The scripts written supports openshift and minikube
- Packages required on client machine : php java11 git wget zip bc jq.
- On minikube:
- Prometheus ( To install prometheus, use script available here )
- On openshift:
- Enable monitoring for user-defined projects.
To enable monitring for user-defined projects on openshift:
- Edit the cluster-monitoring-config ConfigMap object:
$ oc -n openshift-monitoring edit configmap cluster-monitoring-config
- Add enableUserWorkload: true under data/config.yaml:
apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: cluster-monitoring-config namespace: openshift-monitoring data: config.yaml: | enableUserWorkload: true
- Save the file to apply the changes. Monitoring for user-defined projects is then enabled automatically.
- Check that the prometheus-operator, prometheus-user-workload and thanos-ruler-user-workload pods are running in the openshift-user-workload-monitoring project. It might take a short while for the pods to start:
oc -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring get pod
For more details on enabling monitoring, check this
As of now, the benchmark runs TechEmpower Framework- Quarkus resteasy-hibernate
To run the benchmark on kubernetes cluster to collect performance metrics
`./scripts/perf/ --clustertype=CLUSTER_TYPE -s BENCHMARK_SERVER -e RESULTS_DIR [--dbtype=DB_TYPE] [--dbhost=DB_HOST] [-i SERVER_INSTANCES] [-n NAMESPACE] [-g TFB_IMAGE] [-d DURATION] [-w WARMUPS] [-m MEASURES] [--iter ITERATIONS] [-t THREADS] [-R RATE] [--connection CONNECTIONS] [-r RE_DEPLOY] [--mode=monitoring] [--cpureq=CPU_REQ] [--memreq MEM_REQ] [--cpulim=CPU_LIM] [--memlim MEM_LIM] [--usertunables=USER_TUNABLES] [--MaxInlineLevel=MAXINLINELEVEL] [--quarkustpcorethreads==QUARKUS_THREADPOOL_CORETHREADS] [quarkustpqueuesize=QUARKUS_THREADPOOL_QUEUESIZE] [--quarkusdatasourcejdbcminsize=QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_JDBC_MINSIZE] [--quarkusdatasourcejdbcmaxsize=QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_JDBC_MAXSIZE]`
- **CLUSTER_TYPE**: Type of cluster. Supports openshift , minikube.
- **BENCHMARK_SERVER**: Name of the cluster you are using
- **RESULTS_DIR**: Directory to store results
- **DB_TYPE**: Supports only options : DOCKER , STANDALONE. Default is DOCKER.
- **DB_HOST**: Hostname of the database if DB_TYPE selected is STANDALONE.
- **SERVER_INSTANCES**: Number of tfb-qrh instances to be deployed. It is optional, if is not specified then by default it will be considered as 1 instance.
- **NAMESPACE**: Namespace in which tfb-qrh application is to be deployed. It is optional, if not specified then `default` will be considered as the namespace.
- **TFB_IMAGE**: TechEmpower Framework Quarkus image to deploy. It is optional, if is not specified then the default image `kruize/tfb-qrh:1.13.2.F_mm.v1` will be considered for the deployment.
- **RE_DEPLOY**: Deploy the application in cluster. If application is already running, it deletes the old deployment and deploy again.
- **MODE**: Monitoring mode enables to run the application to run the load and monitor the metrics for the specified duration mentioned with -d option.
- **DURATION**: Duration of each warmup and measurement run.
- **WARMUPS**: No.of warmup runs.
- **MEASURES**: No.of measurement runs.
- **ITERATIONS**: No.of iterations.
- **THREADS**: No.of threads used by hyperfoil/wrk2 client
- **RATE**: Rate of transaction used by hyperfoil/wrk2
- **CONNECTION**: No.of connections used by hyperffoil/wrk2
- **CPU_REQ**: CPU request
- **MEM_REQ**: Memory request
- **CPU_LIM**: CPU limit
- **MEM_LIM**: Memory limit
- **USER_TUNABLES**: Any specific tunable user want to mention. If there are multiple entires, it should be separated by ; and enclosed with ""
- **MAXINLINELEVEL**: Maxinline level tunable for JVM.
- **QUARKUS_THREADPOOL_CORETHREADS**: quarkus.thread-pool.core.threads property for Quarkus.
- **QUARKUS_THREADPOOL_QUEUESIZE**: quarkus.thread-pool.queue.size property for Quarkus.Memory limit
- **QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_JDBC_MINSIZE**: property for Quarkus.
- **QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_JDBC_MAXSIZE**: property for Quarkus.
`./scripts/perf/ --clustertype=openshift -s <> -e results -r -d 60 -w 20 -m 3 -i 1 --iter=5 -n default -t 3 -R 200 --connection=200 --cpureq=1.31 --memreq=648M --cpulim=1.31 --memlim=648M --maxinlinelevel=44 --quarkustpcorethreads=22 --quarkustpqueuesize=950 --quarkusdatasourcejdbcminsize=8 --quarkusdatasourcejdbcmaxsize=36`
For monitoring mode:
`./scripts/perf/ --clustertype=openshift -s <> -e results -r -d 60000 -n default -t 3 -R 200 --mode=monitoring --dbtype=DOCKER`
Only to deploy the benchmark:
`./scripts/ --clustertype=CLUSTER_TYPE [-s BENCHMARK_SERVER] [--dbtype=DB_TYPE] [--dbhost=DB_HOST] [-i SERVER_INSTANCES] [-n NAMESPACE] [-g TFB_IMAGE] [--cpureq=CPU_REQ] [--memreq MEM_REQ] [--cpulim=CPU_LIM] [--memlim MEM_LIM] [--usertunables=USER_TUNABLES] [--MaxInlineLevel=MAXINLINELEVEL] [--quarkustpcorethreads==QUARKUS_THREADPOOL_CORETHREADS] [quarkustpqueuesize=QUARKUS_THREADPOOL_QUEUESIZE] [--quarkusdatasourcejdbcminsize=QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_JDBC_MINSIZE] [--quarkusdatasourcejdbcmaxsize=QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_JDBC_MAXSIZE]`
`./scripts/ --clustertype=openshift -s <> --dbtype=docker -i 1 -n default --cpureq=1.31 --memreq=648M --cpulim=1.31 --memlim=648M --maxinlinelevel=44 --quarkustpcorethreads=22 --quarkustpqueuesize=950 --quarkusdatasourcejdbcminsize=8 --quarkusdatasourcejdbcmaxsize=36`
To run the load on benchmark:
`./scripts/ --clustertype=CLUSTER_TYPE [-i SERVER_INSTANCES] [--iter=ITERATIONS] [-n NAMESPACE] [-a IP_ADDR]`
./scripts/ --clustertype=openshift -i 1 --iter=3 -n default
Sample Output and Description:
1 , 209.552 , 10.2 , 6570.3370969999995000 , , , , , , 0.113158 , 345.929 ,.10653005617777772 , .1209623125675936 , 333 , 371 , 0.52 , 43.37 , 198.831 , 33.7027 , 1190.00 , 46.10 , 0 , 0.5 , 9.86 , 1.31 , 648M , 1.31 , 648M , 44 , 22 , 950 , 8 , 36
**INSTANCES** : No.of application instances
**THROUGHPUT_RATE_3m**: Rate of Throughput for last 3 mins from prometheus data.
**RESPONSE_TIME_RATE_3m**: Rate of Responsetime for last 3 mins from prometheus data.
**MAX_RESPONSE_TIME**: Max responsetime observed during the whole run from prometheus data
**RESPONSE_TIME_50p , RESPONSE_TIME_95p , RESPONSE_TIME_98p , RESPONSE_TIME_99p , RESPONSE_TIME_999p**: Percentile information of responsetime from prometheus data. **NOT AVAILABLE CURRENTLY**.
**CPU_USAGE**: Average of CPU consumed.
**MEM_USAGE**: Average of Memory consumed.
**CPU_MIN**: Minimum value of cpu during the run.
**CPU_MAX**: Maximum value of cpu during the run.
**MEM_MIN**:Minimum value of memory consumed during the run.
**MEM_MAX**: Maximum value of memory consumed during the run.
**THRPT_PROM_CI**: Confidence interval of prometheus throughput data.
**RSPTIME_PROM_CI**: Confidence interval of prometheus responsetime data.
**THROUGHPUT_WRK**: Throughput data from hyperfoil/wrk2
**RESPONSETIME_WRK**: Response time data from hyperfoil/wrk2
**RESPONSETIME_MAX_WRK**: Maximum responsetime from hyperfoil/wrk2
**RESPONSETIME_STDEV_WRK**: standard deviation responsetime from hyperfoil/wrk2
**WEB_ERRORS**: Errors while running the load from hyperfoil/wrk2
**THRPT_WRK_CI**: Confidence interval of hyperfoil/wrk2 throughput data.
**RSPTIME_WRK_CI**: Confidence interval of hyperfoil/wrk2 responsetime data.
**CPU_REQ**: Configuration value of cpu request if set
**MEM_REQ**: Configuration value of memory request if set
**CPU_LIM**: Configuration value of cpu limit if set
**MEM_LIM**: Configuration value of memory limit if set
**MAXINLINELEVEL**: Configuration value of maxinlinelevel tunable of hotpsot JVM if set
**QRKS_TP_CORETHREADS**: Configuration value of quarkus.thread-pool.core.threads tunable of Quarkus if set
**QRKS_TP_QUEUESIZE**: Configuration value of quarkus.thread-pool.queue.size tunable of Quarkus if set
**QRKS_DS_JDBC_MINSIZE**: Configuration value of tunable of Quarkus if set
**QRKS_DS_JDBC_MAXSIZE**: Configuration value of tunable of Quarkus if set
Note: If the run fails, the output values would be 99999. This is added for the convenience of experiments with autotune. For more details, look into setup.log as mentioned at the end of the run.
Script Name | What it does? |
perf/ | Script to measure the performance of benchmark - internally calls other scripts to deploy and run the load and collecting the metrics and parsing the data. | | Deploy the benchmark with tunables |
perf/ | Has prometheus queries that are required calculate the metrics required for objective function and the benchmark. |
perf/ | Parse the prometheus metrics data to calculate the average , max and min values as per the requirement of the benchmark. |
perf/ci.php | Use to measure confidence interval of data. |
perf/ | Parse the metrics data from hyperfoil/wrk load simulator. | | To run the load separately |
manifests/default_manifests | Manifests used by TFB benchmark for performance benchmarking and monitoring purposes. Also, used for kruize monitoring demo to showcase IDLE scenario |
manifests/resource_provisioning_manifests | Manifests used by kruize monitoring demo to showcase underprovision/overprovision scenarios |