LiDR is an open-source java library available under the GNU General Public License. It provides methods for Distributed Information Retrieval (DIR). In particular, LiDR implements unsupervised small-document approaches to resource selection and a number of score normalization and results merging methods.
If you use this code, please refer to one of the following publications:
- [bib] Ilya Markov and Fabio Crestani. Theoretical, Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses of Small-Document Approaches to Resource Selection. To appear in the ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 2014.
- [bib] Ilya Markov. Uncertainty in Distributed Information Retrieval. PhD Thesis, University of Lugano, 2014.
The list of my other publications on DIR is available here.
For any questions, bugs or feature requests please submit an issue.
Distributed Information Retrieval (DIR) provides methods for aggregating multiple searcheable sources of information under a single interface. DIR usually consists of the following phases: resource description, resource selection, score normalization, results merging and results presentation. For more information on DIR please refer to the following publications and check out our DIR tutorial:
- Fabio Crestani and Ilya Markov. Distributed Information Retrieval and Applications. In Proceedings of ECIR, pages 865-868, 2013.
- Milad Shokouhi and Luo Si. Federated search. Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval, 5:1--102, 2011.
- Jamie Callan. Distributed Information Retrieval. Advances in Information Retrieval, pages 127-150, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
LiDR implements the following resource selection techniques:
- ReDDE: Luo Si and Jamie Callan. Relevant document distribution estimation method for resource selection. In Proceedings of SIGIR, pages 298-305, 2003.
- CRCS: Milad Shokouhi. Central-Rank-Based Collection Selection in Uncooperative Distributed Information Retrieval. In Proceedings of ECIR, pages 160--172, 2007.
- CiSS: Georgios Paltoglou, Michail Salampasisl and Maria Satratzemi. Integral based source selection for uncooperative distributed information retrieval environments. In Proceedings of LSDS-IR workshop, pages 67-74, 2008.
- GAVG: Jangwon Seo and Bruce W. Croft. Blog site search using resource selection. In Proceedings of CIKM, pages 1053--1062, 2008.
- SUSHI: Paul Thomas and Milad Shokouhi. SUSHI: scoring scaled samples for server selection. In Proceedings of SIGIR, pages 419--426, 2009.
- Jaime Arguello, Jamie Callan and Fernando Diaz. Classification-based resource selection. In Proceedings of CIKM, pages 1277-1286, 2009.
LiDR also provides implementations of the following score normalization and results merging methods:
- MinMax: Joon Ho Lee. Analyses of multiple evidence combination. In Proceedings of SIGIR, pages 267-276, 1997.
- Z-Score, Sum: Mark Montague and Javed A. Aslam. Relevance score normalization for metasearch. In Proceedings of CIKM, pages 427-433, 2001.
- CORI: James P. Callan, Zhihong Lu and W. Bruce Croft. Searching distributed collections with inference networks. In Proceedings of SIGIR, pages 21-28, 1995.
- SSL: Luo Si and Jamie Callan. A semisupervised learning method to merge search engine results. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, pages 457-491, 2003.
- SAFE: Milad Shokouhi and Justin Zobel. Robust result merging using sample-based score estimates. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 27:3, pages 1-29, 2009.
LiDR can be downloaded and built as shown bellow.
git clone git://
cd LiDR
ant jar
java -cp "build/jar/lidr-1.0-SANPSHOT.jar" ch.usi.inf.lidr.examples.FileExample data/csi_result data/source_results/ data/doc2resource
is the base folder, to which the library should be downloaded. The script above enters the base folder (line 1) and downloads the library located at (line 2). Then it builds the library by entering the LiDR folder (line 3) and running the ant
task (line 4). Line 5 runs the example provided with the code and discussed in more details below.
An example of LiDR usage can be found in the ch.usi.inf.lidr.examples.FileExample
class. This example assumes that the retrieval results of a centralized sample index (CSI) and of each source are stored in corresponding files according to the TREC format. The mapping between documents in CSI and their sources is also stored in a file. The data for this example is located in the data
folder: the csi_result
file contains retrieval results of CSI for five queries, the source_results
folder contains retrieval results of four different sources for the same queries and the doc2resource
file contains the mapping between CSI documents and their sources. FileExample
can be run as shown in the listing above. For each query it outputs the ranking of sources with source scores and the ranking of documents with normalized documents scores.
The listing below shows, how FileExample
initializes resource selection and score normalization methods. In particular, this example uses for resource selection and CORI for score normalization. Lines 2-4 create an instance of the ReDDETop
class (line 2) and set the value of its parameter k (lines 3-4). Lines 7-11 create an instance of the CORI
class (line 7), set its base score normalization method, in this case MinMax, (lines 8-9) and set the value of the parameter lambda (lines 10-11).
// Initialize resource selection
ResourceSelection selection = new ReDDETop();
int k = 1000;
((AbstractResourceSelection) selection).setCompleteRankCutoff(k);
// Initialize score normalization
ScoreNormalization normalization = new CORI();
ScoreNormalization baseNormalization = new MinMax();
((CORI) normalization).setNormalization(baseNormalization);
double lambdaParam = 0.4;
((CORI) normalization).setLambda(lambdaParam);
The next listing shows how LiDR can be used for distributed retrieval. In lines 6-7 the CSI ranking and a list of corresponding sources are obtained. In line 10 resource selection is performed, while in line 11 source scores are normalized for later use with CORI score normalization. Lines 13-25 iterate over the selected sources. First, the source-specific document ranking is obtained for each source in line 16. Then the corresponding source score is passed to CORI in line 20 to weigh normalized document scores. Normalization is performed in line 22 and, finally, the normalized ranking is merged with results of other sources in line 24.
//Process queries (assumes that there are 5 queries with ids from 1 to 5)
for (int queryId = 1; queryId <= 5; queryId++) {
List<ScoredEntity<String>> mergedResult = new ArrayList<ScoredEntity<String>>();
// Obtain a CSI ranking of documents and a list of corresponding sources
List<Resource> resources=getResources(csiDocs, doc2resource);
// Run resource selection and normalize resource scores
List<ScoredEntity<Resource>> normResources=new MinMax().normalize(scoredResources);
for (ScoredEntity<Resource> normResource : normResources) {
// Retrieve source-specific results
FileSearcher resourceSearcher = resourceSearchers.get(normResource.getEntity());
List<ScoredEntity<String>> resourceDocs =;
// Run normalization:
// 1. Set the relevance of the result list.
((CORI) normalization).setResultListRelevance(normResource.getScore());
// 2. Normalize document scores
List<ScoredEntity<String>> normDocs = normalization.normalize(resourceDocs);
// 3. Merge with already processed results
mergedResult = MergeSort.sort(mergedResult, normDocs);
The base package for LiDR is ch.usi.inf.lidr
. Resource selection, score normalization and results merging classes are located in selection
, normalization
and merging
sub-packages respectively. Corresponding tests can be found in the tests
sub-package, while examples are located in the examples
####Resource Selection
The UML class diagram for small-document (SD) approaches to resource selection can be found here. The root of the class hierarchy is the ResourceSelection
interface, which provides the select
method. As an input, this method receives the sample ranking of documents and a list of corresponding sources. Each document is wrapped into a ScoredEntity
object with a document identifier and a document relevance score. Each corresponding source is wrapped into a Resource
object with a source identifier, the source size and the size of its sample. The select
method outputs sources and their scores. Each output source is wrapped into a ScoredEntity
All SD resource selection techniques must implement the ResourceSelection
interface by implementing the select
method. In LiDR, SD techniques inherit this interface through the AbstractResourceSelection
class, which contains the basic implementation of select
and provides a number of other utility methods.
is an abstract class, which cannot be used directly to perform resource selection. Instead, subclasses must implement its getResourceScores
method. This is done by ReDDE
, CiSS
, in turn, provides a method getScoreAtRank
, which computes a score that a source receives if its document appears in a sample ranking at a given position with a given score. This method can be overridden by subclasses (e.g. CRCS
and GAVG
In order to implement new SD resource selection techniques, the ResourceSelection
interface can be extended directly or through the AbstractResourceSelection
class (the later is easier but less flexible). Methods, which are computationally similar to ReDDE (e.g. CRCS and GAVG), can be implemented by extending the ReDDE
####Score Normalization and Results Merging
The UML class diagram for score normalization and results merging can be found here. ScoreNormalization
is the main interface, which provides the normalize
method. This method receives a list of documents with unnormalized scores and returns the list of same documents with normalized scores. Each input and output document is wrapped into a ScoredEntity
The ScoreNormalization
interface is implemented by the LinearScoreNormalization
class. This class contains a basic implementation of the normalize
method and provides a number of utility methods (e.g. for setting the length of a ranked list to be normalized). MinMax
, ZScore
and Sum
extend LinearScoreNormalization
and implement the abstract doNormalization
method. Other score normalization techniques can be implemented either by extending the ScoreNormalization
interface or the LinearScoreNormalization
The ResultsMerging
interface extends ScoreNormalization
and serves as a wrapper for result merging techniques. ResultsMerging
is directly implemented by CORI
and SAFE
. Note that each of these classes provide methods for setting additional parameters required to perform semi-supervised score normalization. For example, CORI
allows to set its base normalization method (MinMax is used by default) and the value of its parameter. Also CORI
requires setting the relevance of a ranked list (e.g. a corresponding resource selection score) before actually running normalization.
requires a sample ranking of documents to train a regression for a given query. This ranking should be set using the setSampleDocuments
method for each query before running normalization.
To normalize document scores coming from a particular source, SAFE
requires the ratio R/S for this source, where R and S are the source and sample sizes respectively. This ratio should be set using the setRankRatio
method before running normalization. Similar to SSL
also needs the sample ranking of documents for each query. This ranking should be set before normalizing document scores using the setSampleDocuments