layout | title |
page |
Meetings |
{% capture ordinal -%} {% case | date: "%-d" %} {% when '1' or '21' or '31' %}st {% when '2' or '22' %}nd {% when '3' or '23' %}rd {% else %}th {% endcase %} {% endcapture %}
You can find upcoming PAC meetings on the [calendar]({% link %}). Meetings are held in person in the school library and online via Zoom.
{% include link.html link="" text="📁 Meeting Minutes" %}
{% assign postsByTag = site.posts | group_by_exp: "post", "post.tag" %} {% for tag in postsByTag %}
{% for post in tag.items %}
- {{ post.title }}, {{ | date: "%B %-d" }}{{ordinal}} {% endfor %}