Solution to the CartPole_v1 environment using the Advantage Actor Critic (A2C) algorithm
- gym
- numpy
- tensorflow
The environment is identical to CartPole-v0 but the number of required timesteps is increased to 475.
We need to approximate two separate functions:
- Actor's policy
- Critic's state value function
Both of them are modeled by a neural network with one hidden layer.
Policy is a mapping from the state space to a set of probability distributions over action space (in our case only discrete). To each given state we assign a 2-element probability vector whose elements sum up to 1.
State value function is a mapping from the state space to the real numbers. To each given state we assign a real number representing a "value/utility" of being at that state.
For actor we are directly optimizing in the policy space. To do that we use the Policy Gradient Theorem and a below TD(0) estimate of the advantage function
This can be reformulated in terms of a cross entropy loss minimization.
The critic is always updated based on the TD(0) back up. This can be reformulated in terms of a squared error loss minimization.
This method seems to converge no matter what the initialization is. See below an evolution of scores for one run.
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