*Leave the default values for any form inputs not described below. To complete each page you will usually scroll down and find the blue button.*
- Login to AWS and verify the region at the top right is set to either Ireland or N. Virginia Region region.
- Click Lambda and then Create a Lambda function Do not select the default Blank blueprint.
- Locate and click on the
skill template (hint: search for fact ) - Click in the empty square and choose the trigger Alexa Skills Kit and click Next.
- Give your function the name HelloWorld
- Select all the existing Javascript code and delete it!
- Paste in the source code from src/index.js
- Scroll down past the code editor and environment variables and find the Role dropdown. Create a custom role or re-use an execution role, such as
- Click Next and create the function.
- Press the blue TEST button to begin a unit test. Choose the event template called Alexa Start Session.
- Notice Lambda ARN, shown near the top right, such as
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