A Python backend application using FastAPI.
This installation section is meant for software engineers which like to do contributions to the project. If you are an end user who just wants to install Irrigation-Pi on your Raspberry Pi, you can ignore this section.
Install Poetry on your machine, i.e.:
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
Configure poetry to install virtual environments in project folders:
poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
In project root install Python package dependencies with Poetry and create a virtual environment:
poetry install
The application uses a SQLite database as the application meant to be run on an Raspberry Pi. Migrations are managed with Alembic.
After creating the virtual environment you are able to use the project's management CLI to install the database. Activate virtual environment, then install the SQLite database:
source .venv/bin/activate
irrigation-pi install database
Start the backend application:
irrigation-pi run backend
The backend application is running afterwards and is accessible on: