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File metadata and controls

499 lines (413 loc) · 14 KB

WebQueryToolkit is a mini framework that aids in the development of paginated web pages. It includes:

  • An API of three classes
  • UI controls for XCST
  • Extension elements and attributes for declarative configuration

WebQueryToolkit is meant to be used as a starting kit. It is therefore intentionally small and there's no binary distribution. Use the source and tweak as necessary.


WebQueryResults -> WebQueryParameters -> WebQuerySettings


Defines default values and configuration of query parameters. e.g.:

var querySettings = new WebQuerySettings(
   orderBy: "Id DESC",
   orderByParameterAllowed: true,
   orderByAllowedProperties: new[] { "Id", "Price" },
   skipParameterAllowed: true,
   top: 24

All the parameters of the WebQuerySettings constructor are optional. Everything is turned off by default. In the above example, the orderby and skip parameters are allowed, which means the client can specify them in the URL, but the top parameter is not.


Represents the query parameters to be used by your application. The values may come from settings or from the query string. e.g.:

WebQueryParameters queryParams = null;

if (!Request.TryCreateWebQueryParameters(querySettings, out queryParams)) {
   Response.StatusCode = 404;

TryCreateWebQueryParameters is an extension method, which is a shortcut for:

WebQueryParameters queryParams = null;

if (!WebQueryParameters.TryCreate(Request.Url, Request.QueryString, querySettings, out queryParams, out _ /*errorMessage*/) {
   Response.StatusCode = 404;

WebQueryParameters has three main properties: OrderBy, Skip and Top. In the above example, queryParams.Top is 24.

Now you can use queryParams to query your database:

var set = db.Table<Product>();

int totalCount = set.Count();

IEnumerable<Product> results = set

Use the ORM of your preference. The above example uses DbExtensions.


Wraps an IEnumerable<TResult> to include pagination information. e.g.:

var queryResults = new WebQueryResults<Product>(results, totalCount /* optional */, queryParams);

WebQueryResults itself implements IEnumerable, so you can enumerate as usual:

foreach (Product item in queryResults) {

WebQueryResults has properties like TotalCount, QueryParameters, NumberOfPages and CurrentPage.

UI Controls

WebQueryToolkit implements three UI controls: pagination, pager and table. These are written in XCST. Porting to other template engines should be trivial.

Use c:use-package to import the controls:

<c:use-package name='WebQueryToolkit.WebQueryPackage'/>

Pagination control

Renders a Bootstrap pagination component:

<c:call-template name='pagination'>
   <c:with-param name='queryResults' value='queryResults'/>
<ul class="pagination">
  <li class="page-item page-prev disabled">
    <span class="page-link">← Anterior</span>
  <li class="page-item active">
    <span class="page-link">1</span>
  <li class="page-item">
    <a class="page-link" href="/foo?$skip=24">2</a>
  <li class="page-item">
    <a class="page-link" href="/foo?$skip=48">3</a>
  <li class="page-item page-next">
    <a class="page-link" href="/foo?$skip=24">Siguiente →</a>


Name Default Type Required
queryResults WebQueryToolkit.WebQueryResults yes
maxPagesToDisplay 12 int no
alwaysDisplayPreviousNext true bool no
alwaysDisplayFirstLast true bool no
urlPath string no

Pager control

Renders a Bootstrap pager component (which was dropped in v4, so it needs a little CSS):

<c:call-template name='pager'>
   <c:with-param name='queryResults' value='queryResults'/>
<ul class="pager">
  <li class="disabled">
    <span title="Primera">|←</span>
  <li class="disabled">
    <span title="Anterior"></span>
    <span>1 - 24 de 67</span>
    <a href="/foo?$skip=24" title="Siguiente"></a>
    <a href="/foo?$skip=48" title="Última">→|</a>


Name Default Type Required
queryResults WebQueryToolkit.WebQueryResults yes
urlPath string no

Table control

Renders an HTML table using the type's metadata. It supports filtering, sorting and paging.


For example, using c:type (although you can also do it in plain C# using data annotations):

<c:type name='TypeEntry'>
   <c:member name='Name' as='string'/>
   <c:member name='Namespace' as='string' order='1'/>
   <c:member name='IsAbstract' as='bool' display-name='Abstract'/>
var querySettings = new WebQuerySettings(
   filterAllowedProperties: new[] { nameof(TypeEntry.Namespace), nameof(TypeEntry.Name), nameof(TypeEntry.IsAbstract) },
   orderBy: nameof(TypeEntry.Namespace),
   orderByParameterAllowed: true,
   skipParameterAllowed: true,
   top: 12

WebQueryParameters queryParams = null;
var filters = new TypeEntry();

if (!(Request.TryCreateWebQueryParameters(querySettings, out queryParams)
   && await TryUpdateModelAsync(filters, valueProvider: new QueryStringValueProvider(BindingSource.Query, HttpContext.Request.Query, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)))) {

   Response.StatusCode = 404;

var set = typeof(object).Assembly
   .Where(t => !t.IsNested && t.IsPublic);
var filtersOptions = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<SelectListItem>> {
      new SelectList(set
         .Select(t => t.Namespace)
var filteredSet = set;
if (filters.Namespace != null) {
   filteredSet = filteredSet.Where(t => t.Namespace == filters.Namespace);
if (filters.Name != null) {
   filteredSet = filteredSet.Where(t => t.Name.StartsWith(filters.Name));
if (filters.IsAbstract != null) {
   filteredSet = filteredSet.Where(t => t.IsAbstract == filters.IsAbstract);
var queryResults = new WebQueryResults<TypeEntry>(
   // OrderBy(string) is possible with System.Linq.Dynamic
   filteredSet.OrderBy($"{queryParams.OrderBy}, {nameof(Type.Name)}")
      .Select(t => new TypeEntry { Name = t.Name, Namespace = t.Namespace, IsAbstract = t.IsAbstract }),
<c:call-template name='table'>
   <c:with-param name='queryResults' value='queryResults'/>
<table class="table table-striped wqt-table">
         <th title="Namespace" class="sortable sorting asc">
            <a href="/foo?$orderby=Namespace+desc">Namespace</a>
         <th title="Name" class="sortable">
            <a href="/foo?$orderby=Name">Name</a>
         <th title="Abstract" class="sortable">
            <a href="/foo?$orderby=IsAbstract">Abstract</a>
      <tr class="filters">
            <form id="wqt-table-form" autocomplete="off">
               <button type="submit" class="apply" title="Aplicar filtro"></button>
               <button type="button" class="clear" title="Quitar filtro" hidden="hidden"></button>
               <select form="wqt-table-form" name="Namespace" id="Namespace">
                  <option value=""></option>
                  <!-- Options omitted for clarity -->
               <input form="wqt-table-form" placeholder="" type="text" name="Name" value="" id="Name"/>
               <select form="wqt-table-form" placeholder="" name="IsAbstract" id="IsAbstract">
                  <option value="" selected=""></option>
                  <option value="true">True</option>
                  <option value="false">False</option>
            <div class="trunc" data-text="Microsoft.Win32"></div>
            <div class="trunc" data-text="Registry"></div>
            <div class="trunc" data-text="True"></div>
            <div class="trunc" data-text="Microsoft.Win32"></div>
            <div class="trunc" data-text="RegistryHive"></div>
            <div class="trunc" data-text="False"></div>
            <div class="trunc" data-text="Microsoft.Win32"></div>
            <div class="trunc" data-text="RegistryKey"></div>
            <div class="trunc" data-text="False"></div>
      <!-- Rows omitted for clarity -->
         <td colspan="4">
            <ul class="pager">
               <li class="disabled">
                  <span title="Primera">|←</span>
               <li class="disabled">
                  <span title="Anterior"></span>
                  <span>1 - 12 de 1522</span>
                  <a href="/foo?$skip=12" title="Siguiente"></a>
                  <a href="/foo?$skip=1512" title="Última">→|</a>


Name Default Type Required
queryResults WebQueryToolkit.WebQueryResults yes
tableId string no
tableClass string no
rowUrlFn Func<object, string> no
filtersOptions IDictionary<string, IEnumerable<SelectListItem>> no


Hiding columns

The table control by default creates a column for each property of the type used. There are three ways to hide columns:

1. display attribute

<c:member name='Foo' as='string' display='no'/>

2. ScaffoldColumn annotation

public string Foo { get; set; }

3. TableColumnDisplay function

<c:use-package name='WebQueryToolkit.WebQueryPackage'>
      <c:function name='TableColumnDisplay' as='bool'>
         <c:param name='col' as='ModelMetadata'/>

         <c:return value='col.PropertyName != "Foo"'/>

Disabling text truncation

The table control uses a CSS technique to truncate long text. You can disable this overriding the TableCellTruncate function:

<c:use-package name='WebQueryToolkit.WebQueryPackage'>
      <c:function name='TableCellTruncate' as='bool'>
         <c:param name='cell' as='ModelMetadata'/>
         <!-- Disable for specific column -->
         <c:return value='cell.PropertyName != "Foo"'/>

Sorting dropdown

<c:variable name='queryParams' value='queryResults.QueryParameters'/>
<c:text>Sort By </c:text>
<select onchange='window.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value'>
   <c:for-each name='opt' in='queryParams.Settings.OrderByAllowedProperties'>
      <option value='{queryParams.GetSortUrl(opt)}'>
         <c:if test='queryParams.OrderBy == opt'>
            <c:attribute name='selected'>selected</c:attribute>
            <c:when test='opt == "relevance"'>Relevance</c:when>
            <c:when test='opt == "price"'>Price - Low to High</c:when>
      <c:variable name='optDesc'>{opt} desc</c:variable>
      <!-- The descending option might not be valid for every property -->
      <c:if test='opt == "price"'>
         <option value='{queryParams.GetSortUrl(optDesc)}'>
            <c:if test='queryParams.OrderBy == optDesc'>
               <c:attribute name='selected'>selected</c:attribute>
               <c:when test='opt == "price"'>Price - High to Low</c:when>

Pagination meta links

<c:if test='queryResults.QueryParameters?.PaginationEnabled == true'>
   <c:if test='queryResults.CurrentPage > 1'>
      <link href='{queryResults.QueryParameters.GetPageUrl(queryResults.CurrentPage - 1)}' rel='prev'/>
   <c:if test='queryResults.CurrentPage &lt; queryResults.NumberOfPages'>
      <link href='{queryResults.QueryParameters.GetPageUrl(queryResults.CurrentPage + 1)}' rel='next'/>