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Acknowledgements and Authorship |
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The ABLeS program should be both cited and acknowledged in any publication, presentation or grant application that was supported by data or services provided by ABLeS.
- Use the following citation:
Gustafsson, Ove Johan Ragnar, Al Bkhetan, Ziad, Francis, Rhys & Manos, Steven. (2023). Enabling national step changes in bioinformatics through ABLeS, the Australian BioCommons Leadership Share (3.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10139651
- Use the following acknowledgement statement:
"The authors acknowledge the provision of computing and data resources provided by the Australian BioCommons Leadership Share (ABLeS) program. This program is co-funded by Bioplatforms Australia (enabled by NCRIS), the National Computational Infrastructure and Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre.”
Authorship is NOT expected for routine / simple services provided (e.g. tool installation) and an acknowledgement is sufficient in these cases. We approach authorship issues with a generous spirit and aim to fairly attribute contributions.
In some cases, it may be appropriate for ABLeS support staff, or specialists at NCI or Pawsey to be co-authors on publications. Examples of this include when these specialists provide significant input into the publication, including a significant contribution to method / protocol / pipeline development, study design, data and results analysis, or interpretation.