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Skript-Groq Downloads

Imagine this, free AI 🤑, the fastest AI in the entire market 🏎️, and the latest open source models like Mixtral-8x7B 🔥 and Llama 3 8B/70B 🦙... Well, imagine no more, it's reality with Groq 🎉💜 Almost instant AI completions, as of now free (and when priced, it's still the lowest price on the market), and the latest and best OS models.

Skript-Groq is a SkriptLang addon that allows users to interface with the Groq API and lets them send completion requests. This is based on the original Skript-GPT addon by DereWah. It uses the exact same Skript syntax (API) so it should be a drop-in replacement for the original addon, except for completions being deprecated, as all Groq models use a chat API.




GPT Chat Completion Request

(generate|make) [a] chat[gpt] completion with (prompt|input) %string% [and model %-string%] [and max tokens %-number%] [and temperature %-number%]
(generate|make) [a] chat[gpt] completion with conversation %conversationmessages% [and model %-string%] [and max tokens %-number%] [and temperature %-number%]

Generate a response to a prompt string using the Groq API, based on an input prompt.

GPT Chat Completion WITH Conversation Persistence
		command /groqai [<text>]:
				if arg is set:
					send message "&7%player%:&f %arg%" #echo message
					set {_c} to a new conversation message #creates a new conversation message type.
					set {_c}'s gpt content to arg #sets the content to the argument. Role is user by default.
					add {_c} to {gpt::%player%::*} #Store the conversation message into a list. This list will contain all the conversation messages between the player and the AI.
					generate a chat completion with conversation {gpt::%player%::*} #Actually prompt all of the conversation messages to GroqAI.
					set {_p} to last generated prompt #Retrieve response. It is a conversation message type.
					add {_p} to {gpt::%player%::*} #Save the response as part of the conversation
					send "&7GroqAI:&f %{_p}%" #Show the response to the player. Converting the response into a string can be done implicitly.
					send message "&cYou cleared your previous conversation." 
					clear {gpt::%player%::*}
GPT Completion WITHOUT Conversation Persistence
command /chat <text>:
	generate a chat gpt completion with prompt "Who are you?"
	set {_name} to generated prompt
	send {_name}
	#It will say "I am a language model trained by the Mistral AI team"


Conversation Message

conversation message

This type holds information about a message in a conversation with Groq. It has two main parts, the role (which can only be set to "assistant", "system" or "user") and the content, which is basically whatever string the user or the AI want to send.


send "%conversationmessage%" #implicitly converting it into a string will show its content.
set {_c} to %string% parsed as conversation message #builds a string with default role "user"
generate chat completion with conversation %conversationmessages% #Use conversation persistence.
Set bias of conversation
	command /setbias <text>:
	#This is an example on how to bias your groqai conversation.
	#Basically all of your messages will be in the style of the previous one.
	#Pretend the arg is "You're a robot assistant, that talks in a robotic way saying bzz-bzz in between few words. You have a lot of knowledge and usually tell interesting stuff about robots. Your name is HAL"
	set {_bias} to new conversation message with role system #create new conversation message element. Its role is set to system.
	set {_bias}'s gpt content to arg #we set its content to the arg.
	set {gpt::%player%::0} to {_bias} #We append at the beginning of the conversation this element.
	set {gpt::%player%::*} to {gpt::%player%::*} #We fix the indices so we count from 1 
	#from now on, sending a chat completion request with this list will also feed at the beginning a bias about how the AI should behave. Note that resetting the conversation with clear {gpt::%player%::*}  will remove the bias and clear everything.
Show previous conversation
	command /showconv:
	#we suppose all the conv is stored in {gpt::%player%::*}. The list is made of conversation messages.
	loop {gpt::%player%::*}:
		if loop-value's gpt role is "user":
			send message "%player%: %loop-value%" #we can also use %gpt content of loop-value%. Basically if the role of the message is user, we are sure it has been sent by the player. If we want to display it to them we send them a message with their name (to make it customized, instead of generic "user") and their message
			send message "%gpt role of loop-value%: %loop-value%"


Generated Prompt

[the] [last] generated prompt

Returns the last generated response from a Chat Completion request. Call this immediately after sending a new groqai prompt, and save it into a variable.

Last Generated Prompt from Chat Completion Request
	command /chat <text>:
	generate a chat gpt completion with prompt "Who are you?"
	set {_name} to generated prompt
	send {_name}

New Conversation Message

[a] new conversation message [with role [user|assistant|system]]

Returns a conversation message type with a role and an empty content. if the [with role] part of the syntax is not specified, defaults to user.

Create New Conversation Message
	command /chatcompletion [<text>]:
	if arg is set:
		send message "&7%player%:&f %arg%"
		set {_c} to a new conversation message with role user
		set {_c}'s gpt content to arg
		add {_c} to {gpt::%player%::*}
		generate a groqai completion with conversation {gpt::%player%::*}
		set {_p} to last generated prompt
		add {_p} to {gpt::%player%::*}
		send "&7AI:&f %{_p}%"
		send message "&cYou cleared your previous conversation."
		clear {gpt::%player%::*}

GPT Role of Conversation Message

gpt role of %conversationmessage%
%conversationmessage%'s gpt role

Returns a string, which indicates the sender of the message. The role can only be either "system", "user" or "assistant".

Set Role of Conversation Message
	set {_msg} to new conversation message #defaults role to "user"
	set gpt role of {_msg} to "system"

GPT Content of Conversation Message

gpt content of %conversationmessage%
%conversationmessage%'s gpt content

Returns the content of a conversation message.

See another player's conversation
command /inspectconv <offlineplayer>:
	if {gpt::%arg%::*} is set:
		send message "&7Conversation of %arg%:"
		loop {gpt::%arg%::*}:
			send message "%gpt role of loop-value%: %gpt content of loop-value%"

How to use conversation persistence?

After you red the docs, you might wondering whati is conversation persistence and how to implement it in your skript. Conversation persistence allows the assistant to remember what you told it in the past. It's like remembering your past messages, and it can be more helpful and contextual with your prompts. To implement it, you just have to store all the prompts from a player (and the AI responses) under the form of a Conversation Message in a Skript list. After that, simply feed the list back in the assistant (with the Chat Completion Request expression) and you'll get back a response that is based on the whole conversation, and not only the last prompt.


  • Drag the addon in your plugin folder
  • Restart the server
  • Open the config in Plugins/SkriptGroq/config.yml
  • Type your OpenAI key in
groq_api_token: "GROQ-AI-KEY"

See the FAQ below to learn how to get your API Key.


How do I get an API key?

Create an account with GitHub/Google/etc. at and then navigate to

As of 2024-04-21, you will be able to use the API for free, with rather low rate limits.

See the pricing here, which is incredibly cheap.

What is the ChatCompletion effect?

The ChatCompletion will always pretend to be an assistant, and will try to respond to you as in a chat. It's basically what ChatGPT is. A prompt like "Who are you" will result in "Hi! I am an helpful assistant from Mistral..." (this is the case with the default model).

Groq's documentation

Does the Groq effect remember my previous conversation?

At this moment, every prompt sent to Groq (With the Chat Completion Effect) will be from a new conversation. There's no conversation persistence.