This repository contains code and data accompanying the following paper (Bausch et al., 2021):
Concept neurons in the human medial temporal lobe flexibly represent abstract relations between concepts
Marcel Bausch1, Johannes Niediek1, Thomas P. Reber1,2*, Sina Mackay1, Jan Boström3, Christian E. Elger1, Florian Mormann1
1 Department of Epileptology, University of Bonn Medical Centre, Bonn, Germany
2 Faculty of Psychology, UniDistance Suisse, Brig, Switzerland
3 Department of Neurosurgery, University of Bonn Medical Centre, Bonn, Germany
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]. All data files and code are in Matlab format.
We used Matlab R2016b with the statistics toolbox. To reproduce the figures in the manuscript, start matlab, navigate to the repository-folder and add it to the matlabpath:
Then call one of these scripts or functions:
: gives an overview of all functions. Run each code block separately to reproduce the respective figure from the paper.plot_*.m
: all functions with this prefix in plot_figures.m do the actual plotting.create_*.m
: all functions with this prefix in plot_figures.m show how the statistics for the respective subfigure was computed.