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CCS811 flash

Arduino sketch to flash an CCS811 with firmware 2.0.0.


The risk is low, since you only flash the application firmware, not the boot loader (see e.g. brick below).

Note that from version 2.0.0 ams has this change note "Removed NTC functionality. Pin 8 not measured and left undriven.". So if your application uses the onboard thermistor, do not upgrade from 1.x.x to 2.x.x.


The CCS811 has an internal micro controller with a boot loader and the gas application. As the datasheet explains the boot loader can be used to replace the gas application. Since most Chinese boards come with firmware 1.1.0, and ams has released firmware 2.0.0 (around april 2018), I have written this example: it flashes 2.0.0 into a CCS811.


The firmware was available from the ams web. I have downloaded the "CCS811 Application firmware version 2.0.0" zip file. It contains two binaries (now, 2020 March 7)

As the readme in the zip explains, new fresh sensors should use firmware 2-0-0, and sensors that have run for a number of days should use firmware 2-0-1. As the revision history in the zip explains, the 2-0-1 has all the features of the 2-0-0, except that the burn-in compensation is disabled (hence it should be used on sensors that are already burned in).

Note that after a couple of days (i.e. at the end of the burn-in period), the burn-in compensation of 2-0-0 also stops. From this moment onwards, 2-0-0 and 2-0-1 are identical.

I explained how I believe it works in more detail in an issue.

One of the users of this flash tool (daferdur), found the binary of 1.0.0, and published that in an issue. I have included that CCS811_FW_App_v1-0-0.bin and the converted CCS811_FW_App_v1-0-0.h header in this repo, in case you want to downgrade. I have not tried this myself!


I have downloaded the 2.0.x firmware from the ams pages. I have written a Python script, Python 3.x - not Python 2.x. It is used to convert a binary firmware file to a C-array as follows

python CCS811_FW_App_v2-0-0.bin > CCS811_FW_App_v2-0-0.h

The resulting text file CCS811_FW_App_v2-0-0.h starts like this

// Hex dump of 'CCS811_FW_App_v2-0-0.bin' created at 2020-03-07 17:59:19.992906

#include <stdint.h>

const char * image_name="CCS811_FW_App_v2-0-0.bin";
const uint8_t image_data[] PROGMEM = {
  0x5c, 0x1a, 0xdd, 0xff, 0x15, 0x25, 0xdd, 0x66,   0xfc, 0x88, 0x80, 0x49, 0x02, 0xdc, 0x17, 0x10, 
  0x1f, 0x73, 0x60, 0xae, 0xf4, 0xa0, 0x5d, 0xda,   0xcd, 0xca, 0x94, 0xc6, 0x6b, 0x96, 0x4f, 0xea, 
  0xed, 0xbd, 0xde, 0xc2, 0xea, 0xc1, 0x44, 0x8b,   0xf3, 0x7a, 0x4d, 0x61, 0x22, 0x83, 0xe5, 0xac, 
  0x3c, 0xb1, 0x44, 0x5f, 0x91, 0xa2, 0xdc, 0xd2,   0x40, 0x63, 0x1c, 0x11, 0x60, 0x10, 0x33, 0xe7, 

Finally, I have written a sketch ccs811flash.ino that uses this array to flash the CSS811.

If you prefer 2-0-1 instead of 2-0-0, please change the line 12

// The firmware image as byte array in C
#include "CCS811_FW_App_v2-0-0.h"


// The firmware image as byte array in C
#include "CCS811_FW_App_v2-0-1.h"


I hooked CCS811 with 1.1.0 firmware to the ESP8266. The script gave this output:

Starting CCS811 flasher
setup: library version: 9
setup: hardware    version: 12
setup: bootloader  version: 1000
setup: application version: 1100
setup: starting flash of 'CCS811_FW_App_v2-0-0.bin' in 5 seconds

ccs811: ping ok
ccs811: reset ok
ccs811: status (reset1) 10 ok
ccs811: app-erase ok
ccs811: status (app-erase) 40 ok
ccs811: writing 5120 ................................................................ 4608
ccs811: writing 4608 ................................................................ 4096
ccs811: writing 4096 ................................................................ 3584
ccs811: writing 3584 ................................................................ 3072
ccs811: writing 3072 ................................................................ 2560
ccs811: writing 2560 ................................................................ 2048
ccs811: writing 2048 ................................................................ 1536
ccs811: writing 1536 ................................................................ 1024
ccs811: writing 1024 ................................................................ 512
ccs811: writing 512 ................................................................ 0
ccs811: app-verify ok
ccs811: status (app-verify) 30 ok
ccs811: reset2 ok
ccs811: status (reset2) 10 ok

loop: ended ...
loop: ended ...

Then I pressed reset, and this was the output

Starting CCS811 flasher
init: hardware    version: 12
init: bootloader  version: 1000
init: application version: 2000
init: already has 2.0.0
loop: ended ...
loop: ended ...

A brick?

I once aborted flashing half way, which means you end up with a CCS811 without a valid app. The bootloader is still there, so no worries. Just run the flash app again.

Starting CCS811 flasher
setup: library version: 9
ccs811: Wrong HW_ID: FD
setup: CCS811 begin FAILED
setup: hardware version: FD
setup: bootloader version: FDFD
setup: application version: FDFD
setup: starting flash of CCS811_FW_App_v2-0-0.bin' in 5 seconds

ccs811: ping ok
ccs811: reset ok
ccs811: status (reset1) 20 ERROR - ignoring
ccs811: app-erase ok
ccs811: status (app-erase) 40 ok
ccs811: writing 5120 ................................................................ 4608
ccs811: writing 4608 ................................................................ 4096
ccs811: writing 4096 ................................................................ 3584
ccs811: writing 3584 ................................................................ 3072
ccs811: writing 3072 ................................................................ 2560
ccs811: writing 2560 ................................................................ 2048
ccs811: writing 2048 ................................................................ 1536
ccs811: writing 1536 ................................................................ 1024
ccs811: writing 1024 ................................................................ 512
ccs811: writing 512 ................................................................ 0
ccs811: app-verify ok
ccs811: status (app-verify) 30 ok
ccs811: reset2 ok
ccs811: status (reset2) 10 ok

loop: ended ...
loop: ended ...

Success rate

Table with successful flashes.

# Person When Lib Board Host IDE
1 @maarten-pennings 2018 Dec 5 v8 ams eval kit ESP8266 (Robotdyn) Arduino
2 @maarten-pennings 2018 Dec 7 v8 CJMCU-811 ESP8266 (Robotdyn) Arduino
3 @bfaliszek 2018 Dec 17 v8 CJMCU-811 ESP8266 Arduino
4 @rovale 2018 Dec 28 v8 CJMCU-811 ESP32 (LOLIN D32) Arduino
5 @bertrik 2019 Jan 03 v8 CJMCU-811 ESP8266 (d1 mini) platformio
6 @bfaliszek 2019 Jan 04 v8 CCS811/HDC1080 ESP8266 Arduino
7 Kees M 2019 Jan 13 v8 CJMCU-811 Arduino nano Arduino
8 @maarten-pennings 2019 Jan 18 v9 ams eval kit Arduino nano Arduino
9 @maarten-pennings 2019 Jan 18 v9 CJMCU-811 ESP8266 (Wemos) Arduino
10 @hmax42 2019 Mar 14 v10 CJMCU-811 ESP8266 unknown
11 @bill-orange 2019 May 31 v10 Adafruit CCS811 unknown unknown
12 @msbjx5 2019 Jun 26 v10 CJMCU-811 WEMOS D1 Arduino
13 @regnerus 2019 Jul 4 v10 CJMCU-8118 (CCS811+HDC1080) WEMOS D1 unknown
14 @Phycheplabowa 2019 Nov 5 v10 CJMCU-811 + CJMCU-8128 (5x) ESP8266 platformio
15 @SFeli 2019 Dec 29 v10 CJMCU-8128 ESP32 Arduino
16 @ciphercore 2020 Jan 10 v10 CJMCU-811 Arduino Uno Arduino
17 @luytendries 2020 Feb 10 v10 CJMCU-811 ESP32 Arduino
18 @soczkers 2020 Apr 1 v10 CJMCU-8128 ESP32 (lolin lite) Arduino
19 @dadosch 2020 Apr 10 v10 ? ? ?
20 @Roelski 2020 Apr 11 v10 HDC1080 EPS32 ?
21 @fcar12 2021 Feb 11 v10 CJMCU-811 Arduino Uno Arduino
22 @piecol 2021 Jun 11 v10 HELTEC CCS811 capsule addon HTCC-AM02 Arduino

(end of doc)