Error Kit is a handy iOS library for making NSError
handling easier.
It covers error object creation, inspection, presentation and recovery.
NSString *helpAnchor = error.helpAnchor;
NSURLRequest *request = error.failingURLRequest;
NSArray *errors = error.detailedErrors;
// and so on...
// (supports most AFNetworking, AVFoundation, Core Data, Facebook SDK, JSONKit and Parse keys)
if (!error.isCancelledError) {
[[UIAlertView alertWithTitle:nil error:error] show];
// or you can rely on responder chain and do:
// [self presentError:error];
if (error.code == NSURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet && error.isHTTPError) {
MRErrorBuilder *builder = [MRErrorBuilder builderWithError:error];
builder.localizedRecoverySuggestion = NSLocalizedString(@"Please check your internet connection.", nil);
[builder addRecoveryOption:NSLocalizedString(@"Retry", nil)
withBlock:^(NSError *error) {
[[HTTPClient sharedClient] resendRequest];
[self presentError:builder.error];
NSString *debugString = [MRErrorFormatter debugStringWithDomain:error.domain code:error.code]; // e.g. NSURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost
NSString *localizedString = [MRErrorFormatter stringWithDomain:error.domain code:error.code]; // e.g. Connection Lost
// (supports most Accounts, Admob, AVFoundation, Core Data, Core Location, Facebook SDK, iAD, JSONKit, Map Kit, MessageUI, Parse, Security, Store Kit, TransitionKit and VeriJSON codes)
// ErrorKit provides handlers for Facebook authentication, request permission and API calls errors.
- (BOOL)handleFacebookAuthError:(NSError *)error withLoginBlock:(void(^)(NSError *))loginBlock;
- (BOOL)handleFacebookRequestPermissionError:(NSError *)error;
- (BOOL)handleFacebookAPICallError:(NSError *)error withPermissionBlock:(void(^)(NSError *))permissionBlock andRetryBlock:(void(^)(NSError *))retryBlock;
// ErrorKit also provides methods for safely retrieving values from dictionaries and arrays:
- (NSNumber *)numberForKey:(id)aKey withError:(NSError **)errorPtr;
- (NSString *)stringForKey:(id)aKey withError:(NSError **)errorPtr;
- (NSArray *)arrayForKey:(id)aKey withError:(NSError **)errorPtr;
- (NSDictionary *)dictionaryForKey:(id)aKey withError:(NSError **)errorPtr;
// etc.
See ErrorKit-Example project or browse online documentation for further reference.
- Drag and drop the ErrorKit folder to your project.
- Add
#import "ErrorKitDefines.h"
or customize enabled features by definingERROR_KIT_CORE
and some of the following contants somewhere (e.g. in your -Prefix.pch file):ERROR_KIT_ACCOUNTS
. - Finally add
#import "ErrorKit.h"
The ErrorKit specification provides the following subspecs:
- pod 'ErrorKit/Default':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_Default.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/Accounts':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_Accounts.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/AdMob':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_Admob.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/AFNetworking':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_AFNetworking.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/AVFoundation':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_AVFoundation.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/Core':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_Core.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/CoreData':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_CoreData.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/CoreLocation':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_CoreLocation.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/FacebookSDK':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_FacebookSDK.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/HTTP':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_HTTP.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/JSONKit':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_JSONKit.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/JSONValues':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_JSONValues.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/MapKit':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_MapKit.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/MessageUI':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_MessageUI.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/NSException':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_NSException.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/Parse':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_Parse.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/Security':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_Security.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/StoreKit':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_StoreKit.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/TransitionKit':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_TransitionKit.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/iAD':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_iAD.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/UIKit':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_UIKit.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/VeriJSON':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_VeriJSON.h>
Error Kit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.