reposiTorieS mUst bE seRioUs AnD jS PackAgEs arE To bE TaKeN SerIously
Use this package according to whatever your needs are.
I had nothing better to do
npm i spongibobu.js
let mockedText = spongibobu("Start less, finish more");
console.log(mockedText) //Prints: sTaRt lesS, fIniSh mOrE
- Start less, finish more -> sTaRt lesS, fIniSh mOrE
- First solve the problem. Then, write the code -> fiRst sOlVe tHe PrObLem. thEn, WrItE The coDe
- Creativity is just connecting things -> cReaTivity is JusT ConnectiNg tHinGs