Contain basic setup for NSM that includes nsmgr
, forwarder-ovs
, registry-k8s
, admission-webhook-k8s
. This setup can be used to check mechanisms combination or some kind of NSM features.
These tests require SR-IOV config created on both master
and worker
nodes and located
under /var/lib/networkservicemesh/smartnic.config
Required service domains and capabilities for the master
node are:
- 100G
- worker.domain
For the worker
- 100G
- master.domain
Apply NSM resources for basic tests:
kubectl apply -k
Wait for admission-webhook-k8s:
WH=$(kubectl get pods -l app=admission-webhook-k8s -n nsm-system --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=1m pod ${WH} -n nsm-system
Basic examples
- Kernel to Kernel Connection
- Kernel to IP to Kernel Connection
- Kernel to Kernel Connection over VLAN Trunking
SmartVf examples
To free resources follow the next commands:
kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfiguration nsm-mutating-webhook
kubectl delete ns nsm-system