The criteria for voter eligibility can be found in the election guide.
2021-06-28 - List generated from the members file, and checking for at least one merged PR as noted by istio-policy-bot in the period 28 June 2020 to 28 June 2021.
If you feel you have standing in the Istio community but are not listed here, please fill in the voting exception form. If your application is approved by a simple majority vote of the Steering Committee, you will be added.
- aattuluri
- adiprerepa
- AsCat
- bcheung
- bianpengyuan
- BinacsLee
- bison
- brian-avery
- brianwolfe
- carolynhu
- chaodaiG
- chases2
- chizhg
- christian-posta
- cjwagner
- clarketm
- costinm
- craigbox
- daisy-ycguo
- daixiang0
- dapengJacky
- davidhauck
- davidraskin
- devincd
- dgn
- dmitri-d
- douglas-reid
- duderino
- e-blackwelder
- elfinhe
- ericvn
- esnible
- fejta
- fpesce
- frankbu
- gargnupur
- GregHanson
- hacktron95
- heatherzheng
- houshengbo
- howardjohn
- hzxuzhonghu
- incfly
- irisdingbj
- jacob-delgado
- jasonwzm
- jgkogan
- JimmyCYJ
- jmazzitelli
- joeyb
- johnma14
- jplevyak
- jtrbs
- justinpettit
- justinwei2
- jwendell
- kailun-qin
- kebe7jun
- Kmoneal
- knight42
- kramvan1
- kushthedude
- kyessenov
- lambdai
- ldemailly
- lei-tang
- liamawhite
- lianghao208
- liminw
- linsun
- litong01
- liwenhao0810
- louiscryan
- luckoseabraham
- lyzhang1999
- mandarjog
- michelle192837
- Monkeyanator
- monsteredc
- morvencao
- mpherman2
- mrshengzyzy
- MXuDong
- myidpt
- nak3
- nikita15p
- niwatorrri
- nmittler
- nmnellis
- nrjpoddar
- nschhina
- orangegzx
- ostromart
- panjf2000
- PiotrSikora
- qwertyuiop888
- ramaraochavali
- richardwxn
- rlenglet
- rootsongjc
- rshriram
- ruigulala
- rvennam
- ryantking
- rytswd
- S-Chan
- scaat
- sdake
- sergii-ssh
- shakti-das
- shamsher31
- shankgan
- shaowenchen
- Shikugawa
- silenceshell
- smawson
- sniperking1234
- SpecialYang
- ssuchter
- stevenctl
- stewartbutler
- su225
- tanjunchen
- tariq1890
- tbarrella
- therealmitchconnors
- TianTianBigWang
- venilnoronha
- vicentefb
- wangmeng
- williamaronli
- wzshiming
- xulingqing
- yangminzhu
- youhonglian
- yskopets
- zackzhangkai
- zc2638
- zerobfd
- zhaohuabing
- ZhengzheYang
- zhiguo-lu
- ZhiHanZ
- zhlsunshine
- zhongfox
- zufardhiyaulhaq
- zyfjeff