If you're creating a new file, use this template as your header:
## file-name
To contribute a new method, please follow this template:
### [file_name.**method**(*arg*, *kwarg=default*)](/file_name.py)
Description of the method.
[LeetCode Problem Name](https://leetcode.com/problems/leetcode-problem-link)
def defaultMethodName(args):
# Write your code here
To contribute a new class, please follow this template:
### [class file_name.**ClassName**(*arg*, *kwarg*)](/file_name.py)
Description of the class.
**method_within_class**(*arg*, *kwarg*)
Description of the method.
[LeetCode Problem Name](https://leetcode.com/problems/leetcode-problem-link)
def defaultMethodName(args):
# Write your code here