Small JS library for p7m offline file handling:
- extract
- verify
- timestamp check
- OCSP revocation check
Full offline file handling, your documents never leave your local browser
Under the hood is powered by full featured OpenSSL v3 compiled to WebAssembly.
Indeed CreeP7M don't use any custom made WebAssembly program or library, just "plain" OpenSSL CLI commands!
Use data-cp7m-path to pass openssl wasm binary path
<script src="creep7m.js" data-cp7m-path="openssl"></script>
Define your file input with class cp7m-input
<input class="cp7m-input" type="file" accept=".p7m">
Initialize CreeP7M object, constructor accepts url strings to a Trusted List Provider resource and a cors-proxy service, OCSP responder are not cors enabled so cors-proxy is somehow a soft requirement
const CP7M = new CreeP7M(null, '');
If not provided we use TLP from
By default CreeP7M listen for 'click' events on elements with below classes exposing almost all methods
Class | Action |
cp7m-input (mandatory) | File input element to work with |
cp7m-extract | Extract file input |
cp7m-verify | Verify file authenticity and timestamp validity against TSP list |
cp7m-details | Get Signer and Issuer details |
cp7m-ocsp | OCSP validation against Issuer ocsp responder |
cp7m-cacheClear | Clear TSP list from default 15 days localStorage cache |
Basic usage
CP7M.addEventListener("cp7mOutput", (e) => console.log(e));
By default each method fires an event, you can override this behavior by calling it with false
const verifyResult = await CP7M(false);
A prebuilt binary is already provided but you can build your own
git clone
cd emsdk
./emsdk install latest
./emsdk activate latest
source ./
export CC=emcc
export CXX=emcc
git clone -b openssl-3.0
cd openssl
emconfigure ./Configure no-hw no-shared no-asm no-threads no-ssl3 no-dtls no-engine no-dso linux-x32 -static
sed -i 's/$(CROSS_COMPILE)//' Makefile
emmake make -j 16 build_generated libssl.a libcrypto.a apps/openssl CFLAGS="-O2 -s ENVIRONMENT='web' -s FILESYSTEM=1 -s MODULARIZE=1 -s EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS="['callMain', 'FS', 'TTY']" -s INVOKE_RUN=0 -s EXIT_RUNTIME=1 -s EXPORT_ES6=0 -s EXPORT_NAME='CreeP7M_openssl' -s USE_ES6_IMPORT_META=0 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -l proxyfs.js"
EU Authority delegate management of Trusted Provider (AKA Issuer:entity which provide digital
certificates) List by Country of origin: => frome here you can get Providers of each Country
For example IT =
On below URL we have some API but not CORS enabled so needs to
be cors-proxyed or retrieved server side \