Now it time to run the software. In this case the underlaying docker layer is used to run the software. This done by accessing the docker API through for this training build docker interface. This will create a running docker container with the application in it.
To create the run task follow these steps:
- Extend the pipeline.yml file with a new job called run. This job will be triggered after the job deploy has been finished.
- name: run
- get: sources # Download the sources
trigger: true
passed: [deploy] # Trigger after job test has passed
- task: run the application in the blue environment
file: sources/CI/task-run.yml
- Create a new file task-run.yml in the CI directory. This task will create (and replace) a the application in the blue environment. Add the following content to the task-run.yml file:
platform: linux
type: docker-image
source: {repository: openjdk, tag: 8}
path: ./gradlew # Command to execute
args: ["build"]
dir: sources/application # Location to execute, note the 'sources' as directory prefix
run: # Gradle release + version bumping
path: sh
- -exc
- |
VERSION=$(curl -X GET http://consul.service.consul:8500/v1/kv/version?raw=true)
curl "http://run-on-docker.service.consul:8000/?application=$DOWNLOAD_URL&environment=$ENVIRONMENT&version=$VERSION"
curl -X PUT -d "$ENVIRONMENT" http://consul.service.consul:8500/v1/kv/environment
- Commit the changes and push them
- After a few moments a new build is triggered
- Update the pipeline with
$ fly -t lite set-pipeline -p devops-training -c pipeline.yml --load-vars-from secrets.yml
- After a successful run of the pipeline the blue environment will be available.
- This can be checked with the following command
$ curl http://localhost:18000
"hostName": "394ac3f7f401",
"environment": "blue",
"version": "1.2.18",
"counter": 5
In the next exercise a green enviornment is introduced.