pip install runtime-context
from runtime_context import RuntimeContextWrapper
runtime_context = RuntimeContextWrapper ()
def do_something (i ):
if runtime_context .dry_run :
print ('{} - dry run' .format (i ))
else :
print ('{} - for real' .format (i ))
with runtime_context (dry_run = False ):
do_something (1 ) # for real
with runtime_context (dry_run = True ):
do_something (2 ) # dry run
runtime_context .dry_run = False
do_something (3 ) # for real
with runtime_context ():
do_something (4 ) # for real
runtime_context .dry_run = True
do_something (5 ) # dry run
do_something (6 ) # for real
import json
from typing import Union # noqa
from runtime_context import EnvBase , runtime_context_env # noqa
class YourApp :
dry_run = False
db_name = None
config_file = None
env = YourApp () # type: Union[YourApp, EnvBase]
@env .context_var_set .listener (predicate = lambda name : name == 'config_file' )
def reload_config ():
if not env .config_file :
print ('Reloading config from {}' .format (env .config_file ))
with open (env .config_file ) as f :
config = json .load (f )
for k , v in config .items ():
env .set (k , v )
with env ():
assert env .dry_run is False
assert env .db_name is None
env .config_file = 'config.json' # prints 'Reloading config from config.json'
assert env .db_name == 'products' # read from config.json file
with env (dry_run = True ):
assert env .dry_run is True