PHP Class to sending SMTP e-mails.
- Author: Alexandre Tedeschi (d)
- E-Mail: alexandrebr at gmail dot com
- Company:
- Londrina - PR / Brazil
- License: Freeware
If you want to use SMTP, sockets must be enabled
If your SMTP server uses SSL, SSL extension must be enabled
No other classes are required
- Thanks to Manuel Lemos (SMTP and SASL classes)
- Thanks to Richard Heyes (MIME classes)
$m->error (Read-only property)
$m->delay (default: 1. Seconds of delay when mass-mailing)
$m->debug (dumping-debug)
$m->logFolder (default: false. fill it if you want to save logs)
$m->logFile (default: false. fill it if you want to save logs)
$m->easyMail ($to, $subject, $message[, $from[, $html[, $attach]]])
$m->setPriority($priority) (1=High, 3=Normal, 5=Low)
$m->setCharset ($charset)
$m->setFrom ($from_mail[, $from_name])
$m->setTo ($visible_targets)
$m->setBcc ($hidden_targets)
$m->setSubject ($subject)
$m->setMessage ($body[, $isHtml[, $autoNl2br]])
$m->autoAttachFile($filename, $filedata)
$m->send ([$startInPart])
$m->setHTMLFile($filename[, $importImages])
$m->setEMLFile ($filename)
$m->importHTML ($filebody, $baseDir[, $importImages])
$m->importEML ($filebody)
$m->exportEML ([$setUnsent])
$m->sendThroughSMTP($server[, $port[, $user[, $pass[, $ssl]]]])
$m->sendThroughGMail ("[email protected]", "password");
$m->sendThroughYahoo ("[email protected]", "password");
$m->sendThroughHotMail("[email protected]", "password");
$m->allowDupe() (Allow duplicated targets)
$m->blockDupe() (Automatically remove duplicated targets in To/Cc/Bcc list - Default)
Note: see example files to get real usage cases.