- HsLua makes Lua usable with Haskell.
- Lua is great to make your program extensible.
- Use Pandoc for all your document conversion needs.
- HsLua: https://github.com/osa1/hslua
- Pandoc: https://github.com/jgm/pandoc
- Pandoc types: https://github.com/jgm/pandoc-types
pushViaCall :: PushViaCall a => String -> a
pushViaCall fn = pushViaCall' fn (return ()) 0
class PushViaCall a where
pushViaCall' :: String -> Lua () -> NumArgs -> a
instance PushViaCall (Lua ()) where
pushViaCall' fn pushArgs numArgs = do
getglobal' fn
call numArgs 1
instance (ToLuaStack a, PushViaCall b) =>
PushViaCall (a -> b) where
pushViaCall' fn pushArgs num x =
pushViaCall' fn (pushArgs *> push x) (num + 1)