PSDify includes the following cmdlets.
Detailed help is not provided, so please refer to the examples on this page for cmdlet usage.
Category | Cmdlet | Description |
Authentication | Connect-Dify | Authenticate with Dify using password or email authentication, enabling operations with other PSDify cmdlets. |
Authentication | Disconnect-Dify | Log out from Dify. |
Application Management | Get-DifyApp | Retrieve app information. |
Application Management | Remove-DifyApp | Delete apps. |
Application Management | Import-DifyApp | Import apps from local DSL files. |
Application Management | Export-DifyApp | Export apps to DSL files. |
Application Management | Get-DifyDSLContent | Retrieve content from DSL file as string. |
Application Management | Set-DifyDSLContent | Write content to DSL file. |
Application Management | Get-DifyAppAPIKey | Retrieve app API keys. |
Application Management | New-DifyAppAPIKey | Create app API keys. |
Application Management | Remove-DifyAppAPIKey | Delete app API keys. |
Knowledge Management | Get-DifyKnowledge | Retrieve knowledge information. |
Knowledge Management | New-DifyKnowledge | Add new empty knowledge. |
Knowledge Management | Remove-DifyKnowledge | Delete knowledge. |
Knowledge Management | Get-DifyDocument | Retrieve document information in knowledge. |
Knowledge Management | Add-DifyDocument | Upload documents to knowledge. |
Member Management | Get-DifyMember | Retrieve workspace member information. |
Member Management | New-DifyMember | Add (invite) a new member to the workspace. |
Member Management | Remove-DifyMember | Remove members from the workspace. |
Member Management | Set-DifyMemberRole | Change members' role in the workspace. |
Model Management | Get-DifyModel | Retrieves workspace model information. |
Model Management | New-DifyModel | Add new models to the workspace. |
Model Management | Get-DifySystemModel | Retrieve system model information for the workspace. |
Model Management | Set-DifySystemModel | Change the system model in the workspace. |
Tag Management | Get-DifyTag | Retrieve tag information. |
Tag Management | Get-DifyAppTag | Retrieve tag information for apps. |
Tag Management | Get-DifyKnowledgeTag | Retrieve tag information for knowledge. |
Information Retrieval | Get-DifyVersion | Retrieve Dify version information. |
Information Retrieval | Get-DifyProfile | Retrieve authenticated account information. |
Instance Initialization | Wait-Dify | Wait the Dify instance to be ready. |
Instance Initialization | Initialize-Dify | Create an admin account (Community Edition only). |
Miscellaneous | Set-PSDifyConfiguration | Disables SSL certificate verification for HTTPS connections. |
Miscellaneous | Add-DifyFile | Upload files. |
Miscellaneous | Get-DifyDocumentIndexingStatus | Retrieve document indexing status. |
Miscellaneous | Invoke-DifyRestMethod | Invoke REST API methods. |
Chat Operations | Send-DifyChatMessage | Send chat messages to the app. |
Authenticate with Dify using password or email-based login, enabling operations with other PSDify cmdlets.
Upon successful authentication, the following environment variables will be set:
If the environment variables are already set and the value (token) is valid, re-authentication will not be performed unless the -Force
option is specified.
SSO-authenticated accounts can also log in via email authentication using the associated email address.
# Email authentication (enter the code manually manually which will be sent to your email address after execution)
Connect-Dify -AuthMethod "Code" -Email "[email protected]"
You can use environment variables to simplify cmdlet arguments.
$env:PSDIFY_URL = ""
$env:PSDIFY_EMAIL = "[email protected]"
If using a self-signed certificate for HTTPS in the Community Edition, disable certificate verification before invoking Connect-Dify
# Disable certificate verification
Set-PSDifyConfiguration -IgnoreSSLVerification $true
# Password authentication (enter the password manually after execution)
Connect-Dify -Server "" -Email "[email protected]"
# Password authentication (use predefined password)
$DifyPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "AwesomeDify123!" -AsPlainText -Force
Connect-Dify -Server "" -Email "[email protected]" -Password $DifyPassword
You can use environment variables to simplify cmdlet arguments.
$env:PSDIFY_URL = ""
$env:PSDIFY_AUTH_METHOD = "Password"
$env:PSDIFY_EMAIL = "[email protected]"
$env:PSDIFY_PASSWORD = "AwesomeDify123!"
$env:PSDIFY_DISABLE_SSL_VERIFICATION = "true" # For self-signed certificates
Log out from Dify.
# Logout (invalidate issued tokens)
# Force logout (remove local environment variables regardless of logout success)
Disconnect-Dify -Force
Retrieve app information.
# Get all apps
# Get apps by ID
Get-DifyApp -Id "..."
# Get apps by name (complete match)
Get-DifyApp -Name "..."
# Get apps by name (partial match)
Get-DifyApp -Search "..."
# Get apps by mode
## Modes: "chat", "workflow", "agent-chat", "channel", "all"
Get-DifyApp -Mode "chat"
# Get apps by tags (multiple tags can be specified)
Get-DifyApp -Tags "...", "..."
# Example: Combine filters
Get-DifyApp -Name "..." -Mode "chat"
Delete apps.
# Delete app (specify directly from Get-DifyApp)
Get-DifyApp -Name "..." | Remove-DifyApp
# Delete app (use result from Get-DifyApp)
$AppsToBeRemoved = Get-DifyApp -Name "..."
Remove-DifyApp -App $AppsToBeRemoved
Import apps from local DSL files.
# Import apps (specify file paths, supports wildcards and multiple paths)
Import-DifyApp -Path "DSLs/*.yml"
Import-DifyApp -Path "DSLs/demo1.yml", "DSLs/demo2.yml"
# Import apps (specify directly from Get-Item or Get-ChildItem)
Get-Item -Path "DSLs/*.yml" | Import-DifyApp
# Import apps (use result from Get-ChildItem)
$DSLFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "DSLs/*.yml"
Import-DifyApp -Item $DSLFiles
# Import an app (specify the content of the DSL file directly via pipe)
Get-DifyDSLContent -Path "DSLs/demo.yml" | Import-DifyApp -Content
Export apps to DSL files. By default, files are saved in the DSLs
# Export app (specify directly from Get-DifyApp)
Get-DifyApp | Export-DifyApp
# Export app (use result from Get-DifyApp)
$AppsToBeExported = Get-DifyApp
Export-DifyApp -App $AppsToBeExported
# Export app (change target directory)
Get-DifyApp | Export-DifyApp -Path "./path/to/your/directory"
# Export app (include secrets)
Get-DifyApp | Export-DifyApp -IncludeSecret
Retrieve content from DSL file as string and write content to DSL file. These are designed to handle DSL files consistently in UTF-8 without BOM.
This is useful when you want to rewrite part of an existing DSL file and save it as another file, or when you want to import it directly by piping it to Import-DifyApp -Content
# Retrieve content from DSL file
$RawContent = Get-DifyDSLContent -Path "DSLs/old.yml"
# Rewrite the old knowledge ID in the DSL file to the new knowledge ID and save it as another DSL file
$RawContent -replace "8b960203-299d-4345-b953-3308663dd790", "574d9556-189a-4d35-b296-09231b859667" | Set-DifyDSLContent -Path "DSLs/new.yml"
# Rewrite the old knowledge ID in the DSL file to the new knowledge ID and import it as a new app
$RawContent -replace "8b960203-299d-4345-b953-3308663dd790", "574d9556-189a-4d35-b296-09231b859667" | Import-DifyApp -Content
Retrieve the API key of the app.
# Get API key (specify directly from Get-DifyApp)
Get-DifyApp -Name "..." | Get-DifyAppAPIKey
# Get API key (use result from Get-DifyApp)
$AppsToGetAPIKey = Get-DifyApp -Name "..."
Get-DifyAppAPIKey -App $AppsToGetAPIKey
Create an API key for the app.
# Create an API key (specify directly from Get-DifyApp)
Get-DifyApp -Name "..." | New-DifyAppAPIKey
# Create an API key (use result from Get-DifyApp)
$AppsToCreateAPIKey = Get-DifyApp -Name "..."
Delete the API key of the app.
# Delete the API key (specify directly from Get-DifyAppAPIKey)
Get-DifyApp -Name "..." | Get-DifyAppAPIKey | Remove-DifyAppAPIKey
# Delete the API key (use result from Get-DifyAppAPIKey)
$APIKeysToBeRemoved = Get-DifyApp -Name "..." | Get-DifyAppAPIKey
Remove-DifyAppAPIKey -APIKey $APIKeysToBeRemoved
Retrieve knowledge information.
# Get all knowledge
# Get knowledge by ID
Get-DifyKnowledge -Id "..."
# Get knowledge by name (complete match)
Get-DifyKnowledge -Name "..."
# Get knowledge by name (partial match)
Get-DifyKnowledge -Search "..."
# Get knowledge by tags (multiple tags can be specified)
Get-DifyKnowledge -Tags "...", "..."
Add new empty knowledge.
# Add new knowledge
New-DifyKnowledge -Name "My New Knowledge"
# Add new knowledge with description
New-DifyKnowledge -Name "My New Knowledge" -Description "This is a new knowledge."
Delete knowledge.
# Delete knowledge (specify directly from Get-DifyKnowledge)
Get-DifyKnowledge -Name "..." | Remove-DifyKnowledge
# Delete knowledge (use result from Get-DifyKnowledge)
$KnowledgeToBeRemoved = Get-DifyKnowledge -Name "..."
Remove-DifyKnowledge -Knowledge $KnowledgeToBeRemoved
Retrieve document information in knowledge.
# Get all documents (specify directly from Get-DifyKnowledge)
Get-DifyKnowledge -Name "..." | Get-DifyDocument
# Get all documents (use result from Get-DifyKnowledge)
$Knowledge = Get-DifyKnowledge -Name "..."
Get-DifyDocument -Knowledge $Knowledge
# Get documents by ID
Get-DifyKnowledge -Name "..." | Get-DifyDocument -Id "..."
# Get documents by name (complete match)
Get-DifyKnowledge -Name "..." | Get-DifyDocument -Name "..."
# Get documents by name (partial match)
Get-DifyKnowledge -Name "..." | Get-DifyDocument -Search "..."
Upload documents to knowledge. By default, the settings for Automatic, High Quality with system model, and Vector Aearch are applied.
Currently, detailed configuration is not implemented.
# Prerequisite: Get the knowledge to upload the document
$Knowledge = Get-DifyKnowledge -Name "My New Knowledge"
# Upload documents (specify file paths, supports wildcards and multiple paths)
Add-DifyDocument -Knowledge $Knowledge -Path "Docs/*.md"
# Upload documents (specify from Get-Item or Get-ChildItem via pipe)
Get-Item -Path "Docs/*.md" | Add-DifyDocument -Knowledge $Knowledge
# Upload documents (specify chunk settings)
## Chunk settings: "automatic", "custom"
Add-DifyDocument -Knowledge $Knowledge -Path "Docs/*.md" -ChunkMode "custom"
# Upload documents (use any model)
$EmbeddingModel = Get-DifyModel -Provider "openai" -Name "text-embedding-3-small"
Add-DifyDocument -Knowledge $Knowledge -Path "Docs/*.md" -IndexMode "high_quality" -Model $EmbeddingModel
# Upload documents (use economy mode)
Add-DifyDocument -Knowledge $Knowledge -Path "Docs/*.md" -IndexMode "economy"
# Wait for indexing to complete
Add-DifyDocument -Knowledge $Knowledge -Path "Docs/*.md" -Wait
# Custom wait settings
Add-DifyDocument -Knowledge $Knowledge -Path "Docs/*.md" -Wait -Interval 10 -Timeout 600
Delete documents.
# Delete documents (specify directly from Get-DifyDocument)
Get-DifyKnowledge -Name "..." | Get-DifyDocument | Remove-DifyDocument
# Delete documents (use result from Get-DifyDocument)
$DocumentsToBeRemoved = Get-DifyKnowledge -Name "..." | Get-DifyDocument
Remove-DifyDocument -Document $DocumentsToBeRemoved
Retrieve workspace member information.
# Get all members
# Get member by ID
Get-DifyMember -Id "..."
# Get member by name
Get-DifyMember -Name "..."
# Get member by email
Get-DifyMember -Email "..."
Add (invite) a new member to the workspace.
# Invite a new member
## Roles: "admin", "editor", "normal"
New-DifyMember -Email "[email protected]" -Role "normal" -Language "en-US"
Remove members from the workspace.
# Remove members (specify directly from Get-DifyMember)
Get-DifyMember -Name "..." | Remove-DifyMember
# Remove members (use result from Get-DifyMember)
$MembersToBeRemoved = Get-DifyMember -Name "..."
Remove-DifyMember -Member $MembersToBeRemoved
Change members' role in the workspace.
# Change role (specify directly from Get-DifyMember)
Get-DifyMember -Name "..." | Set-DifyMemberRole -Role "editor"
# Change role (use result from Get-DifyMember)
$MembersToBeChanged = Get-DifyMember -Name "..."
Set-DifyMemberRole -Member $MembersToBeChanged -Role "editor"
Retrieve workspace model information.
# Get all models
# Get models by provider
Get-DifyModel -Provider "..."
# Get models by type
## Types: "predefined", "customizable"
Get-DifyModel -From "..."
# Get models by name
Get-DifyModel -Name "..."
# Get models by model type
## Model types: "llm", "text-embedding", "speech2text", "moderation", "tts", "rerank"
Get-DifyModel -Type "..."
# Example: Combine filters
Get-DifyModel -Provider "..." -Type "llm"
Add new models to the workspace. The credentials required depend on the provider and the model. Check the actual HTTP requests using browser developer tools for precise details.
# Add predefined models (example for OpenAI)
New-DifyModel -Provider "openai" -From "predefined" `
-Credential @{
"openai_api_key" = "sk-proj-****************"
# Add predefined models (example for Cohere)
New-DifyModel -Provider "cohere" -From "predefined" `
-Credential @{
"api_key" = "****************************************"
# Add customizable models (example for OpenAI)
New-DifyModel -Provider "openai" -From "customizable" `
-Type "llm" -Name "gpt-4o-mini" `
-Credential @{
"openai_api_key" = "sk-proj-****************"
# Add customizable models (example for Cohere)
New-DifyModel -Provider "cohere" -From "customizable" `
-Type "llm" -Name "command-r-plus" `
-Credential @{
"mode" = "chat"
"api_key" = "****************************************"
Delete models.
# Delete models (specify directly from Get-DifyModel)
Get-DifyModel -Name "..." | Remove-DifyModel
# Delete models (use result from Get-DifyModel)
$ModelsToBeRemoved = Get-DifyModel -Name "..."
Remove-DifyModel -Model $ModelsToBeRemoved
Retrieve system model information for the workspace.
# Get system model
# Get system model by type
## Types: "llm", "text-embedding", "rerank", "speech2text", "tts"
Get-DifySystemModel -Type "..."
Change the system model in the workspace.
# Change system model
Set-DifySystemModel -Type "llm" -Provider "openai" -Name "gpt-4o-mini"
# Change system model (specify directly from Get-DifySystemModel)
Get-DifySystemModel -Type "llm" -Provider "openai" -Name "gpt-4o-mini" | Set-DifySystemModel
# Change system model (use result from Get-DifySystemModel)
$SystemModelToBeChanged = Get-DifySystemModel -Type "llm" -Provider "openai" -Name "gpt-4o-mini"
Set-DifySystemModel -Model $SystemModelToBeChanged
Retrieve tag information.
# Get tags by type
## Types: "app", "knowledge"
Get-DifyTag -Type "app"
# Get tags by ID
Get-DifyTag -Type "app" -Id "..."
# Get tags by name
Get-DifyTag -Type "app" -Name "..."
Retrieve tag information for apps. This is equivalent to Get-DifyTag -Type "app"
# Get app tags
# Get app tags by ID
Get-DifyAppTag -Id "..."
# Get app tags by name
Get-DifyAppTag -Name "..."
Retrieve tag information for knowledge. This is equivalent to Get-DifyTag -Type "knowledge"
# Get knowledge tags
# Get knowledge tags by ID
Get-DifyKnowledgeTag -Id "..."
# Get knowledge tags by name
Get-DifyKnowledgeTag -Name "..."
Retrieve the version information for Dify.
# Get version information
Retrieve the authenticated account's profile information.
# Get account profile
Wait for the Dify instance to be ready. It is useful to use after executing docker compose up -d
# Wait for the Dify instance to be ready
Wait-Dify -Server ""
# Wait for the Dify instance to be ready (specify the interval and timeout)
Wait-Dify -Server "" -Interval 5 -Timeout 300
Create an admin account (Community Edition only). After successful completion, it is equivalent to logging in with the admin account using Connect-Dify
# Create an admin account (enter the password manually after execution)
Initialize-Dify -Server "" -Email "[email protected]"
# Create an admin account (use predefined password)
$DifyPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "AwesomeDify123!" -AsPlainText -Force
Initialize-Dify -Server "" -Email "[email protected]" -Password $DifyPassword
# Create an admin account (if you've specify INIT_PASSWORD for Dify and use predefined init password)
$DifyInitPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "AwesomeDifyInitPassword123!" -AsPlainText -Force
$DifyPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "AwesomeDify123!" -AsPlainText -Force
Initialize-Dify -Server "" -Email "[email protected]" -InitPassword $DifyInitPassword -Password $DifyPassword
You can use environment variables to simplify cmdlet arguments.
$env:PSDIFY_URL = ""
$env:PSDIFY_AUTH_METHOD = "Password"
$env:PSDIFY_EMAIL = "[email protected]"
$env:PSDIFY_PASSWORD = "AwesomeDify123!"
$env:PSDIFY_DISABLE_SSL_VERIFICATION = "true" # For self-signed certificates
$env:PSDIFY_INIT_PASSWORD = "AwesomeDifyInitPassword123!" # If INIT_PASSWORD is set in Dify
Enable or disable SSL certificate verification for HTTPS connections.
# Disable certificate verification
Set-PSDifyConfiguration -IgnoreSSLVerification $true
# Enable certificate verification
Set-PSDifyConfiguration -IgnoreSSLVerification $false
Upload files.
# Upload files (specify file paths, supports wildcards and multiple paths)
Add-DifyFile -Path "Files/*"
# Upload files (specify from Get-Item or Get-ChildItem via pipe)
Get-Item -Path "Files/*" | Add-DifyFile
# Upload files (specify source information)
Get-Item -Path "Files/*" | Add-DifyFile -Source "..."
Retrieve document indexing status.
# Get indexing status (specify directly from Add-DifyDocument)
Add-DifyDocument -Knowledge $Knowledge -Path "Docs/*.md" | Get-DifyDocumentIndexingStatus
# Get indexing status (specify from Add-DifyDocument result)
$DocumentToCheckIndexingStatus = Add-DifyDocument -Knowledge $Knowledge -Path "Docs/*.md"
Get-DifyDocumentIndexingStatus -Document $DocumentToCheckIndexingStatus
# Get indexing status (specify knowledge and batch ID)
Get-DifyDocumentIndexingStatus -Knowledge $Knowledge -Batch "..."
# Get indexing status (wait for completion)
Get-DifyDocumentIndexingStatus -Knowledge $Knowledge -Batch "..." -Wait
# Get indexing status (change waiting time)
Get-DifyDocumentIndexingStatus -Knowledge $Knowledge -Batch "..." -Wait -Interval 10 -Timeout 600
Invokes REST API methods.
# Invoke REST API (GET)
$Query = @{
"page" = 1
"limit" = 100
Invoke-DifyRestMethod -Method "GET" -Uri "" -Query $Query -Token $env:PSDIFY_CONSOLE_TOKEN
# Invoke REST API (POST)
$Body = @{
"model_settings" = @(
"model_type" = "llm"
"provider" = "openai"
"model" = "gpt-4o-mini"
} | ConvertTo-Json
Invoke-DifyRestMethod -Method "POST" -Uri "" -Body $Body -Token $env:PSDIFY_CONSOLE_TOKEN
# Invoke REST API (using a session)
$DifySession = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession
Invoke-DifyRestMethod -Method "GET" -Uri "" -Session $DifySession
Send chat messages to the app. The following environment variables are required for operation.
The content sent and the response are saved in the Logs
# Set environment variables
$env:PSDIFY_APP_URL = ""
$env:PSDIFY_APP_TOKEN = "app-****************"
# Send chat messages
Send-DifyChatMessage -Message "Hello, Dify!"
# Send chat messages (start a new session)
Send-DifyChatMessage -Message "Hello, Dify!" -NewSession