Nothing :)
- uniqMap
- uniqFilter
- uniqLength
- uniqTake
- uniqTakeLast
- uniqTakeWhile
- uniqTakeLastWhile
- uniqDropLast
- uniqDropWhile
- uniqDropLastWhile
- uniqMap
- unfoldObjectDots - unfoldObjectDots did not merge same objects properly
- We updated to be in sync with Ramda 0.26.1.
- Improved es build. See #133
We updated to be in sync with Ramda 0.26.0.
- includes and notInclude due to ramda#2452
- Babel 7 - Performance improvement
- cx - Performance improvement
do not always return empty array or object- indentation of examples
- Option 'run it here' does not work
- alwaysOne
- alwaysZero
- applyCompose
- applyPipe
- between
- defaultToEmptyArray
- defaultToEmptyObject
- defaultToEmptyString
- defaultToFalse
- defaultToOne
- defaultToTrue
- defaultToZero
- dispatchWith
- equalsToEmptyArray
- equalsToEmptyObject
- equalsToEmptyString
- equalsToFalse
- equalsToNull
- equalsToOne
- equalsToTrue
- equalsToZero
- isNotEmpty
- isNotNaN
- isNotNil
- isNotNumeric
- isNotRegExp
- isRegExp
- isNotEmpty
- isNotNaN
- isNotNil
- isNotNumeric
- isNotRegExp
- isRegExp
- notEqualToEmptyArray
- notEqualToEmptyObject
- notEqualToEmptyString
- notEqualToFalse
- notEqualToNull
- notEqualToOne
- notEqualToTrue
- notEqualToZero
- objOfOver
- xPairs
- xPairsRight
- equalsZero
- equalsEmptyString
- notNil
- notEmpty
- notNaN
- notNumeric
- Refactor notEqual
- Docs formatting
- camelizeKeys
- headArg
- isNotNilObject
- includes
- joinWithDash
- joinWithUnderscore
- lastArg
- mapKeysAndValues
- mapKeysWithValue
- notEqual
- notInclude
- rejectEq
Hotfix release. Some of the new functions were not published to npm.
New release brings hand full of new functions.
Some of them are Ramda implementations of often used and well-known libraries:
- cx - alternative to classnames,
- keyMirror, valueMirror - alternative to keymirror
For users of lens we have new helpful functions too:
- applyIfNotNil
- cx
- duplicate
- equalsLength
- flattenArgs
- gtThanLength
- gteThanLength
- joinWithDot
- joinWithSpace
- keyMirror
- ltThanLength
- lteThanLength
- pathNotEq
- propNotEq
- replicate
- valueMirror
- viewEq
- viewWith
- Change of build system and project structure to be same as ramda.