Maven + Cucumber + TestNG + Appium A BDD framework based on Maven, cucumber and TestNG Support app test (Appium) support web test (Selenium) How to run test mvn clean test -Papptest mvn clean test -Pwebtest Appium API sample removeApp, installApp, startActivity, isAppInstalled swipe, tap, click findElementsById Backup run samples cd CucumberTestNgFramework/src/test replace : with ; on windows java -cp "jars/*" cucumber.api.cli.Main -p pretty --snippets camelcase . java -cp "jars/*:." cucumber.api.cli.Main -p pretty --snippets camelcase -g step_definitions features java -cp "jars/*:." cucumber.api.cli.Main -p progress --snippets camelcase -g step_definitions features javac -cp "jars/*:." step_definitions/ implementation/