This Python Jupyter notebook sees how many naturally occuring mutations are observed at each site of strong escape
Import Python modules:
import collections
import copy
import math
import os
import dms_variants.utils
from IPython.display import display, HTML
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from plotnine import *
import yaml
Read the configuration file:
with open('config.yaml') as f:
config = yaml.safe_load(f)
Read escape profiles config, which tells which sets to make plots for:
with open(config['escape_profiles_config']) as f:
escape_profiles_config = yaml.safe_load(f)
Create output directory:
os.makedirs(config['gisaid_mutations_dir'], exist_ok=True)
Read counts of naturally ocurring mutations:
print(f"Reading mutation counts from {config['gisaid_mutation_counts']}")
mut_counts = pd.read_csv(config['gisaid_mutation_counts'])
Reading mutation counts from results/GISAID_mutations/mutation_counts.csv
Read sites of "strong escape" from all antibodies / sera:
print(f"Reading sites of strong escape from {config['strong_escape_sites']}")
strong_sites = pd.read_csv(config['strong_escape_sites'])
Reading sites of strong escape from results/escape_profiles/strong_escape_sites.csv
Read escape fractions for all antibodies / sera:
print(f"Reading escape fractions from {config['escape_fracs']}")
escape_fracs = (
.query('library == "average"')
.rename(columns={'mutation': 'mutant',
'label_site': 'site'})
[['condition', 'site', 'wildtype', 'mutant', config['mut_metric'], config['site_metric']]]
Reading escape fractions from results/escape_scores/escape_fracs.csv
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
condition | site | wildtype | mutant | mut_escape_frac_epistasis_model | site_total_escape_frac_epistasis_model | |
0 | CAB-A17_139 | 331 | N | A | 0.001006 | 0.01628 |
1 | CAB-A17_139 | 331 | N | D | 0.001013 | 0.01628 |
2 | CAB-A17_139 | 331 | N | E | 0.000979 | 0.01628 |
3 | CAB-A17_139 | 331 | N | F | 0.001090 | 0.01628 |
4 | CAB-A17_139 | 331 | N | G | 0.001025 | 0.01628 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
5833 | CAB-C19_184 | 531 | T | R | 0.001181 | 0.02607 |
5834 | CAB-C19_184 | 531 | T | S | 0.001409 | 0.02607 |
5835 | CAB-C19_184 | 531 | T | V | 0.001510 | 0.02607 |
5836 | CAB-C19_184 | 531 | T | W | 0.000796 | 0.02607 |
5837 | CAB-C19_184 | 531 | T | Y | 0.001528 | 0.02607 |
5838 rows × 6 columns
Get counts of naturally occurring mutations at sites of escape, along with the actual escape values:
First get mutation-level counts:
mutcounts_strong_sites = (
strong_sites[['condition', 'threshold', 'site']]
.merge(mut_counts, how='inner', on='site')
.merge(escape_fracs[['condition', 'site', 'wildtype', config['site_metric']]].drop_duplicates(),
on=['condition', 'site', 'wildtype'],
.assign(mutation=lambda x: x['wildtype'] + x['site'].astype(str) + x['mutant'])
.sort_values('count', ascending=False)
Now get site-level counts (aggregating all mutations at a site):
sitecounts_strong_sites = (
.assign(mut_count=lambda x: x['mutation'] + ' (' + x['count'].astype(str) + ')')
.groupby(['condition', 'threshold', 'site', 'wildtype', config['site_metric']])
.aggregate({'count': 'sum', 'mut_count': ', '.join})
.rename(columns={'mut_count': 'counts_by_mutation'})
.sort_values('count', ascending=False)
print(f"Here are first few lines showing the most frequently mutated sites of escape:")
Here are first few lines showing the most frequently mutated sites of escape:
condition | threshold | site | wildtype | site_total_escape_frac_epistasis_model | count | counts_by_mutation |
CAB-A49_222 | sensitive | 417 | K | 2.35100 | 3647 | K417N (3010), K417T (632), K417R (4), K417E (1) |
CAB-A17_139 | sensitive | 417 | K | 0.09368 | 3647 | K417N (3010), K417T (632), K417R (4), K417E (1) |
CAB-C19_184 | default | 417 | K | 0.70390 | 3647 | K417N (3010), K417T (632), K417R (4), K417E (1) |
CAB-A17_139 | sensitive_max_mut | 417 | K | 0.09368 | 3647 | K417N (3010), K417T (632), K417R (4), K417E (1) |
CAB-C19_184 | sensitive | 417 | K | 0.70390 | 3647 | K417N (3010), K417T (632), K417R (4), K417E (1) |
CAB-A49_222 | default | 417 | K | 2.35100 | 3647 | K417N (3010), K417T (632), K417R (4), K417E (1) |
CAB-C19_184 | sensitive_max_mut | 417 | K | 0.70390 | 3647 | K417N (3010), K417T (632), K417R (4), K417E (1) |
CAB-A49_222 | sensitive_max_mut | 417 | K | 2.35100 | 3647 | K417N (3010), K417T (632), K417R (4), K417E (1) |
CAB-C19_184 | sensitive_max_mut | 475 | A | 1.72900 | 229 | A475V (149), A475S (68), A475T (11), A475P (1) |
CAB-A49_222 | sensitive_max_mut | 475 | A | 2.82200 | 229 | A475V (149), A475S (68), A475T (11), A475P (1) |
CAB-A17_139 | default | 475 | A | 0.48910 | 229 | A475V (149), A475S (68), A475T (11), A475P (1) |
CAB-A49_222 | sensitive | 475 | A | 2.82200 | 229 | A475V (149), A475S (68), A475T (11), A475P (1) |
CAB-A49_222 | default | 475 | A | 2.82200 | 229 | A475V (149), A475S (68), A475T (11), A475P (1) |
CAB-C19_184 | sensitive | 475 | A | 1.72900 | 229 | A475V (149), A475S (68), A475T (11), A475P (1) |
CAB-A17_139 | sensitive_max_mut | 475 | A | 0.48910 | 229 | A475V (149), A475S (68), A475T (11), A475P (1) |
CAB-A17_139 | sensitive | 475 | A | 0.48910 | 229 | A475V (149), A475S (68), A475T (11), A475P (1) |
CAB-C19_184 | default | 475 | A | 1.72900 | 229 | A475V (149), A475S (68), A475T (11), A475P (1) |
CAB-C19_184 | sensitive | 460 | N | 0.22870 | 29 | N460I (15), N460K (6), N460T (5), N460S (3) |
CAB-C19_184 | default | 460 | N | 0.22870 | 29 | N460I (15), N460K (6), N460T (5), N460S (3) |
CAB-C19_184 | sensitive_max_mut | 460 | N | 0.22870 | 29 | N460I (15), N460K (6), N460T (5), N460S (3) |
We perform analyses on all subsets in the escape profiles config for which this is specified:
for name, specs in escape_profiles_config.items():
if 'analyze_natural_mutations' not in specs or not specs['analyze_natural_mutations']:
print(f"\nAnalyzing natural mutations for {name}")
conditions = specs['conditions']
threshold = specs['plot_auto_identified_sites']
if threshold not in sitecounts_strong_sites['threshold'].unique():
raise ValueError(f"invalid threshold {threshold} for {name}")
# get count for conditions of interest for this subset
df = (sitecounts_strong_sites
.query('condition in @conditions')
.query('threshold == @threshold')
.assign(condition=lambda x: x['condition'].map(conditions))
countsfile = os.path.join(config['gisaid_mutations_dir'], f"{name}_mutation_counts.csv")
print(f"Writing counts of mutations at sites of strong escape to {countsfile}. First few lines:")
df.to_csv(countsfile, index=False)
# make plot showing escape sites with more than mincounts mutations
if 'natural_mutations_mincounts' in specs:
mincounts = specs['natural_mutations_mincounts']
mincounts = 5
plotsfile = os.path.join(config['gisaid_mutations_dir'], f"{name}_mutation_counts.pdf")
print('Plotting which antibodies / sera are escaped by mutations at all sites of '
f"escape with at least {mincounts} mutation counts and saving to {plotsfile}.")
plot_df = (
# data frame with all combinations of conditions and sites
pd.DataFrame.from_records([(condition, site) for condition in conditions.values()
for site in df['site'].unique()],
columns=['condition', 'site'])
# annotate sites of escape
.merge(df.assign(escape=lambda x: x['count'] >= mincounts)[['condition', 'site', 'escape']],
on=['condition', 'site'])
.assign(escape=lambda x: x['escape'].fillna(False))
# add wildtype and counts of mutations at each site
.merge(sitecounts_strong_sites[['site', 'wildtype', 'count']].drop_duplicates(),
# get only sites with sufficient mutation counts
.query('count > @mincounts')
# only get sites where at least one antibody escapes
.assign(n_escape=lambda x: x.groupby('site')['escape'].transform('sum'))
.query('n_escape > 0')
# order conditions, and order sites by count after making nice label
.assign(site_label=lambda x: x['wildtype'] + x['site'].astype(str) + ' (' + x['count'].astype(str) + ')')
.assign(condition=lambda x: pd.Categorical(x['condition'], list(conditions.values()), ordered=True),
site_label=lambda x: pd.Categorical(x['site_label'], x['site_label'].unique(), ordered=True)
p = (ggplot(plot_df) +
aes('condition', 'site_label', fill='escape') +
geom_tile(color='black', size=0.3) +
figure_size=(0.3 * plot_df['condition'].nunique(), 0.3 * plot_df['site_label'].nunique()),
) +
xlab('') +
ylab('') +
scale_fill_manual(values=['white', 'dimgray'])
), verbose=False)
fig = p.draw()
Analyzing natural mutations for karolinska
Writing counts of mutations at sites of strong escape to results/GISAID_mutations/karolinska_mutation_counts.csv. First few lines:
condition | threshold | site | wildtype | count | counts_by_mutation |
CAB-A17 | sensitive_max_mut | 417 | K | 3647 | K417N (3010), K417T (632), K417R (4), K417E (1) |
CAB-C19 | sensitive_max_mut | 417 | K | 3647 | K417N (3010), K417T (632), K417R (4), K417E (1) |
CAB-A49 | sensitive_max_mut | 417 | K | 3647 | K417N (3010), K417T (632), K417R (4), K417E (1) |
CAB-C19 | sensitive_max_mut | 475 | A | 229 | A475V (149), A475S (68), A475T (11), A475P (1) |
CAB-A49 | sensitive_max_mut | 475 | A | 229 | A475V (149), A475S (68), A475T (11), A475P (1) |
CAB-A17 | sensitive_max_mut | 475 | A | 229 | A475V (149), A475S (68), A475T (11), A475P (1) |
CAB-C19 | sensitive_max_mut | 460 | N | 29 | N460I (15), N460K (6), N460T (5), N460S (3) |
CAB-C19 | sensitive_max_mut | 456 | F | 11 | F456L (9), F456Y (2) |
CAB-A49 | sensitive_max_mut | 456 | F | 11 | F456L (9), F456Y (2) |
CAB-A17 | sensitive_max_mut | 456 | F | 11 | F456L (9), F456Y (2) |
Plotting which antibodies / sera are escaped by mutations at all sites of escape with at least 5 mutation counts and saving to results/GISAID_mutations/karolinska_mutation_counts.pdf.
First aggregate frequency of mutations and escape fractions:
escape_and_freq = (
.rename(columns={config['mut_metric']: 'mut_escape',
config['site_metric']: 'tot_site_escape'})
.assign(max_site_escape=lambda x: x.groupby(['condition', 'site'])['mut_escape'].transform('max'),
mean_site_escape=lambda x: x.groupby(['condition', 'site'])['mut_escape'].transform('mean'))
.merge(mut_counts[['site', 'wildtype', 'mutant', 'frequency']]
.rename(columns={'frequency': 'mut_freq'}),
on=['site', 'wildtype', 'mutant'],
how='left', validate='many_to_one')
.assign(mut_freq=lambda x: x['mut_freq'].fillna(0),
site_freq=lambda x: x.groupby(['condition', 'site'])['mut_freq'].transform('sum'),
mutation=lambda x: x['wildtype'] + x['site'].astype(str) + x['mutant'],
condition | site | wildtype | mutant | mut_escape | tot_site_escape | max_site_escape | mean_site_escape | mut_freq | site_freq | mutation | |
0 | CAB-A17_139 | 331 | N | A | 0.001006 | 0.01628 | 0.00109 | 0.001017 | 0.0 | 0.000029 | N331A |
1 | CAB-A17_139 | 331 | N | D | 0.001013 | 0.01628 | 0.00109 | 0.001017 | 0.0 | 0.000029 | N331D |
2 | CAB-A17_139 | 331 | N | E | 0.000979 | 0.01628 | 0.00109 | 0.001017 | 0.0 | 0.000029 | N331E |
3 | CAB-A17_139 | 331 | N | F | 0.001090 | 0.01628 | 0.00109 | 0.001017 | 0.0 | 0.000029 | N331F |
4 | CAB-A17_139 | 331 | N | G | 0.001025 | 0.01628 | 0.00109 | 0.001017 | 0.0 | 0.000029 | N331G |
Now make plots. Note that you can configure below exactly what variables you want to plot (mutation frequency, mutation escape, site escape, etc):
# all the parameters below have the indicated defaults, but can be set in `escape_profiles_config`
# via analyze_natural_mutations_specs
default_analysis_specs = {
'maxcol': 5, # maximum columns in plot
'minfreq': 1e-5, # collapse any natural frequencies < this
'freq': 'site_freq', # type of frequency to plot: mut_freq or site_freq
'escape': 'mean_site_escape', # type of escape to plot: mean_site_escape, mut_escape, max_site_escape, tot_site_escape
'xlabel': 'frequency of mutations at site',
'ylabel': 'mean escape at site',
'label_minfreq': 5e-5, # label points with frequency >= this and...
'label_minescape': 0.1, # label points with escape >= this
'also_label': [], # also label any points (sites or mutations) listed here
'label_font_size': 6, # font size for labeling points
'default_color': 'black', # color for points not otherwise specified
'default_alpha': 0.5, # default alpha if not specified
'set_point_color': {}, # set color; key by site / mutation, value is color
'set_point_alpha': {}, # set alpha; key by site / mutations, value is alpha
'plot_average_only': False, # only plot average of conditions, not individual ones
'scales': 'fixed', # can alternatively specify 'free_y'
label_minfreq = 5e-5 # label points with frequency >= this
label_minescape = 0.05 # label points with escape >= this
for name, specs in escape_profiles_config.items():
if 'analyze_natural_mutations' not in specs or not specs['analyze_natural_mutations']:
print(f"\nAnalyzing natural mutations for {name}")
analysis_specs = copy.deepcopy(default_analysis_specs)
if 'analyze_natural_mutations_specs' in specs:
for key, val in specs['analyze_natural_mutations_specs'].items():
analysis_specs[key] = val
conditions = specs['conditions']
if 'site' in analysis_specs['freq'] and 'site' in analysis_specs['escape']:
ptlabel = 'site'
ptlabel = 'mutation'
df = (escape_and_freq
.query('condition in @conditions')
.assign(condition=lambda x: x['condition'].map(conditions))
.assign(**{analysis_specs['freq']: lambda x: x[analysis_specs['freq']].clip(lower=analysis_specs['minfreq'])})
[['condition', analysis_specs['escape'], analysis_specs['freq'], ptlabel]]
assert len(conditions) == df['condition'].nunique()
for avg_conditions in (False, True):
if analysis_specs['plot_average_only'] and not avg_conditions:
if avg_conditions:
plot_df = df.groupby(ptlabel, as_index=False).aggregate({analysis_specs['freq']: 'mean',
analysis_specs['escape']: 'mean'})
nrow = ncol = 1
plotfile = os.path.join(config['gisaid_mutations_dir'],
print(f"Plotting average across conditions and saving to {plotfile}")
nrow = math.ceil(len(conditions) / analysis_specs['maxcol'])
ncol = min(len(conditions), analysis_specs['maxcol'])
plot_df = df.copy()
# make condition categorical to maintain order
plot_df=plot_df.assign(condition=lambda x: pd.Categorical(x['condition'],
plotfile = os.path.join(config['gisaid_mutations_dir'],
print(f"Plotting each condition and saving to {plotfile}")
# color points and set alpha
set_point_color = collections.defaultdict(lambda: analysis_specs['default_color'])
set_point_alpha = collections.defaultdict(lambda: analysis_specs['default_alpha'])
for point, color in analysis_specs['set_point_color'].items():
set_point_color[point] = color
for point, alpha in analysis_specs['set_point_alpha'].items():
set_point_alpha[point] = alpha
plot_df['color'] = plot_df[ptlabel].map(set_point_color)
plot_df['alpha'] = plot_df[ptlabel].map(set_point_alpha)
# need to make color categorical to assign as aesthetic
colors = plot_df['color'].unique()
plot_df['color'] = pd.Categorical(plot_df['color'], colors, ordered=True)
label_df = (plot_df
.assign(label=lambda x: x[ptlabel].isin(analysis_specs['also_label']))
.query(f"label or ({analysis_specs['freq']} >= {analysis_specs['label_minfreq']})")
.query(f"label or ({analysis_specs['escape']} >= {analysis_specs['label_minescape']})")
maxfreq = plot_df[analysis_specs['freq']].max()
assert analysis_specs['minfreq'] == 10**(int(math.log10(analysis_specs['minfreq'])))
logxbreaks = list(range(int(math.log10(analysis_specs['minfreq'])), round(math.log10(maxfreq)) + 1, 1))
xbreaks = [10**logx for logx in logxbreaks]
xlabels = [f"$10^{{{logx}}}$" for logx in logxbreaks]
xlabels[0] = f"$<{xlabels[0][1:]}"
p = (ggplot(plot_df) +
aes(analysis_specs['freq'], analysis_specs['escape'], color='color', alpha='alpha') +
geom_point() +
adjust_text={'expand_points': (1.05, 1.2),
'expand_text': (1.05, 1.2)},
) +
theme_classic() +
theme(figure_size=(2.5 * ncol, 2.5 * nrow),
) +
expand=(0.07, 0)) +
ylab(analysis_specs['ylabel']) +
scale_color_manual(values=colors) +
scale_alpha_continuous(limits=(0, 1), range=(0, 1))
if not avg_conditions:
p = p + facet_wrap('~ condition', ncol=ncol, scales=analysis_specs['scales']), verbose=False)
fig = p.draw()
# plt.close(fig)
Analyzing natural mutations for karolinska
Plotting each condition and saving to results/GISAID_mutations/karolinska_escape_vs_freq_by-condition.pdf
/fh/fast/bloom_j/software/miniconda3/envs/SARS-CoV-2-RBD_MAP/lib/python3.7/site-packages/plotnine/facets/ PlotnineWarning: If you need more space for the x-axis tick text use ... + theme(subplots_adjust={'wspace': 0.25}). Choose an appropriate value for 'wspace'.
/fh/fast/bloom_j/software/miniconda3/envs/SARS-CoV-2-RBD_MAP/lib/python3.7/site-packages/plotnine/facets/ PlotnineWarning: If you need more space for the x-axis tick text use ... + theme(subplots_adjust={'wspace': 0.25}). Choose an appropriate value for 'wspace'.
Plotting average across conditions and saving to results/GISAID_mutations/karolinska_escape_vs_freq_average.pdf