Analyze is an API usage analysis tool for the Code for Mexico Datos API. It was designed to parse Nginx access logs as a means of determining the most highly used API services.
git clone
cd analyze
./bin/analyze_service --options
/aire: 43367
/aire/calidad: 2
/aire/clima: 19481
/aire/uv: 20
/georeferencia: 166
/georeferencia/estacionamientos: 1
/georeferencia/mercado: 1
/georeferencia/salud: 1
/georeferencia/turismo: 1
/georeferencia/verificentros: 2
/movilidad: 3843
/movilidad/ecobici: 10
/movilidad/taxis: 234
/movilidad/taxis/conductor: 152
/servicios: 102
/servicios/buzon: 3
- --path, -p
: Path to Nginx access logs - --service, -s
: Service to analyze (valid_services: [API]) (default_service: API) - --sort, -o
: Sorting method (valid_method: [service, hits]) (default_method: service) - --before, -b
: Ignores all log items after a specified time (format: '24/Jan/2014:11:19:39 -0600') - --after, -a
: Ignores all log items before a specified time (format: '24/Jan/2014:11:19:39 -0600') - --help, -h: Show this message
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Commit, do not mess with Rakefile or version
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.