A CLI Tool to generate and deploy beautiful websites in under 5 minuites
Thanks for contributing to my project 🧁
Here's how you can run the project locally and help me make it better 🚀
- python
- git CLI installed and authenticated
- clone this repository and move into it
- run command
python setup.py
to install all required packages
- run command
python main.py
orpython main.py --help
to see all commands - run command
python main.py init
to setup the cli - run command
python main.py build
to create your resume website
Please make sure you use the semantic format for writing commit messages.
feat: Description # if a new feature is added
fix: Description # if a bug is fixed
refactor: Description # if code is refactored
docs: Description # if documentation is added
Please make sure you use the semantic format for naming your feature branch.
Here's an example:
^------^ ^---^
| |
| +---> issue's keyword
+-------> Type: or feat, chore, docs, fix, refactor, style, or test.
Here's a checklist to make sure your all your pull requests get accepted 😊
- Create your feature branch from the updated branch:
- Make the pull request to the target branch:
- Check the issue tracker to make sure your contribution is unique.
Make sure to document the contributions well in the pull request. Pull requests should have:
- A concise commit message.
- A description of what was changed/added.