Refactor communication via WebSocket/STOMP to a new (outgoing) adapter
Start Hex Board implementation
- Game start: both players are on the first hex, able to query where a player is
- When event for EXIT condition for current hex is received, move player to next hex
- [ ]
Turn tracker
- Once THREE (3) cards are PLAYED or DISCARDED, that player's turn is over, except...
- ...except for TECH DEBT card situations
!! Fix the game.start() problem, probably should be responsibility of the GameFactory as tests don't always create games that were correctly initialized.
Extract player map from Game (primitive obsession)
Remove lombok from core domain code
Discard from Play area: cards go to Deck Discard Pile
Multiple players can play
- Identify myself with my Name (get a player ID)
- Display game from player's POV
- My cards AND Opponent's In-Play
- Actions happen with player's ID
- Playing attack card ("Code Bloat", "Can't Assert That") goes to OPPONENT'S In-Play area
Immediate use card: Refactor
Run Tests Results card: show modal of card from Results deck
- TestResultsCard
- TestResultsCardFactory
- TestResultsDeck
- Controller draws card from TestResultsDeck, returns it, then discards it to the TestResultsDeck
- Test Result Card Vue component to display the card based on its title
* [ ] Move to RSocket for more real-time interaction
- Playing deck consists of (total = 63):
- Write Code (18)
- Code Smaller (18)
- Predict (18)
- Can't Assert (2)
- Code Bloat (3)
- Refactor (4)
[X] 1. Shuffle:
Two times shuffles happen:
1. Initial deck (start of game)
2. When draw deck has 0 cards, shuffle cards from Discard Pile
Rule: When Draw Deck is empty, shuffle cards from Discard Pile into Draw Deck
[X] 1. Discard pile
[X] 1. Re-shuffle deck from discard when deck is empty