title |
Post structure |
The post template can be found in /includes/post.html
. It renders the posts from the /_post
Each post has to have a certain structure which consists of the YAML front matter and of the body part.
jekyll-octopod's YAML front matter is an extension of Jekyll's YAML front matter.
The attributes that can be set here are best described with the following example; they are quite self-explanatory:
title: Episode 0
subtitle: Getting Started Is Never Easy
summary: Otherwise the summary is the first paragraph of the show notes
episode-cover: "/img/episode-cover0.jpg'
datum: March 22nd 2016
layout: post
author: Arne and Stefan
explicit: 'no'
duration: "0:03:13"
mp3: episode0.mp3
ogg: episode0.ogg
m4a: episode0.m4a
- '00:00:00.000 Intro.'
- '00:00:30.000 ... Shoubidoubidoo ...'
- '00:02:45.000 Outro.'
- "a tag"
- "another tag"
posts-dir: "/path/to/post/dir" # default: '_posts'
The body part can contain arbitrary markdown content.
At minimum a short text, the web player (embedded in an iframe) and some links are recommended. For example:
Getting started is hard.
{% raw %}
{{ page | web_player_moderator:site }}
{% endraw %}
## Show Notes und Links
* Link lists are easily created: [Aua-uff-Code! Podcast](https://aua-uff-co.de)
* another link to [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/)
Audio and script tags get filtered out of the body for feed creation, so that they do not disturb in podcatchers rendering the shown notes.