- ADDU32 Add unsigned
- ADDC32 Add with carry unsigned
- ADDI32 Add immediate unsigned
- SUBU32 Subtract unsigned
- SUBC32 Subtract with borrow unsigned
- SUBI32 Subtract immediate unsigned
- RSUB32 Reverse subtract
- IXH32 Index half-word
- IXW32 Index word
- IXD32 Index double word
- INCF32 C=0 add immediate
- INCT32 C=1 add immediate
- DECF32 C=0 subtract immediate
- DECT32 C=1 subtract immediate
- DECGT32 Set C bit when greater than zero in subtraction
- DECLT32 Set C bit when smaller than zero in subtraction
- DECNE32 Set C bit when not equal to zero in subtraction
- AND32 Bitwise AND
- ANDI32 Bitwise AND immediate
- ANDN32 Bitwise AND-NOT
- ANDNI32 Bitwise AND-NOT immediate
- OR32 Bitwise OR
- ORI32 Bitwise OR immediate
- XOR32 Bitwise XOR
- XORI32 Bitwise XOR immediate
- NOR32 Bitwise NOT-OR
- NOT32 Bitwise NOT
- LSL32 Logical shift left
- LSLI32 Logical shift left immediate
- LSLC32 Logical shift left immediate to C
- LSR32 Logical shift right
- LSRI32 Logical shift right immediate
- LSRC32 Logical shift right immediate to C
- ASR32 Arithmetic shift right
- ASRI32 Arithmetic shift right immediate
- ASRC32 Arithmetic shift right immediate to C
- ROTL32 Rotate left
- ROTLI32 Rotate left immediate
- XSR32 Extended shift right
- CMPNE32 Compare unequal
- CMPNEI32 Compare unequal immediate
- CMPHS32 Compare unsigned when greater or equal
- CMPHSI32 Compare immediate unsigned when greater or equal
- CMPLT32 Compare signed when smaller
- CMPLTI32 Compare immediate signed when smaller
- TST32 Null-test
- TSTNBZ32 Register test without byte equal to zero
- MOV32 Move
- MOVF32 C=0 Move
- MOVT32 C=1 Move
- MOVI32 Move immediate
- MOVIH32 Move immediate high
- MTHI32 Write transfer to high bit of accumulator
- MTLO32 Write transfer to low bit of accumulator
- MFHI32 Read transfer from high bit of accumulator
- MFLO32 Read transfer from low bit of accumulator
- MFHIS32 Read transfer saturate from high bit of accumulator
- MFLOS32 Read transfer saturate from low bit of accumulator
- MVCV32 C bit reverse move
- MVC32 C bit move
- MVTC32 Copy overflow bit to C bit
- CLRF32 C=0 clear
- CLRT32 C=1 clear
- LRW32 Memory read-in
- GRS32 Sign generation
- BCLRI32 Bit clear immediate
- BSETI32 Bit set immediate
- BTSTI32 Bit test immediate
- ZEXT32 Extract bit and extend unsigned
- SEXT32 Extract bit and extend signed
- INS32 Bit insert
- ZEXTB32 Extract byte and extend unsigned
- ZEXTH32 Extract half-word and extend unsigned
- SEXTB32 Extract byte and extend signed
- SEXTH32 Extract half-word and extend signed
- XTRB0.32 Extract byte 0 and extend unsigned
- XTRB1.32 Extract byte 1 and extend unsigned
- XTRB2.32 Extract byte 2 and extend unsigned
- XTRB3.32 Extract byte 3 and extend unsigned
- BREV32 Bit-reverse
- REVB32 Byte-reverse
- REVH32 Half-word byte-reverse
- MULU32 Multiply unsigned
- MULUA32 Multiply-accumulate unsigned
- MULUS32 Multiply-subtract unsigned
- MULS32 Multiply signed
- MULSA32 Multiply-accumulate signed
- MULSS32 Multiply-subtract signed
- MULSH32 16-bit multiply signed
- MULSHA32 16-bit multiply-accumulate signed
- MULSHS32 16-bit multiply-subtract signed
- MULSW32 16x32 multiply signed
- MULSWA32 16x32 multiply-accumulate signed
- MULSWS32 16x32 multiply-subtract signed
- VMULSH32 16-bit multiply signed in two branches
- VMULSHA32 16-bit multiply-accumulate signed in two branches
- VMULSHS32 16-bit multiply-subtract signed in two branches
- VMULSW32 16x32 multiply signed in two branches
- VMULSWA32 16x32 multiply-accumulate signed in two branches
- VMULSWS32 16x32 multiply-subtract signed in two branches
- MULT32 Multiply
- DIVU32 Divide unsigned
- DIVS32 Divide signed
- ABS32 Absolute value
- FF0. 32 Fast find 0
- FF1. 32 Fast find 1
- BMASKI32 Bit mask generation immediate
- BGENR32 Register bit generation
- BGENI32 Bit generation immediate
- BT32 C=1 branch instruction
- BF32 C=0 branch instruction
- BEZ32 Branch instruction when register is equal to zero
- BNEZ32 Branch instruction when register is not equal to zero
- BHZ32 Branch instruction when register is greater than zero
- BLSZ32 Branch instruction when register is smaller than or equal to zero
- BLZ32 Branch instruction when register is smaller than zero
- BHSZ32 Branch instruction when register is greater than or equal to zero
- BR32 Unconditional jump
- BSR32 Jump to subprogram
- JMPI32 Jump indirect
- JSRI32 Jump to subprogram indirect
- JMP32 Register jump
- JSR32 Register jump to subprogram
- RTS32 Link register jump
- JMPIX32 Register index jump
- LD32.B Load unsigned and extended byte
- LD32.BS Load signed and extended byte
- LD32.H Load unsigned and extended half-word
- LD32.HS Load signed and extended half-word
- LD32.W Load word
- LD32.D Load double word
- ST32.B Store byte
- ST32.H Store half-word
- ST32.W Store word
- ST32.D Store double word
- LDR32.B Load unsigned and extended byte in register offset addressing
- LDR32.BS Load signed and extended byte in register offset addressing
- LDR32.H Load unsigned and extended half-word in register offset addressing
- LDR32.HS Load signed and extended half-word in register offset addressing
- LDR32.W Load word in register offset addressing
- STR32.B Store byte in register offset addressing
- STR32.H Store half-word in register offset addressing
- STR32.W Store word in register offset addressing
- LDQ32 Load consecutive quad word
- LDM32 Load consecutive multiword
- STQ32 Store consecutive quad word
- STM32 Store consecutive multiword
- PUSH32 Push
- POP32 Pop
- LDEX32.W Load word exclusive
- STEX32.W Store word exclusive
- LRS32.B Load byte sign
- LRS32.H Load half-word sign
- LRS32.W Load word sign
- SRS32.B Store byte sign
- SRS32.H Store half-word sign
- SRS32.W Store word sign
- CPRGR32 Read transfer from general-purpose register of co-processor
- CPWGR32 Write transfer to general-purpose register of co-processor
- CPRCR32 Read transfer from control register of co-processor
- CPWCR32 Write transfer to control register of co-processor
- CPRC32 Read transfer from condition bit of co-processor
- LDCPR32 Load word to co-processor
- STCPR32 Store word in co-processor
- CPOP32 Co-processor operation instruction
- MFCR32 Read from control register
- MTCR32 Write to control register
- PSRSET32 Set PSR bit
- PSRCLR32 Clear PSR bit
- WAIT32 Enter low power consumption wait mode
- DOZE32 Enter low power consumption doze mode
- STOP32 Enter low power consumption stop mode
- RTE32 Return from abnormal and normal interrupt
- RFI32 Return from fast interrupt
- STRAP32 Enter safe state
- SRTE32 Return from safe state
- SYNC32 Synchronize CPU
- BKPT32 Breakpoint instruction
- SCE32 Set conditional execution
- IDLY32 Ban interrupt identification
- TRAP32 Unconditional operating system trap
- PLDR32 Prefetch read data
- PLDW32 Prefetch write data
- WE32 Wait event
- SE32 Send event
- BMSET32 Set BCTM bit
- BMCLR32 Clear BCTM bit
- ADDU16 Add unsigned
- ADDC16 Add with carry unsigned
- ADDI16 Add immediate unsigned
- ADDI16 (sp)
- SUBU16 Subtract unsigned
- SUBC16 Subtract with borrow unsigned
- SUBI16 Subtract immediate unsigned
- AND16 Bitwise AND
- ANDN16 Bitwise AND-NOT
- OR16 Bitwise OR
- XOR16 Bitwise XOR
- NOR16 Bitwise NOT-OR
- NOT16 Bitwise NOT
- LSL16 Logical shift left
- LSLI16 Logical shift left immediate
- LSR16 Logical shift right
- LSRI16 Logical shift right immediate
- ASR16 Arithmetic shift right
- ASRI16 Arithmetic shift right immediate
- ROTL16 Rotate left
- CMPNE16 Compare unequal
- CMPNEI16 Compare unequal immediate
- CMPHS16 Compare unsigned when greater or equal
- CMPHSI16 Compare immediate unsigned when greater or equal
- CMPLT16 Compare signed when smaller
- CMPLTI16 Compare immediate signed when smaller
- TST16 Null-test
- TSTNBZ16 Register test without byte equal to zero
- MOV16 Move
- MOVI16 Move immediate
- MVCV16 C bit reverse move
- LRW16 Memory read-in
- BCLRI16 Bit clear immediate
- BSETI16 Bit set immediate
- BTSTI16 Bit test immediate
- ZEXTB16 Extract byte and extend unsigned
- ZEXTH16 Extract half-word and extend unsigned
- SEXTB16 Extract byte and extend signed
- SEXTH16 Extract half-word and extend signed
- REVB16 Byte-reverse
- REVH16 Half-word byte-reverse
- MULT16 Multiply
- MULSH16 16-bit multiply signed
- BT16 C=1 branch instruction
- BF16 C=0 branch instruction
- BR16 Unconditional jump
- JMP16 Register jump
- JSR16 Register jump to subprogram
- RTS16 Link register jump
- JMPIX16 Register index jump
- LD16.B Load unsigned and extended byte
- LD16.H Load unsigned and extended half-word
- LD16.W Load word
- LD16.W (SP)
- ST16.B Store byte
- ST16.H Store half-word
- ST16.W Store word
- ST16.W (SP)
- POP16 Pop
- PUSH16 Push
- BPUSH16.H Binary push of translated half-word
- BPUSH16.W Binary push of translated word
- BPOP16.H Binary pop of translated half-word
- BPOP16.W Binary pop of translated word
- NIE Interrupt nesting enable
- NIR Interrupt nesting return
- IPUSH Interrupt push
- IPOP Interrupt pop