There are a small handful of config files to be aware of to configure moocRP. Below, each is discussed in detail.
This file holds the local configuration that is NOT pushed to Github. Before starting the server, you must copy the sample local.js
file below into moocRP_base/moocRP/config/
and update the settings. Some settings that are necessary to configure:
: TODOconnections
: Your MySQL username and password should be updated here.transporter
: Your email service settings for sending out emails for the contact formmailOptions
: Options related to the email being sent out, including the to/from fields and the subjectappEnvMap.development
: Currently, the production environment is named development due to some features provided in the development environment. This should be updated to your production server's IP address and port, or the URL.casOptions
: The CAS options should be updated here for your institution. This is not necessary if your deployment is not with CAS but with another authentication system.bypassLogin/bypassUserId
: For fast development purposes, this allows you to bypass login for CAS. Note that the user ID must be an existing one in the database.
A sample local.js file is displayed below:
module.exports = {
// ssl: {
// ca: require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + '/ssl/my_apps_ssl_gd_bundle.crt'),
// key: require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + '/ssl/my_apps_ssl.key'),
// cert: require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + '/ssl/my_apps_ssl.crt')
// },
port: process.env.PORT || 1337,
environment: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development',
* Databasse Settings: please configure your local MySQL settings here. *
connections: {
mysql: {
adapter: 'sails-mysql',
host: 'localhost',
password: 'YOUR_PASSWORD',
database: 'moocRP'
* Mail Settings (Contact Form) - Nodemailer *
transporter: {
service: 'Gmail',
auth: {
user: '[email protected]', // FILL IN EMAIL TO SEND FROM
// The contact form will forward the email to the necessary recipients
// subject: The subject of the email to be used for all contact requests
// - the request type will be tacked on to the end of the subject
// from: The 'from' field
// to: Email address(es) to forward to
mailOptions: {
subject: 'UC Berkeley moocRP Message: ',
from: 'UC Berkeley moocRP - Contact Form <[email protected]>',
to: ''
* CAS Settings *
appEnvMap: {
test: 'localhost',
development: 'YOUR_SERVER_URL'
casOptions: {
login: '/cas/login', /* YOUR CAS LOGIN PATH */
validate: '/cas/validate', /* YOUR CAS VALIDATE PATH */
logout: '/cas/logout', /* YOUR CAS LOGOUT PATH */
renew: true,
gateway: false
* Miscellaneous Settings *
protocol: 'http://',
// Set to false by default; set this to true for development purposes for
// bypassing login. The bypassUserId must be set to the ID of an existing
// user.
bypassLogin: (process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development') == 'development' && false,
bypassUserId: 991426,
// Disables GPG check (if the GPG key is valid or not)
noCheckGPG: true