Mountvacation JSON datasets update scripts.
npm install
Then copy/create config.js file.
node app-country-index.js
JSON files can be manually updated over web interface. To access IF you need to open browser on address: localhost:3001
Each controller generates specific dataset.
Generate country JSON object in file data-countries.js
Generate country JSON object in file data-codes-lang.js
Each language is in separate file. This was started with intension to move each dataset in one file.
Generate country JSON object in file data-resorts.js
node app-data.js -c countries
node app-data.js -c regions
node app-data.js -c resorts
Example (Legacy)
node app-country-index.js -p info -s test1
- c controller (countries, regions, resorts)
Parameters (Legacy)
- p path (countries, resorts, resortsIndexNew, info, forecast, accShortDesc)
- s server (live, test, test1)
Used for updating sitemap.xml files on MV live server
This app doesn't have web interface and it only updates live site files.
node app-sitemapgen.js