- Team Name: [Your Team Name]
- Team Members:
- [Team Member 1 Name]
- [Team Member 2 Name]
- [Team Member 3 Name]
[The domain or industry your project addresses]
[Provide a brief overview of your project idea. Explain the problem you are solving and the solution your project offers.]
- [Technology/Framework 1]
- [Technology/Framework 2]
- [Technology/Framework 3]
- ...
[Describe the progress you've made during the hackathon. Include any key features implemented, challenges overcome, or notable accomplishments.]
[Provide step-by-step instructions on how to run or deploy your project locally. Include any dependencies or prerequisites.]
[If applicable, provide a code sample or link to the hosted website/repository. This could be a GitHub repository link, a link to a deployed website, Video sample of your project or any other relevant resources.]
# Include any necessary commands to run the code