- Properly fix the TaskExecutor so that we can get it autowired from Spring (in StompGameStateChannel).
- Update Spring Boot to 2.4.x
- Playing a TECH DEBT card is played against yourself instead of opponent
- Always draw playing cards up to full hand, don't draw individual cards Change from Draw drawing a single card to draw to full hand.
- TECH DEBT card is auto-played as soon as it's drawn (still need to draw to full hand) AutoPlay Card: Upon Draw is Immediately Played
When 2nd player joins, 1st player's view of their opponent's name doesn't get updated, because no event is sent upon 2nd player join.
Race condition: game state changed event messages can be processed out of order, causing the display to be incorrect (e.g., too many discards at once)
If CardNotInHandException occurs, force the front-end to reload entire game state
Figure out cause of NPE in this stack trace (maybe game master view?)
``` java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.jitterted.tddgame.domain.DrawnTestResultCard.discardableBy(com.jitterted.tddgame.domain.PlayerId)" because "this.drawnTestResultCard" is null at com.jitterted.tddgame.domain.Game.discardTestResultCardFor(Game.java:86) ~[classes/:na] at com.jitterted.tddgame.adapter.vue.GameController.handleDiscardTestResultCard(GameController.java:93) ~[classes/:na] ```
- Join game in progress vs. starting new game - game matching/multi-game support
- Refactor the way test playing cards are created as most are "play goes to self" and "draw into hand" (see PlayingCard constructor)
- Combine Hand and InPlay into a single Class (called ??? CardSet?) with two instances
- Change ".count() < 5" to ".canAdd()" (or "hasRoom") when looping to add cards
- Move PlayerHandTest tests to HandTests and refactor ("object envy" code smell)
- Properly build with Maven that combines front- and back-end code into single deployable JAR
- Deploy onto Heroku
- Use CloudFlare to point tdd.cards to Heroku
- Login page with an access code?
* [ ] Center the cards within their row
- Display user's name coming from back-end
- No "Play" option for card in "In-Play" area
- Prevent card selection for opponent-in-play cards
- Keyboard actions for (D)iscard and (P)lay
- Single click discard of In-Play area
- Show empty die, "click to roll"
- Move Playing Card IDs to lower-right and make smaller
- Clean up display of scoring (colors, etc.) and die image (make it look more like a die)
- Fix layout problem if player name is too long (e.g., "FlavCreations")
* [ ] Auto-draw upon play card or discard card(rules changed, this isn't applicable) - Ensure can't move card past the left/right edge
- When "Run Test" card is drawn, show on both player's screen
[X] 1. FE: POST to draw the "run test" card -> 204 (no content), with, well, no body content
[X] 1a. BE: Only return 204
[X] 2. BE: testResultsCardDeck.draw -> game.drawnTestResultsCard <-- also need the player ID for who drew
[X] 3. BE: send WS message on /topic/testresultcard: { action = "TestResultCardDrawn", cardId: 123, PlayerId who drew }
[X] 4. FE: (recv msg) show modal with that card
[X] 5. FE: =button click= POST to discard "drawn test results card" -> 204
[X] 6. BE: testResultsCardDeck.discard(the card)
[X] 7. BE: game.drawnTestResultsCard = null
[X] 8. BE: send WS message { action: "TestResultCardDiscarded", playerId: id }
[X] 9. FE: Upon receipt of WS discarded message, hide the modal
[X] 10. FE: if PlayerIdWhoDrew == Current Player, then show dismiss modal button - Send current state of drawn Test Result card in PlayerGameView to handle client refresh issue causing TestResultCardAlreadyDrawnException being thrown (drawn card needs to be discarded)
- Score & Risk tracking - propagate to other players via server
- Score
- Risk-level
- Propagate card view order to server
- Track player action count
- Drag-n-drop reordering of display of cards
- Animate new card appearing anywhere (esp. in hand)
- Animate card being moved from Hand to In-Play
- Animate play of Refactor card, which is discard-on-play
- Prevent multiple selection: only single select of cards
- show deck status with # of cards in discard pile and in draw pile
- Highlight card for action: (D)iscard or (P)lay
- Run Test: Display modal Test Results
- Increment/decrement Risk Level
- Increment Passing Tests (Score)
- Roll die
- Draw card
- Run Tests: card is select from Test Results pile
- Shuffle Test Results cards
- Draw to full hand
- Draw a single new card into hand
- Shuffle Draw Pile
- Discard and Play actions (per card)
- Click on a card
- Display choices available: Discard or Play
- Handle Discard (only from Hand)
- Handle Play
- "log in" to Game system: takes a player name, returns player number and a base url (e.g., /api/game/player/0)
- Handle all player actions and direct to correct API endpoint (player ID parameter)
This could also be used as a "watch the game" view either as "god" (view everything), or only see cards in-play.
- View All Players cards: in-hand & in-play
- Current (if any) Test Results Drawn Card
- For both Playing Card and Test Results Decks
- Summary/Size of draw and discard piles
- Able to reset game back to starting point -- from Game Master View
- Force discard of Test Result card
- For both Playing Card and Test Results Decks
- Draw and discard piles in detail
- Ability to arbitrarily move cards around between players and play areas
- Undo actions
- Highlight which player's turn
- Show empty outlines of where cards will be displayed
- Create Playing card component
- Templatize existing HTML/CSS
- Parameterize the card type to color & title background color:
Predict card maps to
background = yellow
+title = light-yellow
- Scoring (left-side) component