- Nominal
- "Contribute and finalize"
- Boost
flowchart TB
UNSET --> |if deadline and claim| FAILED
UNSET --> |if matchOrder and initialize| ACTIVE
ACTIVE["ACTIVE <br> (waiting for contributions)"] --> |if weigh of contributions > requested trust| REVEALING
ACTIVE --> |if deadline and claim| FAILED
REVEALING["REVEALING <br> (waiting for reveals)"] --> |if deadline and claim| FAILED
REVEALING --> |if deadline and claim| FAILED
REVEALING --> |if no reveal and reopen| ACTIVE
REVEALING --> |if enough reveal and after finalize| COMPLETED
ACTIVE --> |if trust = 1 and contributeAndFinalize| COMPLETED
linkStyle 8 stroke:orange
UNSET --> |if trust = 1, boost_matchOrder <br>and boost_pushResult| COMPLETED
linkStyle 9 stroke:green
- Nominal and "contribute and finalize" flows
flowchart TB
UNSET --> |if active task and contribute| CONTRIBUTED
CONTRIBUTED --> |if not part of the consensus| REJECTED
CONTRIBUTED --> |if inside consensus| PROVED
UNSET --> |if trust = 1 and contributeAndFinalize| PROVED
linkStyle 3 stroke:orange
- Boost flow
No contributions statuses in Boost flow.