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Navigate to the directory /root/terraform-projects/project-cerberus. We have an empty file in this directory.
Using this configuration file write a resource block to provision a simple EC2 instance with the following specificationsSpecifications:
- Resource Name:
- AMI:
, use variable namedami
- region:
, use variable namedregion
- Instance Type:
, use variable namedinstance_type
Navigate to the indicated directory in the Explorer pane
We have been asked to use variables. It's OK to define them in
(terraform doesn't actually care about the filenames - it considers all files ending
when planning in no particular order)
Create the variable blocks, assigning the correct default values:Reveal
variable "ami" { default = "ami-06178cf087598769c" } variable "instance_type" { default = "m5.large" } variable "region" { default = "eu-west-2" }
Add the EC2 instance below the variables, which you should know by now is type
. Be sure to use the variablesReveal
resource "aws_instance" "cerberus" { ami = var.ami instance_type = var.instance_type }
cd /root/terraform-projects/project-cerberus terraform init terraform plan terraform apply
- Resource Name:
Information only
Information only
Using the public key, create a new key-pair in AWS with the following specifications
- Resource Name: cerberus-key
- key_name: cerberus
- Use the file functions to read the the public key
Inspect the provider documentation for the use of the aws_key_pair
Create the resource block in
resource "aws_key_pair" "cerberus-key" { key_name = "cerberus" public_key = file(".ssh/") }
cd /root/terraform-projects/project-cerberus terraform plan terraform apply
Let us now configure the cerberus resource to make use of this key. Update the resource block to make use of the key called cerberus.
Inspect the [aws_instance] documentation to know which attribute to add to the
instance to attach a key pair. Also what value it expects. Note that we haven't been asked to make a reference expression.Reveal
resource "aws_instance" "cerberus" { ami = var.ami instance_type = var.instance_type key_name = "cerberus" }
Note that adding a key pair to an existing instance is a REPLACEMENT operation, that is the instance will be deleted and then recreated. You have to make these considerations when working on real production infrastructure!
Let us now install nginx in this EC2 instance. To do this, let's make use of the user_data argument.
Although you can use heredoc syntax, it's best practice to use an external file and the
function.Modify the resource to add the user_data
resource "aws_instance" "cerberus" { ami = var.ami instance_type = var.instance_type key_name = "cerberus" user_data = file("./") }
Don't apply it yet!
What will happen if we run terraform apply now?
This question and its hint are incorrect. It should be fixed soon.
Select the following to pass it.
nginx will be installed on the current server.
In the next question it will modify (not recreate) the instance, but in reality nginx would not have been installed.
Run terraform apply and let the EC2 instance be modified.
terraform apply
Where should you add a provisioner block?
Provisioners are related to the resource they provision, therefore
Nested block inside the resource block
Which of the following provisioners does not need a connection block defined?
Provisioners that don't need to connect to remote resources don't require a connection block
Because it operates on the workstation where you are running terrafrom.
What is the public IPv4 address that has been allocated to this EC2 instance?
You can use
terraform state show
for this.Reveal
terraform state show aws_instance.cerberus
in the output -
Let's create an Elastic IP Address.
Create an Elastic IP resource with the following specifications:
- Resource Name:
- vpc:
- instance: id of the EC2 instance created for resource cerberus (use a reference expression)
- create a
provisioner for theeip
resource and use it to print the attribute calledpublic_dns
to a file/root/cerberus_public_dns.txt
on the iac-server.
* [aws_eip documentation]( * [local_exec documentation](
Create the new resource, including its provisioner
resource "aws_eip" "eip" { vpc = true instance = provisioner "local-exec" { command = "echo ${aws_eip.eip.public_dns} >> /root/cerberus_public_dns.txt" } }
terraform plan terraform apply
- Resource Name:
What is the public ip address that was created for this Elastic IP?
You can use
terraform state show
for this.Reveal
terraform state show aws_eip.eip
in the output -
In the current configuration, which dependency is NOT true?
The Elastic IP resource called
has a reference expression pointing to the AWS EC2 resource called cerberus. Hence the resourceeip
depends on cerberus and not the other way around.Reveal
Resource called
depends on the resource calledeip
The above is the correct answer given the logic of the statement above, but it will be marked incorrect. Logic of the question is wrong, and will be corrected. To pass the question, select the following
Resource called
depends on the resource calledcerberus