PyLag is still very much in development. This page will be updated when future releases are made.
Explicitly declare that plots within the documentation be incorporated inline.
Fix problem when setting extents in FVCOMPlotter when using cartesian coordinates.
Fix problem with zeta not being initialised when not supplied as an input variable (specific to Arakawa A grids, and 3D tracking).
Fix typo in variable library for the name of thetao variable (specific to Arakawa A gridded data).
Allow for alternative delimiters in FVCOM obc file.
- Fix Kz and Ah variable names in FVCOMDataReader.
Add ability to interpolate within boundary elements with masked nodes.
Implement reflecting boundary conditions in geographic coordinates.
Add multiple code optimisations to reduce run times.
Add global run tutorial to docs.
Add support for including a Smagorinksy-type eddy diffusivity term which is computed from the velocity field.
Switch to using the psi grid to identify boundary crossings when working with ROMS.
Add basic infrastructure to support individual based modelling.
Add the ability to simulate particle mortality with accompanying tutorial example.
Add the ability to specify non-standard dimension and variable names when creating an Arakawa A-grid metric file.
Fix bug associated with the incorrect flagging of open boundaries by stripy.
Record the version of PyLag use to create the grid metrics file in the global attributes to assist with version consistency checking.
Switch to using the land sea element mask for identifying land elements in grids that have masked entries. This yields a significant improvement in speed when creating the particle seed should many of the particle lie outside of the model domain.
Add quiver plotting tool to assist with plotting the velocity field.
Implement restoring horizontal boundary condition and clearly distinguish this from reflecting conditions in cartesian and geographic coordinates.
Add fix for numerical issues associated with the use of acos from the c library.
- Switch out stripy for scipy when creating regional triangulations from an Arakawa A-grid in order to fix problems associated with the treatment of open boundaries.
- Fix boundary error that occasionally arises with wetting and drying.
- Fix negative phi issue with geographic coords on an Arakawa A grid.
- Update installation instructions regarding issue #35
- Add support for irregular time arrays
- Fix bug when trimming polar latitudes
- Reduce the number of essential dependencies
- Code made publicly available via GitHub