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Testbed Package

Testbed Configuration

The testbed is configured with the testbed.json file. See sample-config.json for a full example. Most parts of this config are checked against the JSON schema located at controller/assets/config.schema.json. The top-level of the testbed configuration has the following structure:

    "settings": {}, // Settings for testbed runs
    "networks": [], // Definition for virtual networks in testbed
    "integration": [], // Definition of Integrations
    "instances": [] // Definition of Instances

In all parts of the testbed configuration placeholder variables in the form {{ PLACEHOLDER }} can be inserted. These are replaces by the value of the corresponding environment variables upon testbed startup and before the JSON is validated. Environment variables must be set for all placeholders used in the testbed configuration, otherwise the startup will be aborted.


The following settings are possible via the testbed configuration. All settings are optional.

    "management_network": "auto",
    "diskimage_basepath": "/images/",
    "startup_init_timeout": 120,
    "experiment_timeout": 120
  • management_network: The subnet for the management network. If omitted, the management network is disabled for all Instances - they are not reachable via SSH or have automatic internet access. Values:
    • auto: A free subnet is selected automatically (default)
    • Subnet definition (e.g., Instances get IP addresses from the given subnet
  • diskimage_basepath: Base path for the disk images for the Instances. If relative path are given for the Instances, they are relative to this value (defaults to /)
  • startup_init_timeout: Timeout in seconds for startup and setup of the Instances (defaults to 30 seconds)
  • experiment_timeout: Timeout for the experiments in seconds. Select -1 so that the timeout is calculated based on the application with the longest duration (defaults to -1)


Array of all networks used to build the virtual topology. Each network needs a name. Optionally, physical interfaces of the Testbed Host (host_ports) can be attached to a network.

    "name": "name",
    "host_ports": ["eno2"] // or null


Array of all Instances in a testbed. At least, name, diskimage and networks are required.

    "name": "name",
    "diskimage": "/path/to/diskimage.qcow2",
    "setup_script": "path/to/", // or null
    "environment": { // or null
        "KEY": "VALUE"
    "cores": 2,
    "memory": 1024,
    "networks": [
    "netmodel": "virtio",
    "preserve_files": [ // or null
    "applications": [
        // See "Applications" subsection
  • name: Self-selected name of the Instance, used for internal reference, file preservation and labeling of the data pushed to the InfluxDB. Should be unique in a single testbed.
  • diskimage: Disk image the Instance is based on. Relative to settings.diskimage_basepath.
  • setup_script: Path to the setup script, that is executed on the Instance upon start. This script must be located inside the Testbed Package and the path is relative to its root. The setup script must be executable. Can be null or omitted if no setup is needed for the Instance. A valid bash script that exists with 0 on success is expected.
  • environment: Environment variables passed to the setup script as a string:string object. Can be null or omitted, when no variables are needed.
  • cores: CPU cores assigned to the Instance, optional (defaults to 2)
  • memory: Memory assigned to the Instance in MB, optional (defaults to 1024MB)
  • networks: List of networks the Instance will be attached to. All networks must be defined in the networks section. At most, an Instance can be attached to 4 networks (management network not included). The interfaces om the Instances will be assigned to networks by list positions and named eth1 to eth4. The management network is always named mgmt, when enabled.
  • netmodel: Emulation model for all virtual network interfaces of an Instance from virtio, e1000 and rtl8139 (defaults to virtio)
  • preserve_files: List of files that are copied to the Testbed Host before the Instance is terminated, if enabled during the testbed run. Absolute paths from the root of the Instance's file system. Can be omitted if no files should be preserved.


Array of Applications installed on the Instance. Leave empty when the Instance should not execute any Applications. Each Application object consists of common settings and an Application-specific settings section.

    "application": "type-of-application",
    "name": "name",
    "delay": 0,
    "runtime": 30,
    "dont_store": false,
    "settings": {
        // Application-specific settings
  • application: Type of the Application. First, Applications bundled in the Instance Manager are loaded. If the type is not found in these Applications, this value is interpreted as a path relative to the Testbed Package root, from there, the Instance Manager will attempt to dynamically load the Application. Have a look in the applications/ directory of the repo to see what Applications are available bundled in the Instance Manager.
  • name: Self-selected name of the Application, used for logs and result data labeling. Should be unique for each Instance in a testbed.
  • delay: Delay in seconds for the start of Application after the Experiments are started on all Instances (defaults to 0 seconds)
  • runtime: Maximum runtime in seconds for the Application, after this time, the Application will be terminated. It is up to the Application, if this value is used or another runtime is defined (defaults to 30 seconds)
  • dont_store: Boolean value if the Application should be executed without pushing data to the InfluxDB (defaults to false)
  • settings: Application-specific configuration, this object is passed to the Application Type selected by application. See the documentation in each Application of in the applications/ and extra-applications/ directories for the specific settings.


Integrations are programs executed on the Testbed Host during the Testbed execution (e.g., for running a simulator or manipulating physical interfaces). There are several important things to consider when using Integrations:

  • Integrations modify can change configurations of the Testbed Host - these changes are not rolled back automatically. The user must ensure, that the Integrations resets these changes upon termination of a testbed (e.g., by a shutdown script)
  • Integrations can be started at different phases of a testbed run, depending on when the configuration done by the Integration or software executed by the Integration needs to be available
  • Integrations cannot push data to the InfluxDB. If you need to store data, you should rework your setup to use an Application for that.

Any number of Integrations can be executed on the Testbed Host, definitions are provided in an array:

    "type": "type-of-integration",
    "name": "name",
    "environment": { // or null
        "KEY": "VALUE",
    "invoke_after": "startup", // or "network", "init",
    "wait_after_invoke": 0,
    "settings": {
        // Integration-specific settings
  • type: Type of the Integration. First, Integrations bundled in the Testbed Controller are loaded. If the type is not found in these Integrations, this value is interpreted as a path relative to the Testbed Package root, from there, the Controller will attempt to dynamically load the Integration. Have a look in the controller/src/integrations/ directory of the repo to see what Integrations are available bundled in the Controller.
  • name: Self-selected name of the Integration, used for logging. Should be unique for each testbed run.
  • environment: Environment variables passed to the Integration as a string:string object. Can be null or omitted, when no variables are needed.
  • invoke_after: Stage, when the Integration will be started. The following stages are available:
    • startup: Directly after the testbed controller has been started (before the Instances or networks are started. If the Integrations provide network interfaces (e.g., simulation software), they can be used in networks.host_ports after this stage)
    • network: After the Instances and networks are started. All bridges and TAP interfaces are available at this stage, but the setup on the Instances is not started.
    • init: After the setup of the Instances is completed, but before any experiments are started.
  • wait_after_invoke: Time in seconds the testbed Controller waits after the Integration was started before proceeding (defaults to 0 seconds)
  • settings: Integration-specific configuration, this object is passed to the Integration Type selected by tyüe. See the documentation in the controller/src/integrations/ directory for the specific settings.

Other Files in the Testbed Package

All files contained in the Testbed Package are made available in the file system of all Instances at /opt/testbed in a read only way. The Testbed Package should contain only files that can be checked out in a version control system, so binaries etc. should be copied to the Testbed Package before execution.

Dynamically Loaded Applications and Integrations

The Testbed Package can contain Python files for Applications and Integrations that are dynamically loaded during the testbed execution. See docs/ for further details.

Setup Script

The setup script is executed on an Instance once at the startup, before any experiments are started. It should perform the Instance-specific configuration and installation of additional dependencies in a one-shot way. Foreground programs used on the Instances should be handled using Applications. Startup scripts need to be executable.

Alongside the environment variables defined in instances.environment, the following environment variables are always passed to the setup script:

  • TESTBED_PACKAGE: Path to the directory, where the Testbed Package is mounted on the Instance. Additional dependencies or configuration files can be copied from there.
  • INSTANCE_NAME: The name of the Instance the script is executed on.

Additional Scripts

Besides the dependencies and configurations required by the setup script, the Testbed Package can also contain files that are used by different parts of the framework:

  • Applications: Scripts used by applications, e.g., the run-program Application found at applications/
  • Integrations: Scripts executed by Integrations, e.g., the start- and stop-scripts executed by the startstop Integration found at controller/src/integration/