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A tutorial for this calibrator can be found here


The package mapping_based_calibrator performs extrinsic calibration between 3d lidar sensors, as well as the (partial) calibration between a single 3d lidar and base_link.

Inner-workings / Algorithms

lidar-lidar calibration

The calibrator is designed to estimate the transformation between multiple lidar sensors. It does so by moving the robot/vehicle, creating a trajectory in which lidars observe the same features, and formulating the calibration problem as a pointcloud registration one.

One of the lidars is used to map the trajectory (denoted as the mapping lidar), and once a map created with this lidar, the other lidars (denoted as calibration lidars) are registered against an augmented mapping lidar pointcloud (through the mapping process), which is equivalent to lidar-lidar calibration (between the mapping lidar and each of the calibration lidars individually).

The calibration process encompasses three main steps: constructing a map with the mapping lidar via moving the vehicle, preprocessing and selecting the calibration data, and finally performing lidar-lidar calibration via pointcloud registration.

General notes about the environment, trajectory, and sensors used:

  • The environment should contain features appropriate for mapping (e.g., an open space with no walls is inadequate).
  • The data from the lidars needs to be synchronized since we pair and interpolate data from different sensors.
  • Since lidar scans get distorted with the vehicle's movement, the trajectory followed by the vehicle should be as slow and continuous as possible. Failure to do this has a detrimental impact on the calibration process.
  • In addition to mapping, the different lidars must observe common, highly distinctive features to perform pointcloud registration among them. Good examples are objects with a lack of symmetry, and clear 3d shapes (as opposed to 2d objects like walls).
  • The mapping lidar is usually chosen as the one with the highest resolution, range, and field of view.
  • The resolution and range of the lidars used have a great impact on how or whether this method can be used. We do not make guarantees about any set of combinations, and in most cases, parameters will need to be modified to maintain a good performance.

Note: although this package can perform calibration between the mapping lidar and several calibration lidars, the documentation will assume only one calibration lidar is used. In the presence of multiple calibration lidars, the process is done in parallel in an independent fashion.

Step 1: Map construction

As mentioned in the previous section, one of the lidars is termed the mapping lidar (set in the launchers via the mapping_pointcloud argument), and while the robot/vehicle moves, its data is used to construct a map.

The mapping process is implemented via direct pointcloud registration between individual scans of the mapping lidar using either NDT[1] or GICP[2] (the algorithm can be set in the launcher). The output of this step is a series of registered pointclouds (raw pointcloud and its pose in the map) dubbed frames (or keyframes).

However, not all pointclouds coming from the mapping lidar are used in the map creation, since there is a chance of data redundancy, which is known to difficult data processing and the registration process itself. For this reason, we consider the following rules when mapping:

  • An incoming lidar scan is compared against an aggregated pointcloud of the latest local_map_num_keyframes keyframes.
  • keyframes are lidar scans sampled uniformly every new_keyframe_min_distance meters.
  • Incoming lidars that are not deemed keyframes, are saved as frames if their distance to the latest accepted frame is over new_frame_min_distance meters. Otherwise, the incoming scan is discarded.
  • If the vehicle stops (and this fact is detected), a special stopped frame is saved, since this data is useful for calibration (still data).
  • If the trajectory followed by the frames is deemed non-continuous (e.g., high accelerations or data loss), the frame at which this fact is detected is deemed a lost frame and the new incoming scan will not compare against this or previous frames (essentially restarting the mapping process). Note: although in normal mapping applications this is not acceptable, for calibration purposes we only need sequences of registered pointclouds so this is still allowed. However, whenever possible the user should restart the mapping process if he identifies this issue.

Step 2: Calibration data preparation

The data required for calibration is created throughout the mapping process and right before the calibration itself. In particular, the mapping and calibration lidar are expected to have different timestamps so they can not be directly registered. Additionally, the mapping process produces a great amount of potential combinations of pointclouds to register, so the data best suited for calibration needs to be chosen.

Data interpolation

As explained in the previous section, pointclouds from the mapping lidar and calibration lidar have different timestamps which makes registration directly unfeasible. To address this problem, whenever a keyframe from the mapping lidar is generated, the temporally closest calibration lidar pointcloud is associated to it, and the pose of the mapping lidar pointcloud is interpolated to the stamp of the calibration lidar pointcloud using the map (adjacent frames to the keyframe).

However, the interpolation is only an approximation and its use induces an interpolation error that can be detrimental to calibration. For this reason, interpolation statistics like the interpolation time, distance, angle, and estimated dynamics are computed.

The output of this step is a list of what we call calibration frames, consisting of the mapping lidar keyframe, the calibration lidar pointcloud, the interpolated pose, and the interpolation statistics.

Data selection

At this point, we have obtained a series of calibration frames that can be used to perform lidar calibration. However, their contents could have little to no useful information (calibration-wise), their data could be compromised due to an incorrect mapping, or their interpolation error could be non-negligible. For these reasons, we select the calibration data using the following criteria:

  • All calibration frames "close" to lost frames are discarded. The term "close" in this context refers to the fact that the frames near the calibration lidar keyframe from the calibration frame are used to augment said pointcloud. This step makes sure no invalid data is used (mapping-wise).
  • The interpolation statistics are used to discard calibration frames. High interpolation times, distances, angles, speed, and acceleration are not accepted (thresholds are set via parameters).
  • calibration frames have varying levels of "information" in them, and in some cases, that information may not be useful for calibration. To select the frames more suited for calibration information-wise, the following criteria are used:
    • The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is applied to the calibration lidar pointcloud of the calibration frames. In this context, the higher the smallest component of PCA is, the more suited a pointcloud is for calibration.
    • Then, the calibration frames are sorted in descending order and they are greedily added to the final calibration set until a maximum budget is reached.
    • However, calibration frames will be skipped if another one near it has already been added (using distance criteria in the map).
Data preprocessing

When doing source-to-target pointcloud registration, all points in the source pointcloud are projected into the target one, and each source point forms a pair with its closest target one. In the case of sparse pointclouds from lidar scans, this causes convergence issues that are very common in the case of algorithms like ICP and still cause problems on others like GICP.

For this reason, instead of registering the calibration lidar points into the mapping lidar ones, we first augment the mapping lidar pointclouds with their neighbors in the map within a vicinity. This augmented pointcloud has a very high number of points, which makes pointcloud registration intractable. To solve this, we use voxel subsampling before pointcloud registration.

Step 3: Pointcloud registration

Lidar-to-lidar calibration is solved implicitly via the pointcloud registration of calibration lidar pointclouds into the augmented mapping lidar pointclouds. Each pair of pointclouds produces a registered pose, essentially the calibration pose. Among all of these resulting poses, the one that presents a lower overall error (source to target error among all calibration frames) is the one chosen as the output calibration result.

However, as registration algorithms are very sensitive to their initial guess and parameters, we use multiple registrators (ICP, GICP, and NDT with different parameters) in a sequential fashion similar to an ensemble, using as the initial guess at every step the best calibration pose so far.

In addition to calibrating using calibration frame independently, we also use Batched ICP, which allows us to perform ICP using all the calibration frames of each lidar simultaneously.

base-lidar calibration

In addition of lidar-lidar calibration, we can also utilize the map generated by the mapping lidar to partially calibrate the transformation between the mapping lidar and the base_link. This possible if the assumption that the area around of the vehicle forms a plane holds true.

Step 1: Map construction

The first step of base-lidar calibration is identical to the Step 1 of lidar-lidar calibration.

Step 2: Extract ground plane from the pointcloud

After constructing the map, and computing the augmented pointcloud from mapping lidar, which is identical to the Step 2, a RANSAC-based plane estimation algorithm is used to extract the ground plane pointcloud and its mathematical model.

Step 3: Estimate transformation

To estimate the transformation between the mapping lidar and the base_link, the tool needs to calculate the transformation between the lidar and the ground pose, as well as the transformation between the ground pose and the base_link.

The transformation between the lidar and the ground pose is calculated by utilizing the normal vector and a point on the ground plane, both obtained in the last step. To estimate the transformation between the ground pose and the base_link, the tool first determines the initial ground-pose-to-base-link using the initial lidar-to-base-link and lidar-to-ground-pose transformations. Then, the tool projects this initial ground-pose-to-base-link transformation onto the xy plane to estimate the transformation between the ground pose and the base_link. The final lidar to base_link pose can be obtained by composing the previous poses.

ROS Interfaces


Name Type Description
calibration_camera_info_topics sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo The intrinsic parameters of calibration cameras. calibration_camera_info_topics is provided via parameters (currently not used).
calibration_image_topics sensor_msgs::msg::CompressedImage Calibration cameras' image topics. calibration_image_topics is provided via parameters (currently not used).
mapping_pointcloud sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 Pointcloud's topic used for mapping. It is recommended to select the lidar that has the highest resolution and best FOV.
calibration_pointcloud_topics sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 Pointclouds' topics used for calibrating with the mapping pointcloud. calibration_pointcloud_topics is provided via parameters.
detected_objects autoware_perception_msgs::msg::DetectedObjects Messages containing detected objects, used in the filtering procedure.
predicted_objects autoware_perception_msgs::msg::PredictedObjects Messages that contain predicted object paths and positions, used in the filtering procedure.


Name Type Description
output_map sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 Output map constructed from the mapping_pointcloud.
frame_path nav_msgs::msg::Path The actual path of the mapping_pointcloud.
frame_predicted_path nav_msgs::msg::Path The predicted path of the mapping_pointcloud.
keyframe_path nav_msgs::msg::Path The keyframe path of the mapping_pointcloud.
keyframe_markers visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray Keyframe markers.
initial_source_aligned_map sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 Initial map from calibration lidars.
calibrated_source_aligned_map sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 Calibrated map from calibration lidars.
target_map sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 Target map from the mapping lidar, used for comparing with the calibrated_source_aligned_map.
target_markers visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray Markers for the camera calibrator (currently not used).
base_lidar_augmented_pointcloud sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 The ground pointcloud extracted from the augmented pointcloud.
ground_pointcloud sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 The ground pointcloud extracted from the calibrated pointcloud.


Name Type Description
extrinsic_calibration tier4_calibration_msgs:: srv::ExtrinsicCalibrator Generic calibration service. The call is blocked until the calibration process finishes.
stop_mapping std_srvs::srv::Empty Stops building the map and starts the calibration process.
load_database std_srvs::srv::Empty Loads lidar and camera calibration frames from the database (for developers).
save_database std_srvs::srv::Empty Saves lidar and camera calibration frames to the database (for developers).


Core Parameters

Name Type Default Value Description
calibrate_base_frame bool false Flag to optionally calibrate the base frame. (base_link).
base_frame std::string The frame name of the base frame used in base-lidar calibration.
map_frame std::string The frame name of the map.
calibration_camera_optical_link_frames std::vector<string> The list of frame names for calibration camera. (currently not used)
calibration_lidar_frames std::vector<string> The list of frame names for calibration lidars.
calibration_camera_info_topics std::vector<string> The list of camera info topics for calibration camera. (currently not used)
calibration_image_topics std::vector<string> The list of camera image topics for calibration camera. (currently not used)
calibration_pointcloud_topics std::vector<string> The list of pointcloud topics for calibration lidars.
mapping_lidar_frame std::string The frame name of the mapping_lidar.
mapping_registrator std::string NDT / GICP The type of the PCL registration algorithm used for mapping.
mapping_verbose bool false Verbose output flag for mapping.
use_rosbag bool true Flag to determine if data should be read from a rosbag file.
mapping_max_frames int 500 The maximum number of frames to use for mapping. If the number of frames is larger than this value, the mapper stops and the calibration starts.
local_map_num_keyframes int 15 The number of keyframes stored in the local map.
dense_pointcloud_num_keyframes int 10 Dense pointcloud for calibration is generated by integrating the pointclouds in the range of [keyframe_id - dense_pointcloud_num_keyframes, keyframe_id + dense_pointcloud_num_keyframes].
mapping_min_range double 0.5 The minimum range in meters of each lidar pointcloud for mapping.
mapping_max_range double 60.0 The maximum range in meters of each lidar pointcloud for mapping.
min_mapping_pointcloud_size int 10000 The minimum size of the pointcloud required for mapping.
min_calibration_pointcloud_size int 500 The minimum size of the pointcloud that is necessary for estimating transformation.
mapping_lost_timeout double 1.0 Sensor's timeout in seconds to consider the mapping process is failed.

Mapping Parameters

Name Type Default Value Description
mapper_resolution double 5.0 Resolution for pclomp::NormalDistributionsTransform algorithm.
mapper_step_size double 0.1 Step size for pclomp::NormalDistributionsTransform algorithm.
mapper_max_iterations int 35 The maximum number of iterations for pclomp::NormalDistributionsTransform and pcl::GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint algorithm.
mapper_epsilon double 0.01 Epsilon value for pclomp::NormalDistributionsTransform and pcl::GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint algorithm.
mapper_num_threads int 8 The number of threads to use for pclomp::NormalDistributionsTransform algorithm.
mapper_max_correspondence_distance double 0.1 Maximum correspondence distance in meters for pcl::GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint algorithm.
mapping_viz_leaf_size double 0.15 Leaf size in meters for pcl::VoxelGrid to voxelize the mapping pointcloud.
calibration_viz_leaf_size double 0.15 Leaf size in meters for pcl::VoxelGridTriplets to voxelize the calibration pointcloud.
leaf_size_input double 0.1 Leaf size in meters for pcl::VoxelGrid to voxelize the input pointcloud.
leaf_size_local_map double 0.1 Leaf size in meters for pcl::VoxelGrid to voxelize the local map.
leaf_size_dense_map double 0.05 Leaf size in meters for pcl::VoxelGrid to voxelize the dense map.
new_keyframe_min_distance double 1.0 Minimum distance in meters between consecutive keyframes.
new_frame_min_distance double 0.05 Minimum distance in meters of a new frame needs to be apart from the last to be processed.
frame_stopped_distance double 0.02 Threshold distance in meters to determine if the frame has stopped moving.
frames_since_stopped_force_frame int 5 If the number of stopped frames is equal to this value, we set it as keyframe_and_stop frame.
calibration_skip_keyframes int 5 The number of initial keyframes that are skipped for calibration.

Calibration Criteria Parameters

Name Type Default Value Description
max_allowed_interpolated_time double 0.05 Maximum allowable time in seconds for frame interpolated time in standard criteria.
max_allowed_interpolated_distance double 0.05 Maximum allowable distance in meters for frame interpolated distance in standard criteria.
max_allowed_interpolated_angle double 1.0 Maximum allowable angle in degrees for frame interpolated angle in standard criteria.
max_allowed_interpolated_speed double 3.0 Maximum allowable speed in meters/second for frame interpolated speed in standard criteria.
max_allowed_interpolated_accel double 0.4 Maximum allowable acceleration in meters/second^2 for frame interpolated acceleration in standard criteria.
max_allowed_interpolated_distance_straight double 0.08 Maximum allowable distance in meters for frame interpolated distance in straight criteria.
max_allowed_interpolated_angle_straight double 0.5 Maximum allowable angle in degrees for frame interpolated angle in straight criteria.
max_allowed_interpolated_speed_straight double 5.0 Maximum allowable speed in meters/second for frame interpolated speed in straight criteria.
max_allowed_interpolated_accel_straight double 0.1 Maximum allowable acceleration in meters/second^2 for frame interpolated acceleration in straight criteria.
filter_detections bool true Flag to enable filtering of detection to improve calibration accuracy and reduce noise.
detection_max_time_tolerance double 0.5 Maximum time tolerance in seconds for obtaining all detections close in time to the source pointcloud.
detection_size_tolerance double 0.4 Tolerance for detection size in meters to account for measurement errors and environmental factors.
lost_frame_max_angle_diff double 25.0 Maximum allowable angular difference in degrees between keyframes to consider a frame as lost, used in handling outliers in frame processing.
lost_frame_interpolation_error double 0.05 Maximum allowable interpolation error in meters between keyframes to consider a frame as lost, used in handling outliers in frame processing.
lost_frame_max_acceleration double 8.0 Maximum allowable acceleration in meters/second between keyframes to consider a frame as lost, used in handling outliers in frame processing.
viz_max_range double 80.0 Maximum range in meters for visualization purposes, setting the boundary for displayable data.
crop_z_calibration_pointclouds bool true Flag to enable cropping of the Z-axis in calibration pointclouds.
crop_z_calibration_pointclouds_value double 2.0 Value of cropping the Z-axis in the calibration pointcloud.
calibration_use_only_stopped bool false Flag to use only data from stopped frames.
calibration_use_only_last_frames bool false Flag to use only last frames for calibration.
max_calibration_range double 80.0 Maximum range in meters to consider for calibration purposes, defining the spatial boundary for calibration data.
min_calibration_range double 1.5 Minimum range in meters to consider for calibration purposes, defining the spatial boundary for calibration data.
calibration_min_pca_eigenvalue double 0.25 If the eigenvalue of a pointcloud is less than this value, it will be filtered out.
calibration_min_distance_between_frames double 5.0 Threshold for the minimum distance in meters between frames.
calibration_eval_max_corr_distance double 0.1 Maximum correspondence distance in meters for source pointcloud and target pointcloud.

Calibration Parameters

Name Type Default Value Description
solver_iterations int 200 Number of iterations for the PCL registration algorithm during calibration, affecting the convergence rate and accuracy.
max_corr_dist_coarse double 0.5 Maximum coarse correspondence distance in meters for the PCL registration algorithm during calibration.
max_corr_dist_fine double 0.1 Maximum fine correspondence distance in meters for the PCL registration algorithm during calibration.
max_corr_dist_ultra_fine double 0.05 Maximum ultra fine correspondence distance in meters for the PCL registration algorithm during calibration.

Lidar Calibration Parameters

Name Type Default Value Description
lidar_calibration_min_frames int 2 The minimum number of calibration frames to use in lidar calibration.
lidar_calibration_max_frames int 10 The maximum number of calibration frames to use in lidar calibration.

Camera Calibration Parameters (currently not used)

Name Type Default Value Description
camera_calibration_min_frames int 1 The minimum number of frames to consider for camera calibration.
camera_calibration_max_frames int 10 The maximum number of frames to use in camera calibration.
pc_features_min_distance double 0.2 Near plane distance in meters for pcl::FrustumCulling.
pc_features_max_distance double 40.0 Far plane distance in meters for pcl::FrustumCulling.

Base-Lidar Calibration Parameters

Name Type Default Value Description
base_lidar_crop_box_min_x double -20.0 Minimum x-coordinate in meters for the cropping box in base-lidar calibration to focus on relevant data areas.
base_lidar_crop_box_min_y double -20.0 Minimum y-coordinate in meters for the cropping box in base-lidar calibration to focus on relevant data areas.
base_lidar_crop_box_min_z double -20.0 Minimum z-coordinate in meters for the cropping box in base-lidar calibration to focus on relevant data areas.
base_lidar_crop_box_max_x double 20.0 Maximum x-coordinate in meters for the cropping box in base-lidar calibration to focus on relevant data areas.
base_lidar_crop_box_max_y double 20.0 Maximum y-coordinate in meters for the cropping box in base-lidar calibration to focus on relevant data areas.
base_lidar_crop_box_max_z double 20.0 Maximum z-coordinate in meters for the cropping box in base-lidar calibration to focus on relevant data areas.
base_lidar_max_inlier_distance double 0.01 Maximum inlier distance in meters for ground extraction by using pcl::SACSegmentation.
base_lidar_max_iterations int 1000 The maximum number of iterations for ground extraction by using pcl::SACSegmentation.
base_lidar_min_plane_points int 1000 The minimum number of points required in a pointcloud, ensuring sufficient data for applying ground extraction.
base_lidar_min_plane_points_percentage double 10.0 The minimum percentage of the ground plane points in a pointcloud.
base_lidar_max_cos_distance double 0.5 Maximum cosine distance for applying ground plane extraction.
base_lidar_overwrite_xy_yaw bool false Flag to allow overwriting the x, y, and yaw value during base-lidar calibration.

Known issues/limitations

  • As described in Step 2, the calibrator interpolates the pose of the mapping lidar at the timestamp of the calibration lidars. Therefore, the calibrator has strict sensor synchronization requirements.
  • It is required that the mapping lidar has a high resolution. For the calibration lidar, both high and low resolutions are acceptable. Therefore, vehicles with only low-resolution lidars cannot use the calibrator.
  • A good initial calibration is required for this calibrator (due to the nature of pointcloud registration).

Pro tips/recommendations

  • It is recommended to select the lidar that has the highest resolution and best FOV as the mapping lidar.
  • To build the map accurately, drive your vehicle at the lowest feasible speed, such as 2 km/h. Driving too fast can distort the point cloud, negatively impacting the map's accuracy.
  • The surroundings of the calibration area are crucial for creating an accurate map and estimating transformations. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the environment is rich in natural landmarks suitable for registration-based mapping and calibration in all directions, as shown in the image below. This richness in natural landmarks helps the lidar capture sufficient details beyond simple features like lane surfaces or walls, thereby enhancing the accuracy and reliability of the mapping and calibration processes.


[1] Peter Biber and Wolfgang Straßer, "The normal distributions transform: A new approach to laser scan matching" in Proceedings 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2003).

[2] Aleksandr V. Segal, Dirk Haehnel, and Sebastian Thrun, "Generalized-ICP" in Robotics: Science and Systems 2009..