To create an app that runs on the server, implement the ServerSideApp
trait (from io.github.kostaskougios::terminal21-server-app
) and then pass your implementation to the start()
method of the server:
class MyServerApp extends ServerSideApp:
override def name = "My Server App"
override def description = "Some app that I want to be available when I start the server"
override def createSession(serverSideSessions: ServerSideSessions, dependencies: Dependencies): Unit =
.withNewSession("my-server-app-session", name)
.connect: session =>
given ConnectedSession = session
... your app code ...
See for example the terminal21 settings app.
Now make sure your app is included in the server's classpath and then pass it as an argument to start()
, i.e. with this scala-cli
//> ...
//> using dep MY_APP_DEP
import org.terminal21.server.Terminal21Server
Terminal21Server.start(apps = Seq(new MyServerApp))
Now start the server and the app should be available in the app list of terminal21.