This npm module allows you to log to your mongoDB with more details. It is based on mongo-morgan
- Morgan is awesome at logging but with mongo-morgan its now logged into mongo database. Useful if you are looking to use morgan instead of [winston] ( or [bunyan] (
- This module uses mongo-morgan and extends to format to log all HTTP request and response objects.
npm install mongo-morgan-ext --save
var logger = require('mongo-morgan-ext');
var db = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/MyDB';
var collection = 'Logs'
var skipfunction = function(req, res) {
return res.statusCode > 399;
} //Thiw would skip if HTTP request response is less than 399 i.e no errors.
app.use(logger(db,collection,skipfunction)); //In your express-application
"RequestID": "",
"status": "",
"method": "",
"Remote-user": "",
"Remote-address": "",
"URL": "",
"HTTPversion": "",
"Response-time": "",
"Referrer": "",
"REQUEST": { //10
"Accept": "",
"Accept-Charset": "",
"Accept-Encoding": "",
"Accept-Language": "",
"Authorization": "",
"Cache-Control": "",
"Connection": "",
"Cookie": "",
"Content-Length": "",
"Content-MD5": "",
"Content-Type": "",
"Expect": "",
"Forwarded": "",
"From": "",
"Host": "",
"Max-Forwards": "",
"Origin": "",
"Pragma": "",
"Proxy-Authorization": "",
"Range": "",
"TE": "",
"User-Agent": "",
"Via": "",
"Warning": "",
"Upgrade": "",
"Referer": "",
"Date": "",
"X-requested-with": "",
"X-Csrf-Token": "",
"X-UIDH": "",
"Proxy-Connection": "",
"X-Wap-Profile": "",
"X-ATT-DeviceId": "",
"Front-End-Https": "",
"X-Forwarded-Proto": "",
"X-Forwarded-Host": "",
"X-Forwarded-For": "",
"DNT": "",
"Accept-Datetime": "",
"If-Match": "",
"If-Modified-Since": "",
"If-None-Match": "",
"If-Range": "",
"If-Unmodified-Since": ""
"Status": "",
"X-Frame-Options": "",
"Accept-Ranges": "",
"Age": "",
"Allow": "",
"Cache-Control": "",
"Connection": "",
"Content-Disposition": "",
"Content-Encoding": "",
"Content-Language": "",
"Content-Length": "",
"Content-Location": "",
"Content-Range": "",
"Last-Modified": "",
"Link": "",
"Location": "",
"P3P": "",
"Pragma": "",
"Proxy-Authenticate": "",
"Public-Key-Pins": "",
"Retry-After": "",
"Server": "",
"Trailer": "",
"Transfer-Encoding": "",
"TSV": "",
"Upgrade": "",
"Vary": "",
"Via": "",
"Warning": "",
"WWW-Authenticate": "",
"Expires": "",
"Set-Cookie": "",
"Strict-Transport-Security": "",
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "",
"X-XSS-Protection": "",
"X-Content-Security-Policy": "",
"Content-Security-Policy": "",
"X-Content-Type-Options": "",
"X-Powered-By": "",
"X-UA-Compatible": "",
"X-Content-Duration": "",
"Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "",
"X-Request-ID": "",
"ETag": "",
"Accept-Patch": ""