GitLab Pipeline Trigger
(1)This GitHub action triggers and waits for a GitLab pipeline to complete.
You can for example use this action in your GitHub workflow to trigger a deployment pipeline on a private GitLab server after a successful build pipeline and wait for the deployment (with possible End2End tests) to finish, so you would get a notification if the deployment failed.
participant GITHUB as GitHub Actions
participant ACTION as Action
participant GITLAB as GitLab CI
GITHUB->>ACTION: Run action
ACTION->>GITLAB: Trigger a new pipeline
loop Every 15 seconds
ACTION->>GITLAB: Poll pipeline status
GITLAB-->>ACTION: Current pipeline status
ACTION-->>GITHUB: Final pipeline status
The GitLab host to trigger the pipeline on. Default
Required The ID or path of the project owned by the authenticated user. You will find the Project ID in the General Settings of your GitLab project.
Required The branch or tag to run the pipeline on.
Required The GitLab pipeline trigger token to trigger the pipeline.
The GitLab pipeline access token
to access the pipeline via the API. You need the read_api
and read_repository
scopes with Reporter
role for this token.
For public projects you don't need to provide an access token.
A map of key-valued strings containing the pipeline variables. For example: { VAR1: "value1", VAR2: "value2" }
. The value has to be valid JSON. If not set the default is {}
The last status of the pipeline. See GitLab project pipelines for more information about which status values there are.
The URL of the pipeline, for example
uses: digital-blueprint/gitlab-pipeline-trigger-action@v1
host: ''
trigger_token: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_TRIGGER_TOKEN }}
access_token: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
id: '123'
ref: 'main'
variables: '{"VAR1":"value1","VAR2":"value2"}'
GitLab Pipeline Trigger is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.