diff --git a/docs/source/configuration/parameters.md b/docs/source/configuration/parameters.md index 165d66fc60..79976b3d0c 100644 --- a/docs/source/configuration/parameters.md +++ b/docs/source/configuration/parameters.md @@ -171,4 +171,4 @@ kedro run --params="key1=value with spaces,key2=value" Since key-value pairs are split on the first equals sign, values can contain equals signs, but keys cannot. -> If you want to **override not only parameters but also other configurations** (e.g., catalog entries or file paths) or specify upfront that certain parameters must be set at runtime, use `$runtime_params` with the OmegaConfigLoader. Introduced in Kedro 0.18.14, this feature allows dynamic overrides of various configuration types using the `--params` CLI option, making it ideal for scenarios like switching data sources or adjusting runtime settings. [Learn more about `$runtime_params`.](advanced_configuration.md#how-to-override-configuration-with-runtime-parameters-with-the-omegaconfigloader) +> To **override not just parameters but other configurations**, such as catalog entries or file paths, or to specify upfront that certain parameters must be set at runtime, use `$runtime_params` with the `OmegaConfigLoader`. Introduced in Kedro `0.18.14`, this feature allows dynamic overrides of various configuration types using the `--params` CLI option. It’s particularly useful for scenarios like switching data sources or fine-tuning runtime settings. [Learn more about `$runtime_params`.](advanced_configuration.md#how-to-override-configuration-with-runtime-parameters-with-the-omegaconfigloader)