Ultimately, it's your choice. VSCode is used by the teachers.
- free & open source code editor by Microsoft (!= Visual Studio IDE)
- wide extension support
- lightweight, multiplatform support
- good docs & instructions
- choice of many Web developers
Press ctrl-shift-x or click extensions icon on the left panel.
Search and install:
- Prettier
- EditorConfig for VS Code
- Auto Import
- ESLint
- vscode-icons
- Live Server
- Optional: JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets
Active project is the folder open on the left side panel (File -> Open folder...)
Handy keyboard shortcuts (finnish layout, check File -> Preferences -> Keyboard shortcuts for more)
- Multiline comment: ctrl-'
- Delete line: ctrl-shift-k
- Move line(s): alt-up/down
- Copy line(s): alt-shift-up/down
- Auto format code: alt-shift-f
- Open integrated console: ctrl-ö
- Quick find/open files: ctrl-p
- Split editor: ctrl-§
- free for Metropolia students. Apply for license here
- @metropolia.fi email address needed for a free license
- then install ToolBox app
- full-featured IDE
- quite ready out of the box. No need for plugins.
- based on IntelliJ IDEA, just like PyCharm
- Chrome & Chrome DevTools
- Safari & Safari Develop menu
- Windows: Click on the start or search icon and type "PowerShell" in the search box
- Mac: press command-space to open search then type 'Terminal'